Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1189: Past and karma

Xiao Hua feels very surprised. She collapses in front of herself. There is also a quiet fairy who has fallen for a long time, but "...the old man thinks, the person is the human being, but it is based on the flesh, everything is based on the flesh. The influence of the flesh is really important, sometimes it is more powerful than the relic. The flesh is the shadow, the stone wall can leave marks, and the relics are dull, the red dust is no trace, the relics can not be separated from the flesh, the non-physical body can not nourish..."

The preaching seemed to have been prepared long ago, and it was like the passing of the fire from his mouth. Until 1981, Xiao Hua was black in front of her eyes and opened her eyes again. She was already in the pale space, the end of the water silk!

"I understand..." Xiao Hua was almost shocked and shouted. "Cihang is the reincarnation of the past world Guanyin. He is obviously worthy of the testimony in Changsheng Town. I don't know why there is no evidence. And...he After passing the Tao to me, then... there is no reincarnation, and all the causes and effects of the previous Guanyin are over..."

"This water is the cause and effect of Guanyin and me!!!"

Thinking of this, "Nan no big compassion and pessimism..." The Buddha was born from a distant place, and the sculpture of the **** Guanyin that had disappeared before was flashing in paleness!

Although the sculpture looks crumbling, but the sculpture of the eyebrows, a fist-sized broken relic suddenly grows up!

The relics are dazzling, but the innermost and almost boundless compassion is so familiar!

The water silk that Xiao Hua saw just now, is now carrying a piece of water silk falling into the relic of the **** Guanyin!

Only the radiant relics, except for a very thick waterline, disappeared, and the other remaining water silks have been connected with Xiaohua's water silk!

"Hey? Who is this??"

On the side of the rosette of the Guanyin of the blood, there are a few water filaments connected with the blood lotus and lotus on a large outline, and one is flying towards himself. Xiaohua may have some cause and effect with the previous Guanyin, and he is also with himself. Who is causal?

When the water silk fell on the contour, Xiao Hua almost bite his teeth!


Six-eared macaques are hollowed out! !

How is the hollow here? ?

Didn't the short-selling disappear suddenly in the four major continents?

However, when Xiao Hua looked at the lotus flower of Guanyin Guanyin, he realized that the red color of Xia Cai, which descended from the sky, was not the rosette of Guanyin.

However, what is the cause and effect of the hollowing out and the past world Guanyin?

Xiao Hua’s thoughts are just born, and on the side of the hollow outline, there is a huge outline that is like a fog. This outline looks like a hundred times more empty!

Although Xiao Hua’s causal water silk does not touch this outline, Xiao Hua can perceive that the outline is as arrogant as a mountain, and it is different from the nephew and so on. It is obviously only a very weak vitality.

When the cause and effect of the water silk touched the outline, "Boom..." A tall, even unspeakable law that Xiao Hua could not reach appeared in front of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua once again exclaimed: "Hecked?!!"

Another hollow!

It’s the same as the one just! !

This... What is going on? ?

Xiao Hua hurriedly looked at the contour and the blood Guanyin. The weird thing is that this hollow outline and the **** Guanyin have no causal water, but have a huge causal relationship with the hollow outline.

Xiao Huagang had to look at this water silk, but see the **** lotus lotus under the **** Guanyin. Another broken water silk swept through Xiao Hua’s eyes. Xiao Hua inadvertently saw it, and it was not seen!

But seeing this water silk up a light and shadow, the light and shadow inside is the great day, such as the world, and the big day is like the hand of the world, it is the colorful spar that warms Yuan Tongtian!

What is the future of the Great Day? How could he and Yuan Tongtian appear in the cause and effect of the **** Guanyin?

If there is a cause and effect between the great world and the past world Guanyin, Xiao Hua absolutely believes that... What is the cause and effect of Yuan Tongtian and the past world Guanyin?

Could this cause and effect be Yuan Tongtian's past life?

However, since it is Yuan Tongtian's past life, how can there be colorful spar?

Seeing the disappearance of light and shadow, the root cause and effect water silk has to disappear, Xiao Hua suddenly surprised, the cause and effect of water silk disappeared means that cause and effect, how can the cause and effect of Yuan Tongtian and the six-eared macaque disappear?

What did the Great Day do, and let the cause and effect disappear?

Xiao Hua did not listen to Xuan Songzi who said that the monkey with the hand can get the six-eared macaque!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua whispered, and a glimpse of the water rushed down to the causal waters that wanted to fall to the disappearance!

However, I don’t wait for the water to fly out. “There is no big compassion and pessimism in the south...” The **** Guanyin’s relic has a Buddha number, and the water in the hand of Xiao Hua’s causality falls on the rosette of the **** Guanyin, and the disappearing water silk just happens. Above this waterline!

Xiao Hua did not hesitate to fall to the water that is about to disappear!

This time it seems different from the last time. When Xiao Hua fell into the water, there was no trace of the great world in the inner world. Instead, it was a vast and boundless Buddha country. The shape of Xiao Hua fell, the time of the Buddha. Just like the streamer passing by Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua sees clearly. On the corner of a continent, on a mountain facing the sea, the colorful crystal petrified stone stands as a stone. The stone is three feet six feet five inches high and has two feet and four feet. Three feet, six feet and five inches high, according to the day of the three hundred and sixty-five degrees two feet four feet round, according to the political calendar twenty-four gas. There are nine hundred and eight holes on the top, according to the nine palaces and gossip.

The colorful spar is innocently shown, the Japanese Jing Yuehua, see the weather as a stone monkey, is not Yuan Tongtian?

Xiao Hua is stunned. The Great Day is not the promise of letting Yuan Tongtian re-enter the reincarnation. Understand the grievances of the six-eared macaque, how can his soul be directly bred in the colorful spar?

After the growth of the stone monkey, the teachers fell into the eyes of Xiao Hua, and when the stone monkey was in the Tiangong Palace, it was under the Wuzhi Mountain by the great day, and the Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared. Xiao Hua suddenly realized!

"Damn! This... This is a passage of the previous Guanyin Bodhisattva. If the big day is like the world, you want to pay for it. He... He sent Yuan Tongtian’s soul to his previous life, and fundamentally concluded the cause and effect of Yuan Tongtian and Ananda. ”

"...The big day is like the world, but it is still reluctant to go to Ananda. He wants to save Ananda to fall into the reincarnation! The problem is that there are already six-eared macaques in this Buddha, and the **** big day is like the world, he It’s no wonder that the golden body collapsed..."

"Since Xiao has fallen into this cause and effect, naturally he can't let you do it!"

Xiao Hua’s gnashing teeth have fallen into the bamboo forest of Buddhism!

"Buddha, Bodhisattva..." Xiao Hua's body shape has just fallen into the law of the previous Guanyin Bodhisattva. It is too late to adapt to the female body. A slightly appreciative and grievous voice has sounded. "The monk is the naked eye, and the discernment is unclear." Monsters, can't tell the loyalty, the old grandson is not doing it!"

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