Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1125: I knew it was everywhere

Chapter 1125

Ye is always a smart person. Jane Canaan obviously said that she and Ye Xiao are not in that kind of relationship. No matter whether Ye Xiao likes her or not, she only regards Ye Xiao as a friend.

Ye Lao "ha ha" smiled, and did not mention this matter anymore. After all, it was better for the young people to handle the emotional matters themselves.

After dinner, Ye Lao didn't stay long because he had something to do with it.

Xinyuan left Jan Canaan, a few bodyguards and servants.

Jane Canaan was a little bored and didn't know where to go?

Thinking of something, Jin Rubing from the side of Jane Canaan asked, "Miss Jin, please help me check Mr. Adonis' itinerary today."

"Mr. Adonis?"

Jin Rubing seemed a little surprised that Jane Canaan would suddenly mention Mr. Adonis.

"Oh...Mr. Adonis is not Susukino's partner. This person has only eternal interests and no eternal friends. I just have time to meet Mr. Adonis."

Jin Rubing frowned: "These things will be dealt with by Lord Ye, you better still..."

Jin Rubing was interrupted lightly by Jane Canaan before he finished saying, "Well? Do you believe me or worry that I will drag my brother?"

For a moment, Jin Rubing even saw the courage and deterrence of Susan Ye from the girl who was not yet 20 years old, Jane Canaan.

Jin Rubing lowered his head slightly, "Dare not."

"Okay, I didn't say anything about you. I just wanted to know Mr. Adonis' itinerary. You can check it for me as soon as possible."


When Jin Rubing left, she turned to look at Jane Canaan, maybe...she always underestimated Jane Canaan.

Jane Canaan will not be a burden to Lord Ran, but will fight side by side with Lord Ran.

Jin Rubing's efficiency is very fast, and it didn't take long to bring a message to Jane Canaan.

"What are you talking about!? Adonis and Susukino are together? How can they be together?"

Realizing that she was too excited, Jane Canaan coughed softly and pretended to sit on the sofa in a calm manner.

"Mr. Adonis is a guest of Susino, and Susino asked Susano to go out to accompany Adonis to travel to Susukino..."

In fact, Jin Rubing was also taken aback when he first heard about this news. Susano always loved Susano, and he didn’t even want Susano to contact any stranger. How could Susuo suddenly let her accompany her guests?

What is Sueno's heart to let a person who doesn't speak speak as a guide?

Does Susukino want to match Susukino and Adonis?

With this thought, Jane Canaan could not sit still, "Where are they now?"

"Just passed the Xinyuan...maybe go to the garden now."

Jane Canaan ticked her lips, "OK, clean up, let's go to the garden!"

Jin Rubing: "..."

It was no joke that Jane Canaan said to tidy up. She went back to the room and dressed up deliberately. She drew a light makeup without saying anything. She also wore a dress with a waist and a prominent figure.

Looking in the mirror with satisfaction, Jane Canaan, accompanied by Jin Rubing, went straight to the garden.

Jin Rubing looked at Jane Canaan's fierce fire, not at all like meeting the enemy, but like catching a traitor. At this time, it is early summer and the weather is not hot or cold.

Jane Canaan saw Adonis and Susukino Waner from afar.

The two were followed by many people, including bodyguards, maids, and a translator, but the translator was completely useless because Adonis seemed to understand sign language.

The two didn't know what they were talking about, Adonis smiled happily, and Suo Suo also had a rare smile on his face.

Waner Suo was born to be pretty and cute. When she smiled, she would reveal two cute little pear vortices, which made people feel uncomfortable.

In addition, Bo Ye's eyes are so beautiful and clean, the average person will definitely be attracted to her when they see her.

Gu Mocheng this bastard...

Jane Canaan gritted her teeth and walked towards several people with anger.

"Yo, isn't this Mr. Adonis and Sister Wan'er? What a coincidence, do you come to admire the flowers?"

Jane Canaan didn't realize how sour he was when saying this. Jin Rubing frowned. What happened? Is it just like the night owl that Jane Canaan was conquered by Adonis' beauty?

Are you jealous now?

After hearing Jane Canaan's voice, Susuke Bono looked over and immediately greeted Jane Canaan with a gesture, as if explaining why he was with Adonis.

Jane Canaan couldn't understand sign language and didn't know what Bo Ye Wan'er was talking about, just glared at Adonis indifferently.

The next second I heard Adonis smiled and said: "The Susukino Family's Bird of Paradise Garden is notorious, so today I asked Miss Waner to be my guide to play with me. Although Miss Waner couldn't speak, it was fortunate that I understood Sign language is very convenient to communicate, and it is quite interesting when communicating with sign language."

Waner Waer quickly waved her hand, her small face flushed embarrassedly.

Jane Canaan: "..."

The **** Gu Mocheng knew that there was a discharge everywhere, and he hooked up with a girl who was not deeply involved in the world.

"Really? When I first arrived at Susukino, I was very unfamiliar with everything here. I wonder if my sister would like to take me with me?"

Waner Waner nodded violently, of course she was willing.

Although she knew that Night Owl liked Jane Canaan, she would never be angry with Jane Canaan. On the contrary, she really wanted to know what charm Jane Canaan attracted to Ye Canaan.

And Jane Canaan is Uncle's daughter, her sister, and she naturally hopes to have a good relationship with her sister.

Seeing Wanye Waner agree, Jane Canaan looked at Adonis again, "What does Adonis mean?"

Facing Jane Canaan's beautiful eyes with a little anger, Adonis chuckled softly, "It's my pleasure to be with two beautiful women."

Jane Canaan snorted coldly in his heart. If he dare not agree, she must kill him tonight!

"Then bother, yes, what were the two of you talking about just now? Seems happy?"

After a few strokes, Susuke Bono glanced at the translator. The interpreter was about to speak, and Adonis stopped her suddenly. "I'll come. Let me be the translator for Miss Waner today."

Susuke Susano thought that Adonis would be a strong or cold man because of his status and power. He did not expect him to be empathetic, polite and gentle, he was not intimate when speaking, and his distance and scale were just right. it is good.

People like this have no way to hate him.

Waner Susuke gestured to Adonis with a "thank you."

Adonis said with a smile: "You're welcome, it's my pleasure to do the translation for Miss Wan'er."

Jane Canaan looked at the interaction between the two, and her inexplicable fire could not be eliminated, making her like an outsider.

That's right, she was an outsider who was killed halfway through.

Adonis turned around and said to Jane Canaan that he had just talked with Wakuno Bono. Jane Canaan interrupted him suddenly. "Mr. Adonis needless to say, I suddenly don't really want to know what you were just talking about..."

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