Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1148: Your peach luck is quite strong

Chapter 1148: Your Peach Blossom Luck Is Still Strong

Michelle did not want Jane Canaan and Susukino to be alone, but she couldn't come to Susukino to disobey Susano's meaning.

In Michelle's eyes, Jane Canaan is not a good person. She is with Wanye Waner, who is only washed by Jane Canaan.

When Michelle found Susino, she was not in the study but in the most hidden room in the corner of Wanyuan.

Only every time he meets summer, Susino will be here.

Michelle's brow furrowed tightly. Did the summer woman come back?

No wonder the right eyelid has been jumping recently.

Michelle doesn't like Jane Canaan, and she doesn't like summer. The two women are not like her.

In the past, Susukino did not allow anyone to disturb when talking to summer, but today the situation is different. In addition, Michelle heard about some things about summer in Tiandu, so at the risk of being punished by Susukino, Michelle went. that room.

Unexpectedly, Michelle was stopped by Leng Zen.

"Toya is talking to summer and does not allow anyone to disturb."

Michelle was already angry, and now seeing Leng Chan's attitude towards herself is even more angered, "Leng Zen, don't forget who is your best partner. Summer can betray her comrades and betray us at any time! "

Leng Chan is still the cold and cold face, "I only listen to Master's instructions!"

"I'm going to see Grandpa now, otherwise what happened to Miss Wan'er, can you afford it?"

Sure enough, Leng Zen frowned at the mention of Bo Ye Wan'er Rao's facial paralysis, as if to measure the importance between the two, and finally Leng Zen said lightly: "I'll report to Lord Tou."

Michelle raised her eyebrows and said nothing.

After more than ten seconds, Leng Zen walked out, "Master Ye let you in."

Michelle snorted coldly, knowing that summer was not as important as Suwano in Suino's heart.

When Michelle entered, he saw Susino sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and summer was sitting beside him. The two were very close. Summer was almost embraced by Susino.

Susukino's mood looks a lot better than it was in the morning, but summer's face is as cold-tuned and instructive as before.


Michelle first greeted Susino and then looked at Xia Yuxi, "Yo, isn't this Miss Summer? Long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Xia Yuxi didn't agree with Michelle when she was at Susano's house, and her identity hadn't been revealed for a while. Michelle often doubted Xia Yuxi and always took some things to test Xia Yuxi. Xia Yuxi was sick of Michelle and couldn't move Michelle. After all, Michelle was The people around Sushiro are very poisonous.

For a long time, Xia Yuxi's identity was exposed, and Xia Yuxi thought she was dead, but Susuo Tou actually left her. Since then, Xia Yuxi has become a person of Susukino. Michelle has to see her for three points. Thin side.

The position of the two has changed so much that Michelle is naturally reluctant. Every time he sees Xia Yuxi, he is not happy when he does not ridicule a few words.

When Sushiro was present, Xia Yuxi didn't want to make trouble with Michelle, but just nodded lightly, "You are more attractive than before."

In the face of Xia Yuxi’s not sincere and praised, Michelle just coldly ticked her lips, "Congratulations on your smooth return to your parents, I did not expect you to be the daughter of the Xia family in Tiandu."

In fact, the Xia family is not a famous family in Tiandu, but only because it has a deep relationship with the Gu family, it will appear to have a status.

When Michelle heard Xia's family, Xia Yuxi's face instantly froze.

Michelle chuckled softly, "Why is this expression, I will not treat your parents, but I heard some interesting gossip, I heard that you like a man named Gu Mocheng, and you are still a sweet boy, Not bad, summer, your peach luck is pretty good!"

When Michelle mentioned Gu Mocheng, Xia Yuxi's heart twitched, and he subconsciously looked at Bo Yetuo, who didn't know what he was thinking, and couldn't see the emotion on his face.

The next second, Susano's gloomy glance looked at Xia Yuxi, facing each other, and Xia Yuxi's heart shivered.

Bo Yetuo didn't speak, but his deep and sharp eyes stared straight at Xia Yuxi, as if to listen to Xia Yuxi explain her and Gu Mocheng.

Xia Yuxi knew that this matter could not be concealed. She condensed her emotions and suppressed the uneasiness and fear formed by Sushiro's majesty. She explained lightly: "I knew Gu Mocheng early. He used to be a colonel. The status of the city is very high. I appeared in Tiandu City in a state of amnesia. Naturally, I need a person with a strong background to cover me."

With that, Xia Yuxi looked coldly at Michelle, "When did Michelle like gossip like those long tongue ladies?"


Michelle's angry face was green, and then she sneered. "Dear Lord, you heard it, but your summer is fighting me for a man!"

Xia Yuxi was not angry, "You..."

The words hadn't been spoken yet, Susano interrupted the two lightly. "Okay, let me say a few words. Is it time for a fight?"

Sushiro is not angry, Michelle and Xia Yuxi are not talking, but when they stare at each other, sparks are splashing.

"Michelle, did you just say that Jane Canaan went to see Waner?"

Hearing this, Michelle put away the sneer on her face and became worried. "Yes! And Miss Wan'er didn't know what happened. She seemed to like Jane Canaan and asked me not to disturb them!"

It seems no surprise that Susuo Waner had such a move. His daughter was born by herself. How could you not know the character of Susuo Wanye?

Although there are many people around Boshin Waner, she really does not have a sincere good friend. The servants actually seem to be afraid of her when she likes her on the surface. Of course, she is even more afraid of Boshinoto behind Boshin Waner.

Wanye Wan'er didn't look lonely at all, but her heart was extremely lacking and lonely.

Finally, an interesting younger sister was attracted, and Suwano was naturally very happy.

It's just that Susano was somewhat surprised that Jane Canaan would come to see Wan'er. Since the last meeting between the two, Jane Canaan has never looked for Susino.

Nor did he respond to Sushiro whether he would stand on Sushiro's side.

If it wasn’t tightly entangled by other things recently, Susino had already given the Jane family of Tiandu a little color to let Jane Canaan know the consequences of working against him.

So is Jane Canaan really looking for Wan'er or is there any other purpose?

Seeing Susino for a long time without saying anything, Michelle wondered: "Master?"

"Well, don't care about her. Waner rarely has a sister who talks about things. Now if you disturb them, Waner will be angry."

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