Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1204: The true secret of Chongjiaxing Lock

There are some space channels that have been formed on the space barrier, and Yuhua Xiaohua clearly perceives the familiarity of the Taikoo fairy shards from one of the channels!

"Haha, the poor road understands!" Yu Xiaoxiao laughed. "The Meiji's Taikoo Xianjie fragments have not been suppressed under the Huangmei Palace, but they are indeed in a starry sky, but the starry sky is closed. Only Meibo’s bronze monument can be opened. Now that Xiao is in this starry sky, it is natural to perceive this starry sky through space!”

Want to finish, Yuxi Xiaohua finger a little, that space channel is stable, Yuxi Xiaohua look, even can not see what is outside!

Yuxi Xiaohua Shentong stopped at the space barrier, so he could not see the outside, and he could not do anything outside the passage.

However, this is hard to beat Yu Hua, Xiao Hua, he thought of a move, sent a fairy baby in the past, Xian Ying made a sign of God, and the face of the lucky after the robbery fly back, Yu Xiao Xiaohua immediately knows, Outside the passage turned out to be a broken temple.

Yuxi Xiaohua changed the space channel until the fairy baby flying into it felt safe there!

Immediately, Yuhua Xiaohua took out the space and looked around after homing. He wanted to perceive those signs of God, but unfortunately Xiao Hua had never seen anything for a long time. Presumably, the end of the space channel is other space debris!

"If Xiaomou discovered the sign of the gods, can he get his own space through that space?"

Xiao Hua is thinking!

Of course, Xiao Hua did not have the time to verify his own thoughts. He fell into the space and closed the space channel. He made seven tokens and handed it to the martial arts. He gave him seven branches of the martial arts door, and then he took it out. space.

After taking out the space, Xiao Hua sent Mei Yun out, Mei Yun Xian Tuo, there was no way to speak, and quickly handed Tian Meiling and another Mo Xianyi to Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua received Kunlun mirror.

Mo Xianyu is a simple urging method of Tianmei, and does not need the blood of Mei’s disciples. Xiaohua is slightly motivated, and a star river appears in the stars, and the Milky Way stretches straight under the stars!

Xiao Hua stepped into the Milky Way, and the fairy body was turned into a myriad of light and shadows to escape from the stars!

Standing again in front of Meibo's dress, Xiao Hua was hesitant. He thought for a moment and said: "Predecessors, the younger generation only explored the inscriptions of their predecessors, will not disturb the peace of their predecessors, but also please forgive the older generation!"

After getting up, Xiao Hua took a look at his eyebrows, but when he saw a piece of bronze light, a brilliant star figure appeared!

"I... I understand!"

Xiao Hua closed his eyes and smiled. "This bronze monument is an ancient fairy. There is a star map inside. After the excitement, you can connect the starry sky where the Taikoo fairy shards are located..."

"Star map??" Xiao Hua's smile suddenly changed into surprise and excitement. "Haha, Xiaomou finally knows why the star lock of the Chong family is used!"

"The star lock of Chongjia is the same as the bronze monument of Meijia. It can open a starry sky, and that starry sky... is the Taikoo fairy shard belonging to the Chong family!"

"There is also so much debris space inside, that is the experience of the disciples of the Chong family!"

"That's the case..." Xiao Hua squinted and said to himself, "The warrior looking for the early starry sky is a bit of a meaning!"

If the number of stars in the sky of Meijia is not unexpected, it should be in the bronze monument, but with the strength of Xiaohua, it is temporarily impossible to detect!

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and sent Mei Yun from the Kunlun mirror!

"Call..." Mei Yun looked around and made a long sigh of relief. On the other hand, he smiled and shouted at Xiaohua. "Thank you for the predecessors of Xiao, the younger generation is really anxious. With the strength of the younger generation, the short-term fear is Can't enter it!"

“Really!” Xiao Hua smiled and returned Tian Mei to Mei Yun, saying, “There are countless space fragments in your Mei family’s experience, and the strength required for each space fragment is different, but your strength is too low. Shallow, or after practicing to the second scent, let's talk about it!"

"Yes, the younger generation understands!" Mei Yun took over Tianmeiling, accompanied by a smile. "The younger generation is now practicing in the flames of the Huangmei Palace. After the second scent, I will say it. But..."

Speaking of this, Mei Yun is hesitant and wants to stop.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"The younger generation can certainly cultivate there, but the younger generation did not get the complete cultivation method within the family. I am afraid that it is a little trouble..."

"This is true!" Xiao Hua looked at Mei Yun's body and some blood, nodded slightly.

"Also ask the seniors to help..." Mei Yun once again took out Tianmei Ling and handed it to Xiao Huadao. "When the younger generations sacrificed Tianmei, there were some inexplicable figures in the inside. Maybe those numbers are hidden inside the family. Where is the law of cultivation..."

"Ah??" Xiao Hua was awkward.

"Really, Xiao Qiang..." Mei Yun immediately said a string of numbers to Xiao Hua because Xiao Hua did not believe it.

"nnd!" Xiao Hua was crying and laughing, and said, "This is the time to break through the iron shoes and it doesn't take much time! Isn't that the mark of the early starry sky you are looking for?"

However, since this number is a mark, it is not a hiding place for cultivation!

Xiao Hua scratched his head and suddenly thought of a thing, the plum plum that Mei Mei held!

"You wait a minute..." Xiao Hua's heart rolled up the plum plum into the space, and slightly explored He laughed again, and Mei Mei's thoughts on the cultivation of secrets are in this bronze plum!

However, this method of cultivation has been passed from the beginning, and the ability of Meiyun cannot be cultivated!

Yuhua Xiaohua took out the space and said to Mei Yun: "The old man can go and see, but yes and no, the old man is not sure!"

“Hey!” Mei Yun sighed and said, “Predecessors, younger generations really don’t know how to thank their predecessors. The predecessors have re-created the grace of my Mei family. Please accept the younger generation! No matter how the seniors can get the cultivation method. The younger generation is grateful to Dade..."

"Okay, get up!" Xiao Hua got the cheapness of Meijia, and naturally did not dare to let Meiyun pay more.

Then Mei Yun urged Tian Meiling, and Xiao Hua once again took Mei Yun to the starry sky.

“Hey?” Xiao Hua just took Mei Yun and suddenly felt that there was a familiar atmosphere in a space debris in the distance. Looking around, although the entrance was the same, the surrounding stars were different. He smiled and said, “Good people have good news. Here, it is the place where Xiaomian Xianying marks the mind!"

Sure enough, flying into it, Xiao Hua found the sign of God in the hill without any effort!

But what's weird is that Xiao Hua can perceive the space channel, just can't go in!

Even Xiao Hua released a fairy baby, Xian Ying can enter, but he can not enter!

"What does this mean? Your own home... Can't you go back?"

Xiao Hua Duan is helpless!

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The starry sky of the ancient fairyland of Chongjia is Xiao!

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