Chapter 5: Frieza, the Emperor of the Universe, is afraid of the Saiyans!

“Star: What’s the situation? Can you predict the future?’

“March 7: Isn’t that a little too strong?”

“Hanabi: Predicting the future, this power is attractive enough in itself.”

“Black Tower: Speaking of which, this power reminds me of an being who walks on the path of the end.”

“Screwgrunt: Indeed, the end should have such power.”

“Kafka: Looks like someone brought up something.”

“Funina: Is there really such power?”

“Kamisato Ayaka: Wouldn’t it be too desperate to know the future?”

“Kamisato Ayaka: I know the future, but can I really change it in the end?”

“Cat again: It’s terrible!!”

“Suzu: I feel that there are many beings in their world that we can’t understand.”

“Hoshimiya: Agree, these powers are too unique.”

“Dust: This time, you can probably understand why that Frieza wants to destroy the people on this planet.”

“Topa: The power of foreseeing the future, this power is an unstable factor for anyone, right?”

“Jade: If there is no mistake in judgment, that Frieza should be the Emperor of the Universe.”

“Emerald: Bardock, these Saiyans, seem to be working under Frieza.”

“Black Swan: But as I said, the end of the Saiyans is coming.”

“Poeto: Hehehe, will you be ruthlessly cleaned up by Frieza?”

“Poeon: That’s pretty unexpected.”

“Himeko: Could it be that Frieza also sees some future?”

“Himeko: The people of this planet have the power to predict the future, but do the Saiyans also have some kind of power?”

“Walter: The most ordinary low-level warrior can become a giant ape, and other people can’t imagine it.”

“Star: I think I can threaten my position, right?”


On that exposure screen.

Bardock was still at a loss at this time.

The man continued.

“Let me tell you, you only have a cursed future.”

“You’re going to end up like us, there’s only one way to die.”

“Look at your future and struggle as much as you want.”

At this moment.

After he finished saying this curse, he was directly engulfed by Bardock’s glowing wave on the spot.

Everyone didn’t care about this so-called curse.

“Laughing to death, we Saiyans are invincible.”

“What will you see and be painful? Really. ”

However, at this very time.

Bardock has fallen.

He seemed to be in a deep slumber coma.

And on the other side.

In a mysterious base, there is a boy who is also still training.

A group of monsters that look like plant goblins, all of them swarmed up.

But they were all easily shaken away by the boy.

The light wave released afterwards destroyed all of this.

And his name is Vegeta.

Prince of Vegeta Planet!!

He has a very high level of talent, which has been shown since he was a child.

At this moment, no one knew that a fate was about to begin.

“Hoshi: Is this also a Saiyan?”

“March 7: It’s so powerful, it’s really powerful.”

“Maoyou: Sure enough, does the bloodline directly affect the combat effectiveness?”

“Funina: That’s true, it feels like the gap is a bit too big.”

“Dust: Indeed, if this is the case, the Saiyans will probably be targeted and destroyed.”

“Hotaru: Because of your own strength, you are jealous, right?”


On that exposure screen.

Frieza, for his part, has also received the message.

The Saiyans completed the mission ahead of schedule.

And the power that erupted from their bodies has aroused the deep jealousy of the people around them.

This situation seems to have come to an end.

After listening to it, Frieza also found it interesting.

A group of lower-level warriors, and a genius has also emerged.

Whether this group of people will cause trouble or not, only he knows.

It was at this time.

Before the young Vegeta left, he forced his way in front of Frieza.

Such a move also made Frieza’s face change slightly.

He now felt the encroachment.

and fun.

The seeds of doubt seem to have been planted at this moment.

“Star: I feel that this Frieza is so sinister, I don’t know what he’s thinking.”

“March 7: Do you feel like you’re aware of a threat?”

“Kamisato Ayaka: It seems like that……

“Suzu: In the movie, the villain is going to do it at this time.”

“Suzu: For example, if you do it again, you can destroy all the …… of the child while he is out.”

“Suzu: I won’t find out the truth about this until the child grows up!”

“Zhe:…… The reality shouldn’t be so outrageous, right?’

“Nicole: If Frieza is going to do it, Vegeta just misses the time.”

“Star: I’m starting to feel the pressure.”

“March 7: yes, yes, things seem to be getting more tense.”

“Portio: Hehe, will you do it right away?”

“Hotaru: Can the foreseen future really change?”


At this time, Bardock was still in a coma in …… medical cabin

PS: New book starts, points of data, update and stability.

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