Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1095: Don’t

Liu Yan did not have any secrets. He said Xiao Hua’s experience. When he heard that Xiao Hua was the source of Liu Yan’s fire, the face of Fenghua changed slightly.

"Xiao Hua..." Liu Yan didn't know what Fenghua thought, laughing. "I don't know what happened next. How did you suddenly become a gel? Oh, yes, you... you seem to be already Ju Yuanxian?"

"Silk..." Until here, Fenghua and Liu Zhifei only woke up, and the two looked at Xiao Hua incredulously and took a breath.

At that time, Liu Wei had just returned to the Xianjie to save the fairy baby. Nowadays, he has cultivated to the realm of Juyuanxian. The speed of cultivation is not the same as that of the Liujia air transporter.

"Yeah!" Liu Zhifei also lost his voice. "You just got together, how can you... How can you fall into the sky and the sky?" This is the fairy spirit, you are not afraid?"

"This..." Xiao Hua touched his nose and moved the previous routine out. He said, "It’s good to teach the predecessors that the younger generation is the confession of the business alliance... the real reincarnation, so the cultivation is a little faster..."

"As for the situation of the business alliance, the younger generation can't say more, but since the younger generation can form an alliance with Huang Xiaoxiao and Feng Ronger, it must be able to form an alliance with the family of the predecessors. If the seniors need anything, they can open their mouths. The business alliance gives better prices to the predecessors..."

"Do you know what is happening in the old husband?" Liu Zhifei did not answer directly, but asked.

"I am very embarrassed..." Xiao Hua shook his head. "The younger generation only knows that the fairy is a sly child. Oh, I know that there is a stupid person, and the others don't know!"

Liu Zhifei smiled. He said: "Since the fourth child lets you know his stupid person, it seems that he is quite trusting to you."

Xiao Huaqian said: "Don't dare, it is the love of the predecessors!"

Fenghua suddenly thought of something, reminding Liu Zhifei: "Yes, out of the clear stream, in addition to sending Xiaoshenglianzi back to the family, but also to inform the four uncles, do not have to go to the rain palace!"

"Mother-in-law..." Liu Yan said quickly. "Or let the four uncles go. Xiaohua is separated from his disciples. Let the four uncles help Xiaohua find them. It is also a family member!"

"Well, it is!" Fenghua nodded, to Xiao Huadao, "Hey, his four uncles went to the Diaoyu Palace to find your disciple..."

"Yes, yes, there are seniors." Xiao Hua hurriedly laughed. "The younger generation is asking the seniors if they have any news."

"No..." Liu Yan shook his head. "Huang Xiaoxiao said that he saved Li Moi, but Li Moi suddenly disappeared!"

“Suddenly missing?” Xiao Hua’s eyes were slightly stunned. If he thought, “Can’t even find the Huang predecessors?”

"Well, yes, very strange!" Liu Yan nodded. "So the little boy took the four uncles to the slopes of the rain palace to find white soil."

"You are very surprised by the supernatural power of the business alliance!" Liu Zhifei also said to Xiao Hua thoughtfully.

"This..." Xiao Hua hesitated, still said, "This is the secret of the business alliance, I hope that the seniors will forgive me. Oh, yes, how about the fairy, how are you?"

"It’s okay to practice, but recently, in order to find the holy lotus seeds for the old, she also... went out!"

Liu Wei is quite worried.

Xiao Hua just wants to talk. The voice of Fenghua comes from his ear: "Xiao Hua, my son, the air transporter in my family, I warn you, you are far from him!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua snorted, screaming at the eyes, not knowing why Fenghua suddenly came up with such a sentence.

After a while, Xiao Hua had to re-enter the topic back to the business alliance. He took out a rhinoceros and handed it to Liu Zhifei: "Predecessors, this is my business alliance. If the seniors have sent, please send a message to the younger generation. The younger will immediately contact the league."

"Well, good!" Liu Zhifei smiled and took over the rhinoceros.

Liu Yuqi said: "Xiao Hua, how do you fall into the belly of the scorpion beast? And ... and also wearing a special armor?"

"Good to teach the fairy to know..." Xiao Hua smiled. "In the next day, the Tiantian team is a fairy. It is just an executive military service. It happens to meet the fairy beast and is swallowed in the belly." Just meet the fairy and two predecessors!"

"Haha, it's a good thing!" Liu Zhifei smiled. "I just waited for the passing of the Bingyuan, thinking about picking up a horse to pull the fairy boat, but it saved you!"

"Yes, yes, it's so good!" Xiao Hua was very happy.

"But at this time, I have entered the clearing stream. When the fairy boat comes out, I can let you go out..." Liu Yu apologized. "I hope that you will not delay your mission."

"Thank you a fairy, it shouldn't be delayed. After all, can you live alive, isn't it better than completing a task?"

"Right, the fairy, the news of surviving from the secluded, and hope that the fairy and the predecessors will be kept secret, after all..."

"Well, you can rest assured that the punishment of the palace and the palace of the law, we will not be mixed, we only recognize the business alliance."

In the words, although Xiao Hua’s eyes did not look around, he still could see that the thick purple runes and the thick pale gold curves around him flew behind like clouds.

Then Liu Yan accompanied Xiao Hua and said something for a while. Xiao Hua immediately told him that he had a message from Bai Xiaotu, and the runes around him began to slow down.

"Xiao Hua..." Liu Zhifei laughed. "There is a small node in front. The old man will send you out. You should have no problem in the world of color?"

"Nothing, the younger generation is not afraid of the fairy light!"

" That's good!" Liu Zhifei nodded. "Thank you for your little holy lotus seed. The old man didn't go through the consent of the family. You can't explain too much to you at the moment. If you have a chance, the old man will be able to. On behalf of the family, please contact the business alliance to the inside of the family!"

"Yes, the younger generation hopes to have one day!" Xiao Hua respects Shi Li.

"Hey..." There was a whistling sound of the scorpion beast in front of the head, a light purple rune bursting, and the purple aperture fell to cover Xiaohua!

"Goodbye, Xiao Hua..." Liu Yan smiled. "I will talk to my nephew when I look back. If she knows that you are still alive, I must be very happy."

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly and quickly said: "Xie Xianzi!"

Sure enough, Xiao Hua has just been caught by the purple aperture, and his ear remembered the sound of the wind warning: "Xiao Hua, remember my words, farther away from the children, otherwise I will regret it!"

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Can Xiao Hua still meet Liu Wei? Certainly...

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