Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1173: I like it very much

Of course, the missing point in my heart was going fast. The night owl quickly packed up his emotions and slowly took off the silk scarf that covered the eyes of Wan Ye Wan'er.

Always in an invisible situation, Sueno Yeoer suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in front of her. She narrowed her eyes slightly, and when the eyes became accustomed to her beautiful and pure eyes, she was slowly surprised.

She stared at the bustling scene in front of her eyes, excited and excited.

"How? Do you like it?"

Hearing the sound of Ye Xiao, Wan Ye Wan'er nodded sharply!

like! I like it so much!

The former Bo Ye Waner only saw such a picture on TV, and now she is really in front of her, she feels like a dream.

"Don't just patronize if you like it, let's go... Let's go and see what is fun and delicious there."

Wanye Wan'er's head is like a chick pecking.

The two walked two steps forward, and the night owl suddenly remembered something.

Ye Xiao does not like to go shopping, let alone accompany a woman to shop, but sometimes she will go shopping when she is interested.

And those women... seemed to like to hold his arms. When he asked why, did those women say that it was normal for men and women to go shopping for arms together? This seems to be a close relationship.

Seeing Bo Ye Wan'er walking forward on her own, the night owl coughed and called her, "Wan'er..."

Bo Ye Wan'er's attention is all on shopping. When the night owl called her for the first time, she didn't even hear it. Until the second time, Bo Ye Wan'er stopped to look at the night owl with a look of doubt. .

Facing the clear and bright eyes of Suwano Susukino, Ye Xiao touched his nose. "Then...when shopping, girls must hold the man's arm."

Suwano Suddenly stunned, and said: "Is it necessary?"


Ye Xiao suddenly pointed to a bunch of actors in front of her and said, "You see, they hold each other's hands. We don't need to hold hands, you just hold my arm."

Wan Ye Wan'er looked down at the night owl's eyes, and it turned out that there were several pairs holding hands.


Wan Suwano gestured: "Someone didn't hold hands!"

Ye Xiao frowned and stared coldly at the pair of men and women. After the two met, they immediately pretended to hold each other intimately. Ye Xiao saw Wan Su, surprised, and shrugged, "Saw it." ?Two people shopping together, holding hands is the most basic rule, we have to enforce the rules."

That is to say, Wanye Waner simply believed that Ye Xiao was harmless. If she met other women, she might have slapped Ye Xiao on the face. How could you be a rogue in this way?

Wan Ye Wan'er is actually afraid that the night owl has rejected herself. Wouldn't it be great if she held him like that?

For a moment hesitating, Susuke Susuke, Ye Xiao took Susuke Susano's hand on his arm, "OK, let's go, let's go shopping!"

Wan Ye Waner stared at Ye Xiao with a stunned face, and when he saw that he was not angry, he smiled happily.

Ye Xiao was very happy when she saw Wan Ye Wan'er happy.

Realizing the corner of his mouth raised, Ye Xiao's brow furrowed tightly. Damn, he brought Wano Waner out today just to show him how he is happy! Forget it, all come here, just take a stroll!

The arrangement of the night owl is quite satisfactory, there are food, play, and also prepared a shopping place.

After the end, be sure to add chicken drumsticks to them!

For the first time, Mr. Susukino went shopping because she was too excited to know where to start.

When Ye Xiao used to go shopping with other women, most of them went to the mall. When they went to the mall, those women went to look at their clothes and bags. He just had to sit on the sofa and play with his mobile phone, and he would just take out his card and swipe it when he checked out.

But those women couldn't compare with Bono Waner.

After all, this is the first time Wan Ye Waner went shopping, and Ye Xiao also wanted to make her a little happier and make a good impression.

Seeing Bo Ye Wan'er like a headless fly wanting to go here and where she wants to go, Ye Xiao smiled and suggested: "Shall we... go shopping first, then go to dinner?"

Waner Waner nodded violently.

In fact, Bono Waner didn't have much interest in shopping, but Ye Xiao had suggested that she would not refute it.

After confirming that he would "go shopping" with Wan Ye Waner in the afternoon, the night owl specifically asked people to buy the latest clothes from major brand stores according to the size of Wan Ye Wan Er.

Of course, the night owl wouldn’t say those things. He still hoped that Wan Ye would like to buy clothes and try everything like other girls.

Ye Xiao first went to the clothes store with Wan Ye Wan'er, "How about this one? Do you like it?"

The clothes that Wanye Waner wears are relatively plain, and the color is relatively light. Of course, her appearance is really not suitable for clothes such as red, black, and purple.

Ye Xiao chose Bo Ye Waner with a white long skirt, the neckline was not too big, just exposed Bo Ye Wan Er's beautiful and beautiful swan neck and collarbone, Ye Xiao visually inspected, Bo Ye Wan Er must wear It will be beautiful.

Waner Nono nodded and gestured: "Like!"

"If you like it, try it on?"

"it is good……"

When Waner Waner went to change clothes, the night owl did not take out his mobile phone and sit on the sofa to play games or swipe the news like shopping with other women, but stood at the door of the changing room and looked at the door expectantly.

I don't know what Hirano Sueno will look like after putting on that dress.

It didn’t take long for the door of the fitting room to be opened, and Sueno, who changed clothes, came out.

Ye Xiao's eyes lit up, and suddenly felt that something inexplicable was injected into his chest, something strange.

Seeing Ye Xiao staring at herself blankly, Bo Ye Wan'er's cheeks were flushed with disapproval, she reached out and gestured, "How is it? Does it look good?"

"Cough... well, it looks good, buy it!"

Next, Bono Waner tried another set, every time the night owl felt that his nosebleed was about to squirt out, and finally the night owl didn’t want to make Bono Waner too tired, nor did he want to let him lose his gaze in front of Bono Waner. Tatsuno Susano tried it on, but wrapped up all the clothes she likes.

What Suwano originally wanted to refuse, she has a lot of clothes at home, and every season Dad will let her change her wardrobe, there is no shortage of clothes.

Ye Xiao said that it was bought by your father, and now I bought it for you, and the meaning is different.

Hearing this, Bo Ye Wan'er didn't refuse anymore, and she was quite happy. After all, this was the first time Owl had bought her something.

Afterward, Ye Xiaowan took Susuke Wanye to buy food. During the process, Wan Ye saw a shop selling gadgets. She thought that Ye Xiao bought clothes for her and gave her a birthday present. Night owl something...

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