Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1165: I was wrong, don't go!

Jane Canaan always talked about her right and wrong. Gu Mocheng knew this too, so she had to come to such a trick. Now that she sees Jane Canaan worried about her appearance, Gu Mocheng is not happy.

Seeing Jane Canaan curious about the "mask" on his face, Gu Mocheng explained with a smile: "It is also due to Cheng Gang when it comes to this!"

"Cheng Gang? Why?"

"Did you forget his nickname?"

Jane Canaan thought for a moment, as if to call a thousand people in front.

Jane Canaan suddenly remembered that when Gu Mocheng was posing as Chisen in Zecheng, his face was only like Chisen by makeup technology. Although it was very similar, it was still inferior to Adonis's face!

"Since Cheng Gang's true face was exposed, the technical people conducted research according to his disguised'mask', and finally got such results. I have to admit that Cheng Gang's guy is a ghost, but unfortunately... path of!"

Jane Canaan did not know what to say about Cheng Gang. He was handsome, talented, and very clever. He never thought of contributing to the country, but instead did what harmed the country and the people, and finally ruined his own. life.

"Then... can I look at that face of Adonis?"

"I haven't seen it for the time being. This is the last one. It's gone when you run out, but you can feel it..."

Jane Canaan rolled her eyes and hummed, wanting her to touch him?


But the next second, Jane Canaan's hand had reached Gu Mocheng's cheek.

At this time, Jane Canaan perfectly showed what it means to say "No on the mouth, but the body is honest."

When I touched it, Jane Canaan only thought that this guy's skin was really good. It was obviously a soldier who was exposed to the sun and the sun every time he went on a mission. Gu Mocheng is not a delicate MAN applying a mask every day, even It's a bit rough, but I don't know why his skin is good.

Touching an unfamiliar and familiar face, my heart was quite wonderful.

Close, Jane Canaan carefully inspected it carefully. This face did not fit perfectly with the face of Gu Mocheng. There was no gap, and there was still a trace behind the ear. Of course, This can only be seen when the two are very close.

In general, Gu Mocheng will not let other people stay so close to him.

"Is this breathable?"

"Of course, if it's not breathable, wouldn't my own face be smashed."

"Wow... that's amazing, but what if someone uses this technique to pretend to be someone else and do something bad?"

Gu Mocheng chuckled lightly, deservingly his Gaga, so sharp in considering the question.

"Such technical products are not caused by human skin, but artificial leather is still different from human skin, so there are many drawbacks and naturally there will be many flaws."

Hearing this, Jane Canaan couldn't sit up all at once, "What about you? What if you are exposed? No one from Susuo Tou and the Aden family left you!"

Every time he saw Jane Canaan worried about himself like this, Gu Mocheng's mood would be very good. He gently embraced Jane Canaan in his arms, "Relax, I will be fine."

"You say that every time!"

"So... when did you see me something wrong?"

Jane Canaan thought for a while, and it was right, but that was before, but this time he was facing Susukino, and Jane Canaan could not rest assured.

But the next second, Jane Canaan realized that it was not right, how could she be in Gu Mocheng's arms?

By the way, when he just hugged her, why didn't she slap and slammed into his arms!

are you crazy?

Thinking about this, Jane Canaan pushed away Gu Mocheng fiercely, "Tell you, I'm just here to see if you are dead, and I'm not worried about you or caring about you. Since you're still half dead and alive, I'll leave Goodbye! Goodbye!" Jane Canaan’s changes are coming so fast, Gu Mocheng hasn’t reacted for a while, so how can a woman be fickle?

The last second was still in your arms with a worried look, and then I turned over and didn't recognize anyone.

Jane Canaan was very confused, got up and walked to the door, Gu Mocheng rushed over and hugged her from behind, "Gaga..."

"What are you doing! Let go!"

"Do not let go!"

Xu was sick, and Gu Mocheng's stubbornness came up again, and Jane Canaan was more angry with Gu Mocheng.

"Gu Mocheng, if you don't let me go..."

Before Jane Canaan's words were finished, Gu Mocheng's weak and uncomfortable voice came to his ears, "Jia Jia, I am very uncomfortable now, can you be a little better..."

As soon as the voice fell, holding Jane Canaan's hand slowly, Jane Canaan wanted to walk away, but keenly found that Gu Mocheng did not voluntarily want to let her go but his body fell straight down to the ground.

"Gu Mocheng!"

Jane Canaan's pupil shrank, and his eyes quickly hugged his waist. Gu Mocheng, who was about to fall, hugged, "What's wrong with you?"

"I feel dizzy……"

Gu Mocheng leaned on Jane Canaan's neck fossa and smelled Jane Canaan's unique body. Gu Mocheng felt like she was getting drunk.

At this time, even if Jane Canaan had a hard heart, she couldn't let Gu Mocheng go. Moreover, Gu Mocheng's illness was so serious that she couldn't get rid of her.

"Okay, let's go back to bed first!"

"Then don't you leave?"

Jane Canaan's body was slightly stiff. Sometimes, Jane Canaan felt that she had owed Gu Mocheng the last life, otherwise how could this life be turned around by him.

But in a moment, he seemed to owe Gu Mocheng his last life!

Forget it, the debts of the previous life can only be paid in this life!

"Don't leave for now!"

"Thank you, Gaga..."

When Gu Mocheng pretended to be sick, he did not forget to steal a scent on Jane Canaan's soft, elastic face.

Jane Canaan's face instantly darkened, "If you want to do this again, I really don't care about you!"

"I was wrong... don't go..."

Jane Canaan: "..."

Come on, everyone has already apologized, forgive him!

Jane Canaan can't stand Gu Mocheng's spoiling her and the way she admits her mistakes. She is simply fascinated by the dead to compensate her life. Even if she is sick, this charm can only be added without deducting points.

Jane Canaan also knew that Gu Mocheng was definitely a murderer, but he couldn't let it go.

Jane Canaan dragged Gu Mocheng onto the bed, the process was fairly easy!

Of course, it was easy. Gu Mocheng had already mastered the strength, not to make Jane Canaan feel too heavy, nor too light to let her see through herself.

"Did you take the medicine?"


Seeing that Gu Mocheng looked a little dumbfounded, Jane Canaan wanted to laugh but could not resist it. This guy really looked cute!

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