Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1151: Imagine Su Yetu as Gu Mocheng

Chapter 1151 Imagine Bo Yetu as Gu Mocheng

Xia Yuxi's words just fell, and Bo Yetuo suddenly laughed, not the kind of sneer, but the pleasing smile.

"Summer, summer, I thought you would plead with Gu Mocheng? If that were the case, I would immediately kill Gu Mocheng!"

Xia Yuxi was cold all over, damn, it turned out that Susino was testing himself.

Xia Yuxi was somewhat thankful that she had not said the wrong thing.

Thinking about this, Xia Yuxijiao smiled and said, "How could it be pleading? Although Gu Mocheng brought me back to Tiandu from Yunhai City, it is the most important thing in my mind that if he makes you unhappy, he can't live with me! "

Susino reached out and smiled and squeezed Xia Yuxi's face, "Your little mouth can talk more than before."

"It's not all because of mastering and teaching well."

Xia Yuxi's coquettishness made Bo Yeto feel good, "Relax, I'm asking Mr. J to just wonder if he will be my enemy. Since he saved you, it's my benefactor, I won't treat him Moreover, there is no contradiction between me and him. Why should I deal with him?"

Hearing Bo Yetuo said, Xia Yuxi was relieved.


Xia Yuxi: "..."

How come there is "but"?

"Why do you think this Gu Mocheng pretends to be Mr. J? Is it just to rescue Jane Canaan? Or.........What other identity does he have besides Mr. J?"

Xia Yuxi's heart that had just let go lifted up again.

What exactly does Sushiro want to do with this old thing? Was he just found out and was just unsure so he tried her again and again?

Do not! She couldn't make trouble at this time, according to Susino's keenness, in case she saw her anomaly.

"If I remember correctly, the identity of the colonel is not allowed to enter the place like the Haitian feast. At that time, Gu Mocheng was Jane Canaan's fiance. It may be that he was really trying to save Jane Canaan, so he pretended to be Mr. J. As for whether he had I don’t really know what other identities are."

Xia Yuxi said very objectively, even if Sushiro was suspicious, he would not say much.

Susino stared at Xia Yuxi for a while. From Xia Yuxi's face, there was no jealousy or jealousy. It seemed that she did not respond to Gu Mocheng's rescue of Jane Canaan.

So is Xia Yuxi approaching Gu Mocheng in Tiandu just to protect herself?

Thinking of this, Susino smiled, "Well, let's not mention those annoying things, summer, have you been away for so long, do you miss me?"

Susino suddenly moved his hand, and his hand swam back and forth along Xia Yuxi's waist.

Xia Yuxi breathed a suffocation, subconsciously wanted to escape, but had to endure it.

"Baby, I miss you!"

Xia Yuxi closed his eyes tightly and imagined Sushiro as Gu Mocheng in his mind.

Afterwards, she opened her eyes and charmingly looked at Sushiro, "I miss you too."

Every day under Susukino's pressure, Xia Yuxi lived by imagining Susukino as Gu Mocheng, otherwise, she might not be able to survive.

On the other side, Gu Mocheng stood by the window and listened to the report from the man on the phone. A cold flash of light flashed through the squinted eyes, "Got it."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Shaozhong looked at Gu Mocheng's complexion, thinking that something was wrong and said, "What's wrong?"

Gu Mocheng narrowed his eyes, "Xia Yuxi left Tiandu!"

"What!? Where did she go?" "The person who followed her was thrown away, and her whereabouts are now unknown!"

It is said that Jiang Shaozhong's complexion became a little ugly.

It stands to reason that a woman with amnesia Xia Yuxi can't leave her home and leave Tiandu. She is so sensitive and so afraid of everything around her. How can she just say go?

And also shook off the people who followed her.

The people who followed Xia Yuxi were sent by Gu Mocheng personally. Although their ability is not as good as that of the members of the Nighthawk, their ability should not be underestimated. The possibility of being found is extremely small, and it is still a woman with amnesia.

Even if it is found, it is not an easy thing to throw away, but those people have lost Xia Yuxi.

Judging from this incident, Xia Yuxi is not the person who seems to have suffered amnesia as a result of the attack, but the special soldier from the night eagle!

Gu Mocheng's suspicion of Xia Yuxi has not been less than a day, but there is no evidence.

So even after leaving Tiandu City, he could not rest assured that Xia Yuxi, secretly calling someone to follow Xia Yuxi, is now more certain.

"Boss, where do you think Xia Yuxi will go?"

After hearing this, Gu Mocheng said coldly: "No matter where she goes, if I find out that she has betrayed the country, the organization, and the brothers, I will definitely catch her by my own hands!"

Jiang Shaozhong didn't speak, and he couldn't say anything in his heart.

The companions who once fought side by side may have betrayed them now, and no one feels bad. Although Gu Mocheng has never been exposed, Jiang Shaozhong knows that Gu Mocheng is the most uncomfortable one.

"What about the sixth boy, how is he there?"

"No news."

Gu Mocheng's eyes flashed slightly, "Well, no news is the best news. Send someone to pay attention to Susukino's recent developments. In addition to making the Susukino Group scorched, what else did he participate in? The old guy said in his mouth Moving Bo Yeran did not actually make any big moves, which is not like his character."


"What about the Jane family?"

"everything is fine."

Gu Mocheng nodded.

Suddenly, Gu Mocheng's other mobile phone rang, it was Gu Mocheng's personal mobile phone.

The phone call came from Gu Lingshan. Gu Lingshan didn't call Gu Mocheng very often. He didn't care about Gu Mocheng. He was really afraid of Gu Mocheng.

The relationship between siblings and brothers was the most intimate during the period when Gu Mocheng and Jane Canaan were in love.

Recently, Gu Lingshan was so intolerable that he had to call Gu Mocheng.

"Hey, Lingshan..."

"Brother, where are you? What are you doing? When will you come back?"

Gu Lingshan cracked and asked three questions, Gu Mocheng was a little funny, "Why? Miss me?"

Gu Lingshan, who was on the phone, opened his mouth in surprise when he heard this. Is this his third brother who was cold and indifferent after breaking up with Jane Canaan?

"Brother... what's wrong with you? Don't scare me! If you are kidnapped, you squeak!"

Gu Mocheng was defeated by Gu Lingshan's brain hole, "I'm fine."

"Then how do you..." Suddenly, Gu Lingshan thought of something, and was surprised with surprise: "Are you in love?"

Gu Mocheng: "..."

It's so good to be involved in things he doesn't love.

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