Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1115: Turned around and sold Jane Canaan

Chapter 1115: Turning Around And Selling Jane Canaan

When Jane Canaan always said soft words to people, she never heard Shen Linfeng anyway.

Today, something rare in a hundred years has been hit by Shen Linfeng.

Shen Linfeng suddenly felt as if his image had grown taller.

"Look what you said, what is our relationship, what is not required for this little thing, rest assured, I will not tell anyone, but it is still possible to eat, when are you going to invite me?"

Without seeing Jane Canaan, she also knows that Shen Linfeng’s expression must be very cheap at the moment, "After a few days, I will call you again when I return to Tiandu."

"Okay, by the way, I heard that you went to Susukino's house, how is it over there? You are not bullied?"

"No... remember to promise me something, I have something to hang up."


What Shen Linfeng wanted to say, the phone had been hung up by Jane Canaan, and there was a beeping busy tone in his ear.

Jane Canaan hangs up her phone and rests her phone in bed anxiously. Damn, if the time returns to a minute ago, she will not call Shen Linfeng cheaply.

But Shen Linfeng has promised that she should not be talkative?

Yes, although this person, Shen Linfeng, seems unreliable, he is still trustworthy.

With such a thought, Jane Canaan felt a little more comfortable, but Jane Canaan did not know that Shen Linfeng turned around and called Gu Mocheng to sell her!

Night fell, inside the pear garden.

Susukino personally brought Mr. Adonis's residence with the wine that he had collected for many years.

Susukino himself poured wine for Adonis.

"Adonis, you came to the girl's birthday party today to give me the old man's face, and I respect you with this glass of wine."

"Charles is welcome. The purpose of my visit today is not only to give Miss Susino a birthday, but also a very important thing. I think Charles should be very clear."

Susino smiled, "Adonis rest assured that as long as we cooperate, the future of country X and country Z will belong to us."

"When is that batch of Charles going to give it to me?"

It is said that Susukino's deep eyes flashed slightly, "Adonis should also know that the head of the Susukino family is my nephew Susukino Ran, although he is useless, there are many people who can maintain him. To eradicate the things that let the Susukino family survive, we want to cooperate for a long time and we have to solve him."

Sushiro clearly understood that he wanted Susuki to burn to death.

Adonis laughed suddenly, "Charles would like to use my hand to kill Susuki Ran? I am a businessman, but not a killer. I have always hated killing and seeing blood."

Although Adonis was laughing, the smile was not up to the bottom of his eyes, or even a bit cold.

"Adonis misunderstood me. How dare I borrow the hand of Adonis, just for our future and development, I have to resolve my nephew first, so before that time, the goods can't move."

Adonis sneered, "I didn't expect the famous Susukino to be afraid of his nephew?"

"Afraid? I haven't seen this word in my Sushiro dictionary. It's just that the kid's wings are now hardened. I think that there are a few old guys who don't know me. It's lawless to support. Development, obstacles that stand in the way must be cleaned up."

Adonis raised an eyebrow. "It's the same thing, but it's your Susukino business. It's not easy for me as an outsider to blend."

Susukino naturally didn't expect Adonis to help him eliminate Susukino Ran, but there was Adonis alone in Susukino's house, and others would be a little scared.

Who doesn’t want to cooperate with the Aden family, he has to see how the old things are unwilling in the face of interests.

"That's natural. I invited Mr. Adonis to be a guest just to let you relax and relax. Tomorrow the weather is good, let Xiao Nu Waner accompany you to the Susukiya!"

Let a dumb person who can't talk be accompanied?

The heart of Suma Zhao, who is so thin, is really well known to passers-by!

"I have long heard that Susukino has many places worth visiting, so thank you Charles."

"You're welcome, will I be Adonis in the future?"

In a pun, Adonis just smiled, didn't speak, and the two clinked together.

Susukino left after not spending much time in Liyuan. He still has one very important thing to do.

Adonis naturally knows the purpose of Susukino to invite him to stay in Liyuan, of course, he also has the purpose of staying, so it just happened to follow the meaning of Susukino.

After Susukino left, Adonis came to the window with a glass of wine, and his gaze looked at the Xinyuan not far away...

Will she come tonight?


"How about Chi Sen?"

"Waiting for you in the room."


Susukino did not believe that Chi Sen and Jane Canaan's understanding was a coincidence.

Susino never entertained guests in Wanyuan, even his closest partner, because Wanyuan was his last life-saving place.

Chi Sen was already there when Susino arrived, and he couldn't sit still at all, and he didn't forget to tune and play in Susano's house.

The tune and play is still the servant of the Susukino family.

As soon as Sushiro entered, the unreasonable Chi Sen immediately became serious and coughed, "You are here!"

Susino looked at him nonchalantly, and then looked at the servant coldly, and the little maid immediately lowered her head and ran out.

"Give me a little more at the Susukiya, this is not Yunhai City."

"Cough...Isn't it uncontrollable for a while! By the way, are you doing anything for me?"

Chi Sen voluntarily ordered a cigar for Susukino, but Susukino did not receive it, but waved and refused, "Do you have anything to explain to me?"

Chi Sen's heart clears the purpose of Susukino to find him, but does he just doubt whether he has private dealings with Susukino?

Susukino is not a fool, Chi Sen can only tell the truth.

"Do you remember what happened in Zecheng?"

Sushiro was slightly cold, "What is the relationship between Jane Canaan and Zecheng? Make it clear!"

"Jane Canaan happened to be in Zecheng when the incident in Zecheng broke out and dispensed medicine as a volunteer. When I was kidnapped, the Nighthawks pretended to be my traders, not only ruining our deal. I also destroyed your old factory in Zecheng. Then I found out that the fake I forced Jane Canaan when I was in Zecheng... I guess that hating someone might remember that person, so I kidnapped Jane Cana Nan asked her to identify to me who I suspected was Zecheng who pretended to be me..."

"I only listen to the results!"

"As a result, there were no nighthawks among those people, and Jane Canaan was taken away by Mr. J."

"Mr. J?"

"Well, Mr. J is a mysterious existence in Tiandu. No one knows who he is or what he does. Anyway, he has everything involved in real estate, entertainment, gambling, and it is also considered a personal thing."

Susino narrowed his eyes, "It seems that my niece is really not easy!"

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