Chapter 17: Goku’s extraordinary wisdom! Gather all seven dragon balls! Summon the dragon!

“Ryuhotaru: There is also the elixir of life that the turtle immortals have eaten, is there really such a thing?”

“Yanqing: It doesn’t seem like there are any side effects.”

“Dusting gold: This is very different from the blessing of abundance.”

“Dust Gold: The blessing of abundance is not perfect, but the elixir of the turtle immortal does not seem to have side effects.”

“Cat again: This is amazing!!”

“Suzu: It’s like a mythical world.”

“Feixiao: The existence of that world, although there is no star god, there are many things that are not inferior to the star god.”

“Funina: Speaking of which, what are you talking about abundance and star gods?”

“Funinga: Does that blessed bounty have the same effect as the elixir?”

“Star: This kind of thing should still be handled by professionals, right?”

“Star: Danheng?”

“Danheng: Then let’s explain it briefly.”

“Danheng: In our world, there are many philosophical beings, whose existence is supreme and are called star gods.”

“Dan Heng: Every star god has his own destiny.”

“Danheng: Abundant blessing is to give healing and a long life.”

“Cat again: So it’s really a very powerful god!!”

“Tsing Yi: It looks like this.”

“Danheng: You can also be simply understood as gods.”

“Danheng: It’s just that the blessing itself that comes from abundance has many flaws.”

“Danheng: These flaws can even lead to terrifying disasters.”

“Dan Heng: Some lives have been blessed, but they have become monsters and are going to be destroyed.”

“Funina: That’s really …… If that’s how you compare, the elixir of life is really amazing.”

“Dark Tower: A miracle like the elixir of their world is indeed.”

“Star: Their world is a little too ingenious.”


It’s on that exposed screen.

The Turtle Immortal himself used the Turtle Sect Qigong to directly destroy the Flame Mountain.

The power of this blow is simply terrifying.

Little Wukong’s also wants to learn at this time.

“It’s such a great kung fu, can the old man teach me this trick?”

He wanted to learn at this time.

The turtle immortal, who had lost his muscles, was now carrying the turtle shell again.

“Haha, it’s impossible.”

“It takes 50 years of hard practice to learn the Turtle Sect Divine Skill.”

50 years is simply too far away.

“Xing: Okay, okay, I took back what I just said, I didn’t expect it to take 50 years to learn.”

“March 7: If you look at it that way, it seems like everything is quite normal.”

“Hotaru: That’s right, if it looks like this, it’s a relatively weak planet.”

“Black Swan: But I believe there are always exceptions to everything, right?”

“Cat again: Should little Wukong learn it directly after reading it, right?”


On that exposure screen.

As if in response.

Little Wukong began to think about the so-called 50 years at this time.

He really doesn’t have the concept of 50 years.

However, Little Goku has now begun to learn the posture of the previous Turtle Immortal.


A wave of light rushed directly out of Little Goku’s hand, forcibly crushing the car.

It’s humbling to be so powerful.

Seeing this scene, it is simply too shocking now.

“Star: This …… I think you may have to take back what you said, after all, there is a kind of existence called genius.”

“March 7: That’s really …… A true genius.'”

“Kamisato Ayaka: That’s really …… It’s amazing, isn’t it?’

“Funina: I learned it just by looking at it, and this kind of understanding is really against the sky.”

“Cat again: Is this the blood of the Saiyans?”

“Elaine: This strength is a little too strong.”

“Star: If you feel like you’re growing up like this, it’s really not to be underestimated.”

“Blacktower: Saiyan, what a curious subject to study.”


On that exposure screen.

At this time, everyone with the turtle immortal was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, he also knew that Little Goku was the grandson of Sun Gohan.

Little Wukong was directly accepted as a disciple by the Turtle Immortals.

After that, Little Goku also decided to go to learn the art after collecting the Dragon Balls.

The last dragon ball, they have already begun to search.

Soon, the last dragon ball has been found.

It’s just that at this time, there is another group looking for Dragon Ball.

This group of people is the trio headed by Birav.

Villaf and his party snatch the Dragon Balls and begin to summon the dragon.

“Come out! Dragon! Make my wish come true!! ”

The ritual of summoning is underway.

Those seven dragon balls all radiated a dazzling light at this moment.

Then the whole world was eclipsed.

From those seven dragon balls.

With the flickering lightning and thunder, there was a huge figure, spreading out from inside.

That terrifying body of hundreds of meters.

The one who was summoned was really a dragon!!

It’s amazing to see such a scene!

“Star: Is this a divine dragon that can grant any wish?”

“March 7: How the hell is this summoned? Is such a big dragon actually in there?’

“Cat again: It’s shocking!! It’s terrifying!’

“Elaine: Can any wish really come true?”

“Funina: I really didn’t expect that there were so many wonderful things in that world.”

“Feixiao: Interesting, I really want to see what happens.”

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