Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1176: You won't give up on me

Chapter 1176

Wanye Waner stared at Ye Xiao with a stunned look, she just couldn't speak, and her ears didn't have any problems. Why did it appear to be auditory.

Apparently she was still sad for Ye Xiao’s rejection of her in the first two days, but today things are changing dramatically. Ye Xiao first brought her to go shopping, let her experience unprecedented joy and happiness, and now she said she wanted to be serious With her.

Is this... really not dreaming?

Seeing Bo Ye Waner's dull expression, Ye Xiao continued to coax: "You see you took my bead, held hands with me, hugged, and went shopping together. This is normal for men and women. , If you reject me, it is irresponsible to me, Wan'er... You will not give up all the time?"

Wanye Waner: "...

She hadn't figured out how to carry the bad reputation of chaos and abandonment?

Wanye Waner quickly waved her hand and anxiously gestured, "I am not... I am not... don't talk nonsense..."

Ye Xiao laughed in a good mood, "So you agreed?"

Wan Ye Wan'er bit her lip, she was so confused at the moment.

The night owl is more serious than ever, but...does he really like her?

At this moment, Sueno suddenly popped out the words that Ton Fuller said, "A wise person always seizes the opportunity and turns it into a better future."

She has been ignorant for so many years, and finally met a person she likes, naturally wanting to be with him.

Thinking about this, Bo Ye Wan'er nodded heavily, and gestured seriously with his hand: "Okay, let's try!"

Ye Xiao was originally laughing, but after seeing Wan Ye's gestures, the smile on his face froze.

Ye Xiao thought that it would take at least a long time to get Bo Ye Wan'er. After all, he had just rejected Bo Ye Wan Er not long ago. It is normal for Bo Ye Wan Er to have grievances.

Even Bono Waner worried that the night owl was not sincere to her, and it took several days to test the night owl, but unexpectedly Bono Waner agreed directly.

Ye Xiao thought about it, and yes, if Wan Ye Waner had so much thought, she would not be Wan Ye.

It's really because Bo Ye Wan'er is too simple, not much to think about, and Ye Xiao's heart is more complicated.

Later, Ye Xiao sent Bo Ye Wan'er back to Wanyuan.

At the entrance of Wanyuan, Ye Xiao did not intend to go in, but stood at the door and touched Bo Ye Wan'er's head. "After going back, take a bath and take a good rest. I will come to you tomorrow."

Wan Ye nodded her head, and it was distressing.

"Then I'll go in, good night!"

Wan Ye Waner entered the door after the gesture, but the hand was caught by the night owl, "Wan Er..."

Wan Ye Waner looked at Ye Xiao with a stunned face, and asked him what was wrong with his eyes?

At this time, the bodyguards waiting to pick up Susukino were already waiting at the door, and the night owl pulled Susukino to the side. "Now are we a boyfriend?"

Wan Suwano nodded and nodded blushing.

"Then do you know that there is one thing that must be done when the male and female friends are separated?"


Wan Ye's face is confused, she has never been in love, how can she know what to do when a man and a woman are separated?

"I don't know what you look like, then I will teach you, but you must remember it in the future..."

Wan Ye nodded her head, she will remember it firmly!

"That's a kiss...kiss, you know? Just kiss... you kiss me."

Suwano’s face burned quickly, would this... would it be too fast?

"Why? You don't want to..."

Ye Xiao's mouth hadn't spoken yet, and his right cheek was suddenly kissed by a soft, nonsensical lips.

That touch feels like cotton candy!

By the time the night owl reacted, Bo Ye Wan'er blushed and ran into Wanyuan.

Ye Xiao stood at the door of Wanyuan for a few seconds, then raised his hand slowly and touched the cheek he had just kissed.

very hot! It's burning!

Finished, is he also suffering from heat stroke?


When Jane Canaan woke up again, she only felt a headache and a terrible body.

After waking up to sleep, he had no strength at all.

Jane Canaan scolded Gu Mocheng, the culprit, ten thousand times in her heart, and blamed the bastard, otherwise she would not lose sleep last night.

After going downstairs, the maid's aunt had already prepared lunch, and Jane Canaan had no appetite, so she drank a little porridge.

After eating, Jane Canaan asked the bodyguards next to her. In the morning, she was sleeping all the time, not knowing what happened.

Only then heard from the bodyguard's mouth that the night owl and Suwano were together.

Immediately Jane Canaan couldn't sit still!

what's the situation?

Jane Canaan knew that Bo Ye Wan'er liked the night owl, but Ye Xiao had just confessed to her not long ago, how could she be with Bo Ye Wan'er so quickly?

Of course, Jane Canaan did not mean that Ye Xiao was very upset when she was with Ban Ye Wan'er immediately after her rejection, but what was Ye Xiao's purpose?

Is it just to anger her?

Will not!

The night owl is not that naive!

What the **** is that?

There is only one idea in Jane Canaan's heart!

As a result, Jane Canaan immediately made a call to Ye Xiao, and the phone rang for a long time, before the Ye Xiao received the call lazily, "Nan Nan..."

"Where are you? I want to see you now!"

"Yo, miss me?"

"Miss your grandma's legs! Immediately! Come to Xinyuan immediately, I'll find you something!"

Ye Xiao chuckled, "I'm afraid it won't work. I'll go to Wanyuan to meet Wan'er later."

Jane Canaan's brow furrowed tightly, "Yes, you just came to me, and the phone said yes, night owl, are you really with Wan'er?"

"The news is spreading very quickly! Has it reached your ears so quickly?"

"answer me!"

Ye Xiao was silent for a while, then said lightly: "Yes!"


"Huh...why is it? Even if I refuse it, do I have the right to find a woman to fall in love with? How?? After you heard me being with Wano Suo you were jealous?"

Knowing that Ye Xiao was saying this on purpose, but Jane Canaan was still very angry, "Yue Xiao, if you are trying to be angry with me, then you should not hurt yourself, nor should you hurt Bo Ye Wan'er, if you are trying to... …In order to deal with Susino and Susuo Waner together, then you should not do that, Susuke Susino is innocent, no one of us should ever involve her!"

"You think too much, I am with Wan Ye Wan'er just because I want to be with her, not as complicated as you think."

Is it really just that?

But if this is the case, then the night owl had clearly rejected Susuke Wanye, why should he be with Susuke Wano? Is there something she didn’t know about?

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