Revival of the Gods

Chapter 128: Another Yuanling Mountain (Happy New Year!)

Xiao Hua is looking for the flaws in the space barriers. Suddenly, an unspeakable fear arises from his heart, and there is a layer of shackles in the chest of the baby!

"Not good!" Xiao Hua was shocked, and the whole body was stiff there. He didn't know where the people under the clearing of the Qing had noticed him!

"Who?" Xiao Hua suddenly turned around and looked at the cliff not far from the left side, then swayed and rushed there!

"Oh?" The female fairy was also a glimpse, and the sensation of Xianli suddenly stopped, and looked at the cliff with Xiaohua’s figure. However, when she saw the empty space above the cliff, only Xiao Hua’s back was like a smoke, and the female fairy smiled. “Haha, it’s interesting...”

Laughing, the female fairy has a left hand, and the silver spike has suddenly disappeared.

"Oh..." King Jinghong also smiled and said, "This person is very quick to adapt! It is really a human race!"

"The problem is..." The female fairy smiled and said coldly, "How did the immortal come in, how did he discover that I waited!"

"I let the hands of the spirits to check and see what people have recently put in." The King of Jinghong is not satisfied.

The female fairy thoughtfully looked at King Jinghong and asked: "Can you still check it out now?"

A stunned king, the smile of the bitter smile replied: "Yes, I really can't find it!"

"This immortal does not have to pay attention! Jump the clown ear!" The female immortal reminded, "I still have to say the two hundred copies of the polyester liquid..."

"No!" The King of Jinghong is still tough and swaying. "Two hundred copies are absolutely impossible."

"There were precedents in the past. Why didn't you make this time?"

"No achievement is impossible, no reason!"

"The King of Jinghong..." The female fairy smiled and said, "I don't mention anything else. I just want to ask you, how much do you have to grasp the chaos of the Yuanling Mountain? I haven't been in Yuanlingshan for a long time. I heard that the comet king contacted Xianying Cave. If the comet king ruled Yuanlingcheng, would you still have the opportunity to trade with me?

There is a half-tea time, and the King of Jinghong is silent, and the female fairy is not in a hurry, just waiting quietly.

Suddenly, a fist-sized ball of light flew out of the void, and it flew to the front of the King of Jinghong. The Jinghong King’s spirit rushed out like a Chaoshan rune, and the rune fell into the light. The ball, a panicking voice came: "The king, thousands of stars attacked..."

The sound inside the light ball just said half, the King of Jinghong woke up, the big hand grabbed, blocked the sound, swallowed the light ball into the belly between the mouth, and then looked at the female fairy lightly: "A word is fixed! But the feather Immortal will help me to mess up and kill the comet king!"

"A word is fixed!" The expression of the female fairy is not shocking, as if the decision of King Jinghong is not unexpected. In the words, the female fairy slowly extended her right hand and a silver palm appeared.

After the words of Jinghong Dawang, there was some convulsions in the corners of the mouth. Some regrets, look at the silver palm, and slowly raise the arm. However, at the moment when the right arm of Jinghong was lifted up, a virtual shadow on the arm like a disk was born, and it was shot very quickly on the silver palm of the woman!

"Oh..." The silver palms and the imaginary shadows are broken. These broken light and shadows are twisted and blended in midair, and immediately turned into two similar runes that fall into the body of the women’s silver and the stunned king. !

"Go!" King Jinghong raised his hand in the air, and the void gave birth to a thousand-foot rune. The rune's strokes burst in an instant, and the strange wind rang, and the messy strokes pierced the void and gave birth to a portal. !

"Yeah!" The female fairy got up and said faintly, "I am waiting for your message!"

King Jinghong did not speak, and the female fairy did not stop, drifting into the portal, and the flash of silver disappeared.

"Hey..." King Jinghong sighed and looked down at his feet. His eyes were filled with helplessness, and his body shape also entered the portal.

After the disappearance of the King of Jinghong, the portal was broken and turned into a stroke with the same branches. The dead branches seemed to fall with the wind, and the wind blows into a powdery shattered firefly. The broken firefly slowly falls, and the broken firefly The space is gradually brighter, and the shattered firefly is integrated into the light, and the light is a huge Yuanling Mountain! ! !

The female fairy stepped out of the portal, her body shape has been far away from the Qing dynasty, and the night rain poured but she could not fall into the silver of her body. The female fairy stood in the air and looked at the direction of Qingyuanyuan for a moment. She raised her hand and took out a mountain-shaped wafer from the waist. “噗” a scent of scent was injected, and the wafer suddenly rose and became a dozens of sizes in a moment!

The female fairy raised her hand a little, and a silver light shot into it. The "boom" mountain shadow emitted a faint silver light and rushed into the Yuanling Mountain under the female fairy.

About a meal, the female fairy under the Yuanling Mountain trembled rapidly, the female fairy brows up, let go of the thoughts and look around, the left hand is raised, a light like a net has not entered the void, the square will cover dozens of miles live.

In the water flow of the night sky, a dark shadow of a thousand feet rushed out, and the shadow disappeared rapidly in the air, and it was turned into a human figure in front of the female fairy.

"The little mountains have seen the wing master!" The human form has a savvy manner.

"Well, you have worked hard!" The fairy nodded, and a crystal bottle in the wave fell in front of the human figure and said, "This is for you."

"Thank you... Xie Yizhu!" The face of the humanoid illusion of the mountain has some blunt smiles.

The female fairy asked faintly: "Is there any change near Yuanling Mountain?"

"The main wing of the wing..." The mountain hurriedly said, "The recent situation in Yuanling Mountain is not good, King Wing..."

Unfortunately, before the end of the mountain, the female fairy is cold and cold: "I know all these things, I don't have to report it! I asked about the vicinity of Qingyuanyuan, and the star field under the Yuanling Mountain fairyland..."

"Yes, yes, small understand..." Hawthorn’s face was a little scared and said, "Small want to put these important messages at the end."

"Yeah!" The female immortal did not know if she could scream, and the mountain hurriedly slammed: "The Hongyu Tianyi of Qingyiyuan was opened by the immortals for a while before..."

The female fairy stunned and said: "Oh? When, what immortal?"

"Wings Lord forgives sin!" Shanshan cautiously said, "The immortal gods come to the vastness, non-small to be aware of, and the small is known when the King of Jinghong finds that he has changed and explores. Then, the small and explored star The retrograde channel of the domain, found two traces of the lead..."

“Two traces of the lead?” The female immortal said, “Where is the ruined temple, where is it?”

"This..." Hawthorn hesitated, whispered, "The wing is the main, the small incompetence, can not investigate where the star field is, or even ... the star field under the jurisdiction of the temple, it is not small can be explored !"

"What?" The female immortal was even more shocked and lost her voice. "Even if you can't even explore it, let's see if the feathers are rising here... don't you rely on your exploration?"

"Yeah!" Hawthorn bowed his head and was extremely embarrassed. "Small incompetence. The previous two points were not noticed at all. It was only later discovered that there was a problem with the polyester liquid. This is only a counter-inspection. Even so, small can't. Exploring the specifics of the two entrance signs, we can only know some changes by virtue of the anomalous mortal aura, and also...

"Oh..." The female fairy smiled and waved. "How can you blame you for this? This Yuanling Mountain has a great secret in the fairyland. Even the feathers are unpredictable. How can you know a small spiritual body? ?"

"Yes, thank you Wing Lord for your fortune!" Hawthorn's face was laughing and then said, "Small there is another important thing, I don't know if I should sue..."

"What do you mean?" said the female fairy. "Since it is an important matter, why don't you know why it should be false?"

"Because the small is not sure, if it is unusual, I can't say it." Hawthorn replied, "This time the wing master is so generous, the small feel is better with the wing master!"

"Well, you say it!" said the fairy and the martyr. "Even if it is wrong, it doesn't matter!"

"Small in the exploration of the traces of the lead, and occasionally found that the fairy spirit at the interface is somewhat abnormal, what can be specific, small can be identified..."

The female fairy frowned: "Can you understand more?"

"Small feelings in the spirit of the spirits in addition to the world of heaven and earth, there are more gold or watery things, unlike the previous situation, we are different from the lower bounds of the mortal!" Hawthorn thought, cautiously replied "Oh, and there seems to be some Xinghua that is different from the fairyland and the moon. What is the small size?"

"Yes, good!" said the female fairy. "I know that these are very good. I will report this matter. If it is useful, the main wing will have a reward!"

"Xie Yizhu..." The mountain fell back.

Looking at the shape of the mountain, the human form dissipated into the strange mountain shape and fell into Yuanling Mountain. The female fairy smiled and squinted at the heavy rain and said faintly: "No wonder the King of the King is not willing to take out 200 copies." Lingshui, the original Qingyuan Yuan has been visited by other immortals! This... Who can escape the singer of the King of the Kings? Since the weight of the polyester liquid is insufficient, how can the King of Jinghong dare to promise me? Could he dare to lie to me?"

"It won't be! Jinghong King is in desperate need of Yuxian He will not find his way!"

"Right, who took the Fujimori and the sedge, and provoked the contradiction between King Wing and the King of the Flower? This thing really makes me confused. Yuanling Mountain is of great secret, but... it is not me. Fairy people can be jealous, who wants to touch Yuanling Mountain, who is too long!"

"There is just the person who has swept away the rain and green fruit. He... He has to lack the amount of money crystal, and even the rotten rain and green fruit will not let go..."

P: "The Revival of the Gods and the Immortals" has finally been put on the shelves. This time is special for the flower exploration, and it is also very important for the friends. It is 2018. In the new year, I wish you all the best, always thinking, always 18 years old!

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