Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1153: Send Jane Canaan back to Tiandu

Chapter 1153: Send Jane Canaan to the City of Heaven

Jane Canaan's room in Waner's room didn't take long before Susano was angry.

How could Jana Canan withstand Su Yeran's thoughts.

Susino was ready to be happy with Xia Yuxi. He heard Susano's face came improperly and had to pause.

Xia Yuxi breathed a sigh of relief compared to Sushiro's black face with dissatisfaction.

Xia Yuxi felt that serving Bo Yeto was the most disgusting thing in the world for her, but she had to survive, so she had to do it even if it was disgusting.

However, as soon as she thought of Susino, she would not be proud for a long time, she could immediately escape Susano's control, and Xia Yuxi felt that all the patience was worth it.

Except for Michelle and Leng Chan, who are closest to Susukino, no one has seen Xia Yuxi, so when Susukino left, he did not take Xia Yuxi with him.

What's more, Bo Yeran knew Xia Yuxi. Isn't Xia Yuxi directly exposing herself now?

In fact, if it wasn’t Boshiro’s threat, Xia Yuxi didn’t want to return to the Susukino’s home. After all, this place was a sad one for Xia Yuxi. This place witnessed her betraying her companion and killing her companion. Through a puppet around.

Of course, Xia Yuxi knew that Jane Canaan and Susukino were in Susukino's house, and was worried that they would be seen by them.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuxi's eyes instantly cooled, "Jane Canaan, Susukiya is your place of death."

At the same time, when Jane Canaan heard that Susano was coming, he hurriedly said goodbye to Susano and went downstairs. Sure enough, he saw the gloomy Susano in the hall.

Seeing Susano staring at himself angrily, Jane Canaan coughed lightly, "Brother, are you also visiting Sister Wan'er?"

Jane Canaan meant that she did not come here deliberately without listening to Susano, but that Susano was seriously ill. She just came to see Susano.

"Do you think escape can solve the problem?"

This is the case with Jane Canaan. If someone she didn’t care about forced her to do something she didn’t want to do, then the person she would beat would look for teeth everywhere, but if someone who cared about forced her, she had a bunch of ideas. The two were displayed, making them angry and helpless.

"Brother, what are you talking about, why can't I understand it!"

Susukino hasn't come yet, this time I have to pretend to be silly!

"I don't understand, do you? It doesn't need you to understand. Now, immediately, immediately follow me back to Xinyuan to pack things up, and I will ask you to send you back to Tiandu."


Jane Canaan was about to speak, and Sushiro came.

At this time, Susino had already gathered his dissatisfaction and looked at Susuo Ran and Jane Canaan in the hall with a smile.

"Ran'er and Nannan are coming!? Why don't you come here without saying a word in advance, I'll let people prepare lunch."

Jane Canaan smiled, "No need to trouble your uncle. My brother and I heard that Sister Wan'er was sick, so I came to see her." As soon as he mentions Wanye Waner, Susino slightly sighed, "Waner has been in a bad health since childhood, and it’s easy to get well, but when he grows up, he won’t get sick or he will die. The second time is quite serious, but your brothers and sisters are very determined. I thank you for Waner..."

Susino hides his emotions very well, and can't see whether he really thanked Jane Canaan and Susano, or polite words.

"Where is Uncle, Sister Wan'er is also a relative of my brother and me..."

Those polite words that Jane Canaan said were slipping, but Susano was completely unemotional.

Originally Susano Ranzhao wanted to send Jane Canaan back to Tiandu without saying a word, when Sushiro asked again, he just made an excuse to suffocate.

Unexpectedly, Jane Canaan came here silently in the morning.

Since coming to Wanyuan, Suye Ran said lightly: "Uncle, Nan Nan and I have another thing to come today..."

Jane Canaan guessed what Susushi Ran was going to say. When she was about to open her mouth to interrupt Susuki Ran, she was stopped by Susuki's cold eyes.

Jane Canaan grieved and grieved.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"This is the case. This time Nannan came to Susukino to recognize the ancestors and to give Waner a birthday. Now both things are done. I plan to let Nannan return to Tiandu today. After all, there are Many people are waiting for her, and there are many things waiting for her to do."

When Bo Yeran said "many people are waiting for her", he bite very hard and gave Jane Canaan a special look.

You can say that brothers and sisters are together, or Jane Canaan is smart.

Jane Canaan heard the meaning of Bo Yeran.

Jane Canaan is not only the daughter of the Susukino family but also the daughter of the Jane family. All the people of the Jane family and the friends around the Jane Canaan are in Tiandu. If Jane Canaan has a short and long life in the Susukino family, those people should How to do?

Jane Canaan's face was a little ugly. She knew that her brother let her return to Tiandu for her good, but she really couldn't leave.

Not to mention that she didn't want Su Yeran to face danger alone, even if Gu Mocheng was here, she couldn't leave!

Although Jane Canaan has never admitted that she still has feelings for Gu Mocheng, she has to admit that Gu Mocheng still has an influence on herself.

It was only after Susino heard that after hearing it, if Susano really came to see Susano, how could it be that Jane Canaan was one after the other?

Probably Susano Ran wanted to send Jane Canaan to leave, but Jane Canaan didn't want to leave, so he came here.

Of course, Susukino finally took "Jan Canaan" to the Susukino family from Tiandu. How could he easily let Jane Canaan leave?

"It turned out to be this matter, Ranji, you really are, how long did Nannan come to Susukino? How can you rush to let her go? There are many more places in Susukino that she hasn't been to, and there are many elders. I haven’t seen it yet!"

There was a rare smile on Susino's face. "Since South and South have already recognized their ancestors, as long as they are free, they can come to Susino's house at any time, and they are not in a hurry."

Susano saw hesitantly tangled in Jane Canaan's face, a glimmer of fineness and light flashed in his dark eyes, "It's true, but also depends on what Nannan means?"

With that in mind, Sushiro walked over and patted Jane Canaan on the shoulder, "Nan Nan, uncle hopes you can stay and play for a few more days. Our uncle and nephew recognized each other soon. Uncle really can't bear you to leave, after all, this time you I don’t know how to visit my uncle in the year of the monkey in the year of the monkey... I haven’t paid much attention to my uncle's busy business these days. Uncle Tian Hou just has time to take you for fun... what do you think?"

Sushiro was smart, kicking the question to Jane Canaan like a ball, and let Jane Canaan make his own decision.

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