103: Xiaoxi’s bed is very big, you can squeeze it! 【Customize】|Resurrection of Demons: Start with the full level of five thunders! |Resurrection of Demons: Start with the full level of five thunders! Chapter Reading-Siku Bookstore

The mountain donkey was stunned for a moment than the figure, and then became furious! “Looking for death!”

At the same time as the furious voice sounded, a strong wind approached the closet.

Being hit by this strong wind, the entire wardrobe must be turned into powder.

However, just as it was about to be hit, the surface of the wardrobe was covered with a layer of golden light.

The strong wind hit it, as if the breeze was blowing, and there was no reaction at all! “How is it possible!”

Shadow’s hoarse voice is full of doubts.

I have to say, this thing is very suspicious.

Once you find something wrong, turn your head and run.

But how could Jiang Churan let him escape.

Although in order to protect Lin Xi in the closet, he didn’t rush out immediately, but in terms of speed, he still has absolute confidence.

The wardrobe door slammed open.

Everyone only felt that there was a flash of lightning in the dark room, and after the two eyes went blank, Jiang Churan’s figure had already appeared on the windowsill.

“Turn on the lights.”

Jiang Churan’s voice sounded.

Mother Lin, who was also frightened all over, hurriedly turned on the lamp beside the bed.


As soon as the lights were turned on, everyone swallowed.

only see.

Jiang Churan held the neck of a one-meter-long weasel with a pair of golden hands.

“Xiao, Xiaoran, this”

Father LinPointing at the weasel with a look of bewilderment.

“That’s right, Uncle Lin, this big mouse is the shadow that haunts you all day.”

Jiang Churan said: “It may be because he is too ugly, so he only dares to make a shadow to scare people.”

Mother Lin said in astonishment: “Then, then, what should I do?”

What should I do? Jiang Churan glanced at the one who was pinched by him and turned “Seven-Five-Three”

Rolled-eyed weasel.

“Oh, just strangle to death.”

“However, before strangling to death, I have to take a picture.”

Jiang Churan took out his mobile phone, clicked, took a picture, and sent it to Xiao Xiao, along with a voice.

“Help me ask Brother Huang, if it looks like him!”


On the other side of WeChat, Xiao Xiao first replied with a line of ellipsis.

Then came another sentence, “It’s quite similar.”

Putting away the phone, Jiang Churan looked at the weasel and loosened the hand that was pinching its neck.

“You let me go, I will go back and burn incense every day to pray for you!”

The weasel’s pointed and long mouth moved twice, spitting out human words.

“Not useful: you burn incense and pray for me.”

Jiang Churan directly refused.

“How do you want to let me go? It’s not easy for me to do 100 years of practice. If you let me go, I promise that I will never hurt anyone again!”

The weasel asked again.

Jiang Churan smiled and said, “It’s not impossible for me to let you go.”

“It’s just that, it’s going to be winter soon. I prefer cold feet. I heard that the insoles made of weasel skin are warm and sweat-absorbent. Give me two pairs and I’ll let you go!”

Let it go, it’s obviously impossible.

This thing, dogs can’t change to eat shit.

Let go of the front foot and the back foot…it, the back foot can go and harm others.

Weasel knows it too.

Jiang Churan was playing with it, and he didn’t mean to let it go at all! Their eyes slyly flipped up and down twice.

Begging for mercy doesn’t work, then there is only one way to do it.

Suddenly, it tilted its neck and bit Jiang Churan’s arm.

As long as Jiang Churan lets go a little, it can slip away without a trace! But.

It bit Jiang Churan’s arm with one mouthful, but it only felt as if it was bitten on a big iron stick.

Because it is a dead mouth, this mouth is very powerful.

Force is mutual.

So, it shattered eight 8 “you” on the spot with one bite of its teeth

Weasel was stunned.

“Okay, I’m too lazy to play with you.”

Jiang Churan’s arm gripping its throat suddenly exerted force.


Hearing this, the weasel’s expression changed again: extremely frightened.

But this time, Jiang Churan didn’t give it another chance to beg for mercy, and directly crushed its throat.

In an instant, the weasel’s stiff body froze.

Jiang Churan opened the window and threw it out the window.

A perfect parabola crossed, and the weasel’s body fell into the trash can downstairs with precision.

Closing the window, Jiang Churan clapped his hands twice.


However, no one answered his words.

Turning around and looking, I saw three pairs of eyes staring at me in astonishment.

Lin Xi is a little better.

After all, she had even seen Jiang Churan discharge at the resort last time.

But Lin’s parents and Lin’s mother can’t do it.

The two of them are completely dumbfounded.

“Uncle and auntie, it’s settled. If there’s nothing else, I’ll withdraw first.”

Jiang Churan waved to the two of them.

Father Lin woke up and heard that he was going to leave, so he quickly said: “It’s so late, if you don’t leave tonight, Xiao Ran, the bed in Xiao Xi’s room is quite big, you two can squeeze.”

Jiang Churan, who was about to leave, immediately stopped.

Still: Lin Xi, who was stunned in the closet, almost fell out when he heard this.

“Mom and Dad, are you kidding me!”

“I’m a girl, how can I squeeze him!”

Lin Xi’s face was incredible.

Father Lin turned to look at her and said, “Yeah, what does it matter, anyway, sooner or later you will get married!”


Lin Ximei’s eyes widened.

“Yeah, Xiaoran’s dowry has been transferred to me. When you two graduate from college, you will get married directly!”

Mentioning this, his face paled from fright.

A aunt smile appeared on his face.

Lin Xi felt that her eyes were a little dark, so she turned to look at Jiang Churan.

I saw that Jiang Churan raised his eyebrows at himself.

“You guys are crazy!”

“Jiang ChuOf course, you go to my room and sleep, I’ll go back to the dormitory!”

Lin Xi got out of the closet, bare feet, and turned to leave.

“It’s after eleven o’clock::, the dormitory is closed early.”

Jiang Churan said quietly.

Lin Xi’s whole body froze.

She wants to cry.

“Forget it, aunt and uncle, I’ll go back today.”

At this moment, Jiang Churan said.

Lin Xi was overjoyed, thinking that Jiang Churan’s conscience found out.

But he didn’t think so, and he said, “I’ll squeeze again another day.”


Lin’s father and Lin’s mother hurriedly got up to say goodbye.

“Xiao Xi, what are you still doing!”

“Don’t hurry up and send Xiaoran out of the community”

At the door, Mother Lin said to Lin Xi.

Hearing this, Lin Xi reluctantly followed behind Jiang Churan.

Next time, what did she say not to let Jiang Churan come to the house.


Lin Xi never expected it.

She and Jiang Churan just walked out

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At the door of the house, I only heard her mother say: “Don’t come back tonight when you send it away, your father just woke up, we are going to live in a world of two!”


The door was slammed shut.

Lin Xi was stunned on the spot.

Jiang Churan gave a thumbs up in secret.

Good! You mother-in-law, I’ve decided it! “Jiang Churan, tell me, during the time I was in the room, what kind of ecstasy soup did you give my parents and my mother?”

The helpless Lin Xi could only choose to get into Jiang Churan’s car.

On the way, she stared at Jiang Churan’s profile and asked in a bad tone.

Jiang Churan shrugged: “I didn’t do anything.”

Lin Xi pouted: “Impossible! You didn’t do anything, how could my parents have such an attitude!”

“Maybe I’m more handsome!”

Jiang Churan grinned.

Lin Xi: “”

Narcissism! But.

Looking at Jiang Churan’s profile.

But he is quite handsome bah bah bah! What are you thinking! Lin Xi shook her head vigorously, turning her eyes to the front.

Suddenly, she thought of what her mother said just now.

“Jiang Churan, how much dowry did you give my mother?”

Hearing this, Jiang Churan raised his brows and said with a smile, “I didn’t give much.”

Lin Xi breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s not much, I’ll give it back to you.”

“It’s only one million.”

“Okay, give me your card number, what will I transfer! One million!”

Lin Xi almost got out of the front windshield.

She saves money.

From childhood to adulthood, so many years of pocket money and New Year’s money have basically been saved.

There is a small deposit of 100,000 yuan.

She thought that the so-called betrothal gift was only 680,000 at most.

But Jiang Churan said 1 million as soon as he opened his mouth! “Don’t be kidding, how much is it!”

She asked again very seriously.

Jiang Churan smiled and said, “If you don’t believe it, you can ask your mother.”

When Lin Xi heard the words, Liu Mei frowned, took out her cell phone, and called her mother.

“Mom, how much did Jiang Churan give you for the betrothal gift?”


Lin replied.


Lin Xi was completely stunned.

Immediately afterwards, Mother Lin’s voice sounded again.

“Actually, it doesn’t matter how much the betrothal gift is. When you get married, I will let you take it back when you get married.”

“It’s mainly Xiaoran, my mother likes it so much.”

“He is handsome, talented, and has a good temper. Such a man is hard to find with a lantern. My father and I both think you are not worthy of others!”

Lin Xi hung up immediately.

On the side, Jiang Churan, who has a good hearing, listened to Mother Lin’s words, and secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart.

Sure enough! In today’s society, getting the mother-in-law is very important! That’s it.

Homeless and desperate, Lin Xi, who wanted to get out of the car countless times, but didn’t dare, was brought home by Jiang Churan before entering the house, Lin Xi was still desperate.

But as soon as you enter the house.

good guy.

Instantly turned into a little wild donkey who was showing joy, “This is too beautiful!”

“My mother! Below is the Bund!”

“As expected of a mansion! There is also a swimming pool! It’s a pity that I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

“There are a lot of rooms, all very big!”

“I think this room is pretty nice, then I’ll stay here tonight!”

Bang! The door to the room is closed.

With a click, it locks back.

Depend on!Jiang Churan slapped his forehead.

Careless! That’s it.

A night full of anticipation passed very peacefully.

Of course, Jiang Churan didn’t plan to do anything.

The time he spent with Lin Xi didn’t add up to more than three days.

This is too fast for any girl who cleans herself.

Of course, if Lin Xi is a green tea.

There is no doubt about that.

But unfortunately, she is not.

Not right.

It should be said, fortunately she is not! After having breakfast, under Lin Xi’s eyes, Jiang Churan and the two came to Magic Capital University.

As soon as she arrived at the school, Lin Xi parted ways and went to the classroom.

Jiang Churan slipped to a foreign language college.

There are many recognized girls in this college.

Although it’s already autumn, but if you squat on a street corner, you can still see a piece of pleated skirt and long legs.


Before Jiang Churan squatted down, a shout suddenly came.




Hearing the shout, everyone looked sideways.

After all, when the school is full, everyone is a classmate.

Jiang Churan also tilted his head and glanced.

I saw that the principal, Wu Shanquan, ran over at a trot panting all the way.

“Classmate, I, I finally found you!”

Principal Wu looked like he was about to die suddenly, and said to Jiang Churan out of breath.

“Headmaster, why are you looking for me?”

Jiang Churan asked in confusion.

Wu Shanquan said: “Classmate, do you still remember, I asked you for 5.

a sign”

Jiang Churan nodded: “Remember.”

“You seem to be saying that there are often footsteps in your house in the middle of the night, which has caused your wife to move back to her parents’ house, right?”

Wu Shanquan nodded quickly and said, “That’s right, that’s right! That’s it!”

“I put the talisman you gave me at home, and from that day on, it’s true… I can’t hear footsteps anymore.”

“I don’t know why, I can’t hear it, but my wife can still hear it!”

“It’s been almost a month since she returned to her mother’s home, and I’ve also been looking for your classmate for a whole month. Today, I finally found it!”

Speaking of which, Wu Shanquan had a kind of expression: he wanted to cry with joy.

“There are footsteps”

Jiang Churan frowned: “It shouldn’t be!”

“My home is in the neighborhood opposite the school. If you want to study differently, come and see it with me!”

Wu Shanquan said quickly.

Jiang Churan nodded.

Should go and see.

Let’s see what it is, it can survive under its own talisman.

Soon, Jiang Churan came to Wu Shanquan’s house.

But when he entered the room, he didn’t notice the slightest bit of Yin Qi at all.

Not a trace.

Turn around, turn around, turn around in every room and corner.

Still nothing.

“Principal Wu, I can tell you with great certainty that you have nothing at home.”

“If your wife can still hear footsteps at night, you probably have to take her to see an ear doctor.”

Jiang Churan said, stopped and turned to look at Wu Shanquan’s wedding photo hanging on the wall.

His wife is very young.

Up to twenty-seven or eight-year-old 272.

If it’s not a wedding dress, everyone will think that this photo is a photo of a father and daughter.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu’s novel

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