Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1772: the truth!

"My lord," Mo Feiyan nodded. "Not only my lord, even humiliation, but also the power of hatred is so huge! The humiliation of the humble vocation has been ashamed of the cultivation of adults!"

"Oh! ..." Yan Yu looked up out of the window and sighed, "I know, it's also my fault, so I sent Yu Miao out and let her burn away!"

"It's a pity !!!" Mo Feiyan gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know who was killed by Yu Miao at this time! Who did the punishment palace! Who saved the little fairy baby ... and who is it!"

"Slowly explore, sooner or later, the water will come out!" Yan Yu patted Mo Feiyan shoulder.

"Well, I understand," Mo Feiyan nodded, and then tentatively said, "I don't know Xi ... is there any news from the deputy master?"

"Still not!" Yan Yu shook his head, "In addition, the deputy leader of the Linglun Hall was also missing."

"What?" Mo Feiyan exclaimed, "Another deputy chief is missing? But ... is there any news?"

"I don't know!" Yan Yu smiled bitterly, "I can't wait for the high-ranking robber, how can I know about the Lord Master!"

大 "Master," Mo Feiyan suddenly remembered, and whispered, "But there is news about humble jobs. I don't know if the adults have heard it!"

"Well, you say!" Yan Yu nodded.

"Hear me, I have heard that a long-lost high-ranking penalty officer in the punishment palace and a long-lost high-level investigation in our palace have recently returned to the fairyland."

谁 "Who?" Yan Yu asked for a while, "Why don't I know?"

"My lord is anxious, my humble job has not been finished yet." Mo Feiyan laughed, "this is not the result!"

"What do you mean?" Yan Yu was puzzled.

结果 "It turned out ..." Mo Feiyan smiled mysteriously. "These two are missing again!"

"What? And ... disappeared again? Is it true that they returned to Fairyland?"

"Of course it is true." Mo Feiyan accompanied the laughter. "How else would you dare to talk to your grown-ups? This is still from the punishment palace!"

"Why haven't I heard our palmier talk about missing fairy officials?"

"Because this immortal official never returned," Mo Feiyan said, "they disappeared as soon as they returned!"

"What's the news ... what's the meaning?" Yan Yu frowned.

大 "Master," Mo Feiyan squinted and looked at Yan Yudao, "the immortal official of the punishment palace is called Xu Zhi ..."

When he heard the name Xu Zhi, Yan Yu seemed a little moved, and he seemed unheard of, and Mo Feiyan had trouble understanding what Yan Yu thought, so Mo Feiyan went on to say, "Our **** in charge of the palace is called Xun Xing Month, this is not a big deal. The key is that when he heard the news from the Taoist Heavenly Palace, one of their eunuchs inspected a strange message, as if the two eunuchs were missing, related to Lord Xicheng ... "

"How is that possible?" Yan Yu blurted out.

"Sir, I didn't believe in lowly positions before." Mo Feiyan hurriedly handed a Moxian pupil and whispered, "The news also mentions another fairy, similar in strength to Lord Xicheng. If the Lord said that there is a vice The owner of the temple is also missing, so this message is probably true! "

"Taoist Tiangong?" Yan Yu took Moxian Tong, released his thoughts for a moment, his face changed slightly, and anxiously said, "Yes, your news came in a timely manner. I now see the deputy director of temporary photography on the horse. Lord Lord. "

"Congratulations," Mo Feiyan hurriedly laughed, "I hope the adults can make new achievements in front of the new deputy master!"

"Huh, huh." Yan Yu has moved, smiling, "Keep your credit in your heart, let's go!"

"Yes, sir." Mo Feiyan turned around, and the smile on his face became even richer.

Let's say that Xiao Hua's mind enters the space. At this time, Xu Zhizheng pointed to the practice of Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia, and saw Xiao Hua fall into his side like a jade Xiao Hua, Xu Zhi had already seen it, and Xiao Hua smiled at the jade. Still speaking of his own understanding, after waiting for half a cup of tea, Xu Zhi stopped and Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia came to see the ceremony.

Cai Zhuoxia even laughed: "Real person, listen to Hongxia's knowledge of one of the seven branches of Fortune Gate. Do you have any other plans?"

Qiu Yuxi's face turned black instantly. The immortal space is huge, and there are countless disciples. I am afraid that only Cai Zhuoxia dare to ask this?

Seeing Yuhua Xiaohua's support, Li Zongbao glanced at Cai Zhuoxia and said, "Read Xiao's previous message, saying that there is a desirable fairy, have you seen the image?"

"Ah?" Cai Zhuoxia was startled, anxious, "When did it happen? Why haven't I seen the video? No, I have to ask, how can an ordinary fairy, without some foundation, be worthy of my family?" ,fast……"

Looking at Li Zongbao easily coaxing Cai Zhuoxia away, Xu Zhi almost smiled.

真 "Real person," Xu Zhi held back a smile, Ji Shou said, "How come all of a sudden? Is there anything unusual about it?"

"Hoo!" Yuhua Xiao Hua exhaled a long time and said, "It's not an unusual change, but I saw Jiang Zibo ..."

"Jiang Zibo?" Xu Zhi's face changed slightly, and he whispered, "How did a real person see him? What is his status?"

Yuhuan Xiao Hua waved his hand, signaled Xu Zhi to be calm and calm, and said, "Jiang Zibo, who was met by the poor in the Palace of the Realm, did Brother Xu remember the news that the poor said? He gave up and begged the Taoist. Celestial officials, want to determine the truth of this news ... "

Yuhuan Xiao Hua explained the cause of the matter, and finally said, "The poor man had previously seen Jiang Zibo when he was mad, and he was supported by him for one or two. He was very impressed. Now he heard that he was looking for Xu. Brother, I also know that Brother Xu has such a good friend or two in the fairyland, so come and ask! "

"Yes!" Xu Zhi squinted his eyes, looked at the white cloud dog in the sky, and nodded. "Jiang Zibo is one of Xu's best friends. Xu met him in the realm, then practiced together and ascended together. Fairyland! "

"Oh, that's good!" Yuhua Xiaohua caressed, "Poor Dao finds a chance to inform him and let him rest assured!"

"Real person," Xu Zhi said slightly, and bowed, "Xu has a merciless request, and please ask the real person to agree!"

"Brother Xu is polite!" Yuhua Xiao Hua hurriedly raised Xu Zhidao, "Why do you and me have to be like this? Besides, Tian Xuan Dian Nai is in charge of Brother Xu, and the poor road will not interfere too much!"

"Thank you, real people!" Xu Zhi was overjoyed, and he got up. "Xu and Jiang Zibo are like ... different from Ye Danhui, both of which have no foundation. Although Jiang Zibo is the heir of the Jiang family, he has a weak bloodline and he may not be able to get his will at the Jiang family. If it is not so good to ask him to come to the Temple of Heaven's Penalty, he is upright and enthusiastic, but complementary to Xu! "

"Well, Brother Xu can decide at this time!" Yuhua Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Poor way to find a chance to arrange for you to meet Jiang Zibo. However, Brother Xu said that Ye Danhui is another brother Xu? This name should be a fairy, hey, Xingyue fairy doesn't know ????

"Well, it is said that it is the best friend. Actually, Xu and Jiang Zi have a high climb." Xu Zhi sighed, took out a Moxian pupil, engraved Ye Danhui's image, handed it to Yuxi Xiao Hua, and said, "Since entering Fairyland, Xu has never seen her again ... "

Xu Zhi also wanted to tell the cause and effect. How could I know that Yu Huan Xiao Hua had just touched Moxian Tong when he raised his hand, and suddenly the winds around the place were violent, the storm was violent, and the sky changed drastically.

"What's wrong?" Xu Zhi looked at Yu Huan Xiao Hua flashing thunder light all over his body, his face suddenly changed, and he was shocked, "This is a real person ..."

"There is a big event !!!" Yuhua Xiaohua got up with "Om", his face gloomy, "Brother Xu, please wait here for a while. If possible, trouble to think about the things of Fanjie and Ye Danhui one by one. Come back, you and I can negotiate! "

"Okay!" Xu Zhi wanted to ask more, but Yu Huan Xiao Hua's body was gone, leaving Xu Zhi in mid-air to become Zhang Er Monk scratching his head!

How could Xiao Yu and Xiao Hua not be frightened!

Isn't the image of Ye Danhui in Xu Zhimo's pupils the same as the image of Xuanzi Fairy that was left in the jade jade of the fairy realm among the fragments of the flood realm?

Although the image of Xuanzi Fairy in Jade Fairy is not very clear, but in the eyes of Yuhua Xiaohua, he can see clearly, Ye Danhui is Xuanzi Fairy!

If this is the case, Yu Huan Xiao Hua would not be so frightened. Yu Huan Xiao Hua was horrified by ~ ~ Xuan Zi Fairy was still hiding in Yu Huan, but she left a message saying that she was out of sleep, When Wang Xunfei was about to ascend to heaven, she suddenly used her magical powers and rolled Wang Xunfei back to the immortal world. Such a plan ... really made Yu Huan Xiao Hua tremble!

Xiao Hua returned to his heart, Yin Yihong, Jiang Yize and Xu Chenggong were eye-catching. It seems that the three have reached a consensus and are discussing the details.

Xiao Hua didn't come out of irritability in his heart, he looked around and said, "Three adults ..."

哦 "Oh, what does Master Xiao have in mind?" Yin Yihong has been worried about Xiao Hua, and now Xiao Hua speaks, but he is happy and asks.

"Xiao Mou had previously understood that Xiao Mou was ordered to assist the Taoist Heavenly Temple." Xiao Hua said, "As for how to act, it is up to Yin Futang, the three adults to discuss things, Xiao Mou is not very interested, but The three adults are assured that Xiao will keep his mouth shut, and Xiao believes that there are three adults who plan ahead and will be able to wipe out all the demons who have sneaked into the fairyland. As for Xiao, he only brought two hurting steps and billions. The tired immortal soldiers can go to rest in the immortal world for a good rest. What's the credit, Xiaomou dare not hope, so now Xiaomou asks to go to all circles to inspect the traces of the demon tribe, and vice president Yin promises! "

"Mr. Xiao, why is this?" Xu Chenggong quickly got up and said, "You and me are both the team and Yue Xiao. You should be blessed and have a hard time here!"

"No need!" Xiao Hua did not allow Cheng Gong to finish, and waved his hand, "It is enough for three adults to plan for this matter, and Xiao will take a step ..."

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