Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1761: fool

"Everything can be falsely accused!" Yi Bilian laughed. "If the master has the courage to go to Binger! However, the disciples think that Binger is nothing, and can make Binger ... Is the best! "

"Silk," Ji Jiu took a breath, and could not help thinking of that mysterious family!

Bian Jijiu was obviously mistaken, but Shuo Bing was not mistaken. She just flew out of Qingyun Mountain, and she was already a little interested.

Tong Guantian keenly sensed Shuo Bing's emotions and whispered: "What's wrong?"

"You accompany me to Helan !!" Shuo Bing looked at the distance and shook his head, "It doesn't make sense to go to build Danfeng."

"Ah?" Guan Tianyue wondered, "Isn't that Ouyang Zhenhua a disciple of Zhu Danfeng? Do you think he's Yanxian, just forget it!"

"How is that possible?" Shuo coldly said, "Blood debt and blood!"

那 "That," Guan Tianyue wanted to ask again, Shuo Bing said, "Are you going? Don't go to myself ..."

What can Tongguan Tianyue say? He accompanied carefully, hurriedly inspected the teleportation circle around him, and took Shuo Bing to He Lanyu!

After about half a month, Guan Tianyue just accompanied Shuo Bing to He Lanyu's teleportation array, and "brushed" a messenger flashing quickly around his waist.

Tongguan Tianyue's face changed slightly. Looking at Shuo Bing, Shuo Bing raised his eyebrows, and asked, "What are you doing? I don't care about your own business!"

"Huh, huh," Guan Tianyue hurriedly found a quiet place to excite the messenger, but after half a cup of tea, Guan Tianyue returned dignifiedly, looked at Shuo Bing, and said, "Binger, I have a piece I'll discuss it with you! "

说 "Say!" Shuo Bing answered very sharply.

"To be honest, when you were in danger before, I should have been by your side ..." Guan Tianyue said sincerely, "but at that time I was weak and ... Tianzun Mansion may also help you. That ’s why I have been staying in Tianzunfu. Now that you have recovered and have far more strength than me, I think that I stay in Tianzunfu and stay with you, what do you think? "

"What can you do with me?" Shuo Bing crooked his head and looked at Guan Tianyue with a smile and asked, "You are so shallow, I went to Sejietian, can you go?"

这个 "This," Guan Tianyue said with a sad face, "can't you say that to me? I didn't say that to you in my lifetime! You can get the chance from Xiao Zhenren, and I can!"

既然 "Since it's an opportunity, it's so possible from time to time?" Shuo Bing said, "You're not looking for an opportunity in Tianzun Mansion, but you're looking for Xiao Zhenren.

可 "But," Guan Tianyue said, "If I return to Tianzun Mansion, I have to follow the arrangements of Tianzun Mansion and I can't stay with you!"

"Who wants you to stay with me?" Shuo Bing said with a smile on his mouth, "You go and do it for you!"

那 "What about you?" Guan Tianyue scratched his head, "still going to Xiao Zhenren?"

"I have settled the cause and effect, I have nothing to do with this fairyland," Shuo Bing replied, "From now on, I can concentrate on cultivation, I can do it everywhere, I don't have to return."

He said, Shuo Bing's figure slowly disappeared.

"Binger, Binger," Guan Tian said in shock, "You ... you will come back soon, I won't say this! I will return to Tianzun Mansion ..."

"Previously you worked for me and paid for me ..." Shuo Bing's voice came in the void, as if shy and afraid to face, but the voice was still faint. "In the future, I will protect you! The position of Tianzunfu is very important Xiao Zhenren needs you! "

"Huh?" Guan Tianyue frowned, and whispered, "This ... this is what Xiao Zhenren meant, or did you mean it?"

"Fool ..."

Wu Shuobing's answer was only two words, and Guan Tianyue was instantly stupid! !! !!

Let's say that Xiao Hua put down a banquet on the Xianzhou boat, rewarding Qian Yuhan, Su Shi, Qin Xin, etc., all the immortals will push the cup with Qin Xin and so on, the atmosphere is extremely warm, maybe the rest of the life after the disaster, or the bright future Su Shi and others seemed quite excited.

Xiao Hua didn't want to drink, but couldn't stand Qian Yuhan's toasting several times. Changyue was also beside him. Xiao Hua had to respond.

We shouldn't worry about this, every war general will come to toast, Xiao Hua is not good either, he just drinks it!

Xiao Hua's own confidant, Xiao Hua naturally won't hesitate, and all he took out were four regrets, even if Xiao Hua, even a few glasses of Xiao Hua, felt a lot of wine!

I watched Xiao Hua wave her hand, the immortals would sit down with smiles, took the immortals, and talked while moisturizing their throats. Although Qian Yuhan and Su Shi were curious as to why Qin Xin and others had made such a rapid progress, they closed their mouths differently, but they were smoldering and Zhan Xiu. I heard that Li Bo and others were only two qi and Juyuan, but now they are all heavens. Really surprised.

Taking advantage of the half-drink of wine, Zhan Xiu asked: "Sir, I only said happy things before, and I will wait until I know that the adult team has increased by two billion. But I do n’t know where these two billion immortal soldiers came from, I ’ll wait to return What is fairyland for ... "

Qian Yuhan and Su Shi looked at each other, they had this question before. But they have just turned to Xiao Hua, and they are not suitable to ask more questions, and they are not familiar with the team. So he does not ask. As for Qin Xin and so on, Xiao Hua is already the master in their hearts, and they will not ask one more. Of these people, only Zhan Xiu will talk.

"Well," Xiao Hua took a bite of fairy fruit and laughed, "The old man was going to the fairy world to share with you again. Since Zhan Xiu asked, let's say it in advance!"

"What?" When Xiao Hua finished speaking, Su Shi was anxious immediately, and he jumped up and said, "The Monster League Monsters actually sneaked into my fairyland? Then ... what are those teams doing?"

"Su Shi," Qian Yuhan was displeased, and scolded, "That's where my Yu Chong's team defends. Since the long sky handsome has fallen, it shows that those monsters are really powerful!"

"The key point is ..." Su Shi frowned, "Should be sneaked in by the monsters! This ... How are these teams deployed? The exploration of the fairy wares in the realm of the world, and the exploration of the fairy array are all invalid?"

"It's really possible!" Qian Yuhan said, "The League of Legends is called the Alliance of Demons, which is where many demons gather. If some strange demons in the depths of the League of Demons come to Jiechong, it is really possible!"

"The question is what are they doing in the realm? What do they want to do when they sneak into the realm?"

Xiao Hua touched his nose and shook his head: "This old man didn't know either, the military order didn't say ..."

大 "Master," Huan Ran cautioned, "I don't know which Tianzun Mansion is the Tianzun Mansion you approached?"

"I only know that I want to go to the heavens of the heavens, I haven't explained which Tianzun Mansion!" Xiao Hua asked, "What do you think?"

Li Randu determined: "Since it is the heaven of desire, it is not the Taoist Heavenly Palace and the Taoist Heavenly Palace, or the Taoist Heavenly Palace, and it will never be the Heavenly Palace of other Heavenly Supremes!"

"Huh ..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "No matter who it is, go and talk."

"Come, sir," smolder toasted again, "The sir will pay a respect to the sir, this is an opportunity, and the sir will surely fly in the future!"

"Last cup!" Xiao Hua laughed, "Don't drunk the old man, even the fairyland can't return!"

"Haha, then I will accompany this last cup!" Su Shi laughed and raised a glass to accompany.

Xiao Hua no longer drank too much, and the other immortals drank another half of the children. This was the only way to thank Xiao Hua, and ask Xiao Hua to take them into Kunlun Wonderland.

But when Xiao Hua urged the Kunlun Mirror, Yan Ran suddenly said: "Sir, there is still something to ask the adult for help. After half an hour, please ask the adult to send him out ..."

Xiao Xiaohua glanced at Yan Yan and nodded slightly.

"What's the matter with Yan Ran?" Xiao Hua was puzzled. He closed his eyes and rested for a long time. Seeing that the time was almost up, he put the immortal ban on him and sent him away.

大 "Master," seeing no one around, smoldering and kneeling on one knee, "there is a private matter at the end, and I ask the lord to help!"

嗯 "Huh, huh," Xiao Hua helped up, "I don't need to."

"This thing has nothing to do with the adult ..." Yan Ran respectfully said, "but if the adult intervenes, it may cause trouble for the adult!"

"No matter what, you say!" Xiao Hua laughed, "the old man is not afraid of trouble!"

"Thank you for your help!" Huo Ran said, "I will share this with you at the end, no matter if the adult agrees or not ~ ~ The end will be grateful!"

"Adult should know," 苒 Ran raised his eyes to see a flash of light in the distant fairyland, and said, "The end general should have gone to the Othello sanctuary on time to ask Othello ..."

"Well, you said that!" Xiao Hua nodded, "It was because a missing nephew of his own family suddenly got news. You just missed the time in order to detect the truth of the news."

"Yes!" 苒 Ran nodded. "The nephew's next-generation nephew is called 苒 Xingyue ..."

Hearing here, Xiao Hua's expression moved, she didn't realize she was frightened, but she didn't know what to do, then she said, "She was a high-level investigator who was in charge of Gongjifeige. She is a disciple with great potential in my family. But ... many years ago, she suddenly disappeared. According to the news from the Palace of the Law, she encountered a starburst when exploring a lower star field, but what star field and how many star fields are affected by the star burst? The palace of the rule did not say ... "

"... My uncle's family also searched for a long time, but there were no clues. Later, the family could only give up. Xingyue was the general who watched growing up. She went to the palace of the rule and was also the general, so the general was guilty. , Wanting to find her a little news. Just when the end will go to the Othello sanctuary, a message suddenly came out from the palace of the palace, saying that a fairy official in Zuntianfu found a punishment palace fairy official and a The whereabouts of the immortal officials in charge of the palace, and the two immortal officials also returned to the immortal world ... "

"I'm going!" Xiao Hua secretly said, "Isn't this Xu Zhi and the Xingyue Fairy? Is it possible that there are immortal officials in Zuntianfu going to the four continents?"

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