Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 96: I-based cooperation

097 Many things can be communicated

Wei Dongsheng asked kindly: "How do you feel during these three and four months?"

Wei Dongsheng's words are quite condescending, as if the leader is condoning the masses. However, Wei Dongsheng has been deeply involved in the development of Cambrian 2004 for half a year, and has conquered all researchers including Xiao Lei, Zheng Lixin and others with complete heterogeneous computing theories and rich cutting-edge knowledge. Zheng Lixin respects knowledge and achievements. Now he treats Wei Dongsheng as he treats his respected mentor, and he will never doubt Wei Dongsheng as he did when he first came. Zheng Lixin responded to Wei Dongsheng's condolences with the Mavericks waiting for the big run: "Very good."

Very good, it is the truth from Zheng Lixin.

Wei Dongsheng comes from a good product manager. He pays attention to the customer experience when facing customers, and he also focuses on the feelings of employees when facing employees. In particular, the technical staff of Zhiyu, in addition to meeting their needs as much as possible in terms of work, Wei Dongsheng is also doing his best to serve in place in terms of life, to reduce the troubles in life within his ability, so that this group of technicians can invest more in work. More energy. When Zheng Lixin came to Zhiyu, although he did not theoretically perceive Wei Dongsheng’s values ​​that are completely different from other capitalists, he actually enjoys benefits. He does not have to worry about food and accommodation during the day, and he does not have to worry about accommodation and hygiene. Life is simpler and easier than that of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. A lot.

Wei Dongsheng communicated with Zheng Lixin for a while, and realized that Zheng Lixin was a little impatient, and then went deep into the theme: "Do you think Lenovo is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise?"

Zheng Lixin was stunned, and immediately avoided answering: "I don't understand this."

Wei Dongsheng: "Just talk about it."

Zheng Lixin considered it for a while: "It's definitely not a state-owned enterprise."

Wei Dongsheng: "Why?"

Standing at the dawn of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zheng Lixin mocked and said: "It is Liu Chuanzhi's ideal to convert state-owned to private ownership. I said Lenovo is a state-owned enterprise. Liu Chuanzhi was the first to disagree."

Wei Dongsheng: "Lenovo is a private company?"

Zheng Lixin laughed and said: "Holding debts and lent public funds to relatives and friends; Xiangjiang Lenovo lost money, Beijing Lenovo urgently raised hundreds of millions of national loans, and then the profitable Lenovo was annexed by the closing Xiangjiang Lenovo. Hehe, there is no such private enterprise in the world. ."

Wei Dongsheng: "It's not a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise. What is that?"

Zheng Lixin sighed: "That's why I don't understand. I don't understand this world or mixed ownership. These companies are like quantum superpositions in my eyes. They are both state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. In other words, The master needs it to be a state-owned enterprise, and it is a state-owned enterprise; if it is a private enterprise, it is a private enterprise."

Wei Dongsheng followed Zheng Lixin's tone and said: "It seems that not all state-owned enterprises can represent the country."

Zheng Lixin: "State-owned enterprises and the country are originally two different things. State-owned enterprises engaged in oil and mines, if there is no national strategic level coordination, they will never care about the life and death of Suguang; specifically in the field of scientific research, Shenhai's units and Yanjing Each unit also has its own interest demands; reduced to Yanjing, even if they belong to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Computing and the Institute of Semiconductors are also two. Ha ha, speaking of the semiconductor institute, Yanjing Forestry University does not have to deal with it every year because of land disputes. There are two troubles. These units, when disputes arise, who can represent the country? No one can! State-owned enterprises are state-owned enterprises, nothing more. There are many state-owned enterprises, but the state has only one. Just like the residents committee, it exercises national responsibilities, absolutely. It is impossible to represent the country in everything."

Zheng Lixin misunderstood someone who wanted to embezzle the Cambrian 2004. He deliberately tried to appease Wei Dongsheng with a lengthy commentary, and told Wei Dongsheng euphemistically not to be afraid of those turtle grandchildren who held signs of national interest to bluff people.

Wei Dongsheng faintly understood Zheng Lixin's comfort, and he couldn't help feeling a little startled.

Hearing Zheng Lixin’s grievances, his political attitude was very clear: He felt that Lenovo was embezzling state-owned property, deeply despised but helpless to the world; at the same time, he did not hear the words of state-owned enterprises unconditionally support its interests, but rather very much. I hate the act of stealing small collective interests in the name of the country.

Such a political spectrum is not like a moral model that worships selfless dedication.

Misunderstandings are not terrible, after all, no one can know everything.

The most important thing is to control the scope of the misunderstanding and to resolve the misunderstanding in time.

Wei Dongsheng found that the problem was not dealt with rigidly. Instead, he had a conversation with Zheng Lixin to patiently understand Zheng Lixin's ideas, thus avoiding further deepening of the misunderstanding.

Wei Dongsheng continued to test Zheng Lixin's political spectrum, and suddenly talked about the old things in his hometown: "Officials are not equal to the country. I am deeply concerned about this sentence. My hometown is Shigan Village, on the edge of the old revolutionary base. The people are very political, especially Only members of the Labor Party and certain members who have been retired from the Party are eligible to be elected to the village committee. However, Shigan Village, which worships the Labor Party in this way, is regarded by Panyang City under the rule of the Labor Party. It's a gathering place for people, do you know why?"

Zheng Lixin wondered why Wei Dongsheng talked about the old things in his hometown, and followed the sentence at a loss: "Why?"

Wei Dongsheng said slowly: "In 1998, Shigan Village belonged to Liangzhu Township, Wuping County. Liangzhu Township intercepted three mentions and five unifications without authorization and raised rural surcharges, which were reflected in administrative and natural villages, and farmers’ burdens increased by 30%. The income of the village committee decreased by 40%. Shigan Village did not cooperate. The village party secretary carried documents from the central and provincial party committees and advertised to thousands of villagers in 15 natural villages that it was illegal for the township government to increase taxes privately. In order to fight the township After the government and the county government came to suppress thousands of old young women and children in Shigan Village, the armed police, who ignored the live ammunition, led the following teams in the village party secretary to march towards Panyang City, claiming to go to Lutong City to Yanjing City to expose Liangzhu Township’s excessive tax collection. Since then, Shigan Village has become a well-known Diaomin Village, and Wuping County tried every means to push Shigan Village to Panyang City."

"The village party secretary and other organizers were successively dealt with by the local government for quitting the party for crimes such as corruption and work style issues, but they are undoubtedly heroes in the hearts of the villagers. The few cases with minor plots were immediately voted into the village committees; the plots were more serious. Yes, for example, the village party secretary at the time said that he supported someone to succeed, and that person was immediately elected as the village party secretary and village director."

"The Shigan Village Party branch that exposed the over-taxation, the Liangzhu Township Government that raised the surcharge without authorization, the Wuping County County Government, which suppressed the local government, and the Panyang City Government, which finally resolved the matter properly, regardless of right or wrong. Who can represent the country?"

Zheng Lixin didn't understand.

Grandpa Zheng Lixin's grandfather was a squire and landlord, and his father moved to the city in accordance with the trend of the times. Since Zheng Lixin's grandfather, the Zheng family has completely left the countryside. Even after the founding of the Republic, Zheng Lixin's grandfather, Zheng Lixin's father, and Zheng Lixin have all taken root in the scientific research world and have no long-term living experience in the countryside. Most of Zheng Lixin's impressions of the countryside came from TV newspaper reports, and the living conditions of the villagers in Shigan Village are not very much. Therefore, Zheng Lixin did not understand the general background of this story, nor did he understand the logic of this story, let alone what Wei Dongsheng wanted to say.

However, for Wei Dongsheng, it was enough.

No response is also a response.

At least, Zheng Lixin did not take it for granted that the villagers of Shigan Village did not go through legal procedures to expose the Liangzhu Township Government.

Wei Dongsheng has been able to determine that he might have really misunderstood Zheng Lixin's original intention.

However, Wei Dongsheng did not yet understand Zheng Lixin's purpose.

As long as the other party is not an extreme moralist, many things can be communicated. Wei Dongsheng apologized to Zheng Lixin to review that every cooperation contract had a clause on voluntary waiver of privacy and freedom during work, and then handed a copy of the email to Zheng Lixin: "The reason why I called you to come over and chat was because the review department gave it to me last night. Got this."

When Zheng Lixin saw the photocopy, he immediately remembered yesterday's email, and quickly admitted his mistake and apologized: "I'm sorry, I don't know that these information have been leaked."

Wei Dongsheng waved his hand: "This part of the information will be published in the form of papers or patents in the future. Strictly speaking, it is not a leak. However, I am very curious, why did you send this email to Qian Depei?"

Zheng Lixin understood Wei Dongsheng's suspicion, and suddenly he was a little bit dumbfounded. Zheng Lixin never expected that he was kind enough to be misunderstood as an insider by the censorship department. Zheng Lixin figured out Wei Dongsheng's psychology with his own self, and thought: "Wei Dongsheng must have misunderstood that I had colluded with Qian Depei and tried to steal and copy the core technology of Cambrian 2004."

Zheng Lixin loves supercomputers and is eager to witness the birth of the world's first-class supercomputers. He really does not want to be driven out of the wisdom universe by depression. Zheng Lixin considered the pros and cons and decisively confessed to Wei Dongsheng: "Do you know who my grandfather is?"

Wei Dongsheng: "I know."

Zheng Lixin was a little surprised: "Really?"

Wei Dongsheng: "Xiao Lei has mentioned it to me."

Zheng Lixin was stunned.

Zheng Lixin’s family background was deliberately concealed by relevant parties. Searching the Internet for who is the son of Grandpa Zheng Lixin and who is the grandson, unless a post has not had time to delete, there is no answer at all. Many colleagues in the computing office and Suguang Company did not know that Zheng Lixin was the grandson of his grandfather, including Xiao Lei, who knew that Zheng Lixin's true family background was less than ten.

Zheng Lixin: "There is an anecdote circulating in the society that the atomic bomb in China was calculated by calculation."

Wei Dongsheng tried his best to ease the atmosphere, and said with a smile: "I have heard of it."

Zheng Lixin: "This anecdote is actually a misunderstanding."

Wei Dongsheng: "How to say?"

Zheng Lixin: "Is there an abacus? The answer is definitely yes. However, there is more than an abacus. There were all kinds of calculations at that time. You can't say that the atomic bomb is calculated by a pencil? In terms of the conditions at the time, having an abacus is It’s normal. However, it’s normal to say that the atomic bomb is calculated by abacus. It is similar in nature to Newton’s three laws that were smashed out by Apple. It is a dislocation in popular science propaganda. In fact, the design model of the first atomic bomb is Type 104 It’s done on the computer."

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