Revival of the Gods

Chapter 194: Qingyun Mountain

Xiao Huayan read the message of Hui Yuxian, and his mouth was sneer. Xiao Hua is expected to be correct, Hui Yu fairy and Cai Rong fairy fruit are contradictory! Moreover, the confession of the confession of the business alliance, after releasing the demon genre and the dragon domain, also attracted the attention of Hui Yuxian, and the plan of Xiao Hua’s right and left source finally had an effect.

In the token, Hui Yu Xianzi not only said that the secret technique of re-cultivating the spirit-protecting needle and fixing the **** lock is not bad, but also simply explained the things of the seven-yang back to the soul. Of course, Hui Yu Xianzi did not To conceal her purpose, she also wants to refine her relics, and to say that this is something that the main fairy can't find. If Xiaohua finds and trades with her, she will pay the price of Xiaohua's satisfaction!

"The barriers are always easy to break from inside!" Xiao Hua received the token of Hui Yu Xianzi, the dark road, "Xiao Mou just took some rare things and provoked you to fight, if you took the Buddha's Kingdom, heaven's things Come over? It seems that Xiaomou should continue to exist in this business alliance!"

Xiao Hua’s thoughts are good, but unfortunately he is now a lonely man. It’s already a dilemma to pretend that it’s hard to go to the business alliance. It’s difficult to go to the sky, so he only left this thought, and closed his eyes to recast the guardian needle and the **** lock. Secret technique. About a few yuan later, Xiao Hua will sacrifice the three talents and send a fallen fairy baby into it. It was also a few hours. As Xiao Hua carefully moved the fairy, a gray protective needle and a rusty rust lock were actually sacrificed by him. Xiao Hua knew that the secret technique given by Hui Yu was correct. The heart is big.

The fallen fairy baby has collapsed like a corpse. Now it has taken a protective needle and a fixed lock. It is also a soft crystal. It looks like a normal spirit. It is not seen by ordinary immortals. It may not be used. The lack of talent will make this fairy baby a good use, but Xiao Hua always has a burden in the heart of this crystal, and can't face it. He sighed and sent the baby into the space of the fairy world, letting him become a pure fairy spirit in the space!

As for other fallen infants, Xiao Hua simply passed on the secrets of his own secrets to his own hundred infants, and then each fairy baby was divided into a baby body, allowing them to use the three talents to sacrifice the spiritual needle and the gods lock.

More than a hundred cents of infants and rituals are not a day's work. Xiao Hua can't wait. He came out from Shenxiang Danfu, and he pointed out the direction and flew to one place. Because Hui Yuxian's message said that he understood, Qiyang returned to the soul. It is a kind of tears from the name of the Seven Yangs back to the soul beast. This kind of monster is extremely rare. The only thing on the enlightenment of the mainland may be the Ziyin Cave in the Pyridazine ladder!

The oxazine ladder is in the depths of Yunmeng Snow!

Hui Yu Xianzi is iron-hearted to make good Xiao Hua, the stage of the demolition of the fairy, although she does not know how to use the seven Yang back to the soul, but she said what she knows about the seven-yang back to the soul of the taboo, what The caster's repair is higher than the immortal who breaks the soul, otherwise the caster will be countered; what ordinary fairy can't be used for the seven yang back to the soul, otherwise the caster's own soul is also hit hard. On the contrary, Xiao Hua’s record about the seven-yang returning soul beast is not written in the token. It is obvious that Hui Yu’s fairy does not know, otherwise Xiao Hua can imagine that Hui Yu’s fairy may wait for himself at the 绛azine ladder and personally introduce himself. Go.

Qingyun Mountain is a mountain range of hundreds of thousands of miles in the western part of the Enlightenment. The mountains in the mountains are not known. The mountains and valleys are full of lush forests. There are countless birds and animals in the mountains, and some footsteps. The immortals shuttle between the mountains. The most striking thing is the clouds floating between the mountains, because the mountains emit a light blue luster, these clouds are all reflected in cyan, the clouds of blue are shining like lotus and lotus, the whole mountain looks like a lot of Qinglian Move, Qingyun Mountain is afraid to be named!

Although the name is true, the reason why Qingyun Mountain is famous is not its beauty, but because Qingyun Mountain is a branch of the famous sect of the Qing Dynasty.

Qingyun Mountain is not completely unimaginable. It is a dangerous place in the depths. There are thousands of miles. There are no dazzling clouds in the sky. Some are acres of gray collapse. These collapses. Light gray clouds, but there are extremely noisy fluctuations like raindrops.

When the volatility falls, it turns into a fierce hurricane. The hurricane is equally weird. It does not scrape in other directions, but it is straight to the mountain peaks standing on the ground. These mountains are bare, there are no weeds, and some are just pitted. And because of the long and deep hurricane tempering, the mountain rocks of these mountains are iron-green, which seems to be harder than the general refiner material.

At this time, a silver light rose from the sky in Qingyun Mountain, flew toward the mountain, not waiting for the proximity, the silver light has been shaken by the hurricane on the edge of the mountain. In the silver light and the annihilation, a human figure of a hundred feet is exposed. This person is frowning. Look at the space in the front hurricane being opened. It looks like a wave, and whispered: "This is unlucky, how? Spread this errand!"

Saying, the human figure has a mouth, "噗" an orange halo spurts out, as the human figure enters a few celestial scorpions, there are countless fist-sized runes on the aura, the runes form a ban on the halo, and the entire halo is in the moment. Turn into a sinister armor. The human figure raised his hand and the armor fell on him, and the silver light swaying like a candle swayed.

The human figure just wants to push the figure, "brushing" from the other direction, a two-color iridescent is passing by, just following the human form, the iridescent color is already close, although the iridescent person's body shape is hidden, but This human figure is still flying, standing in the air, Yang said: "Diko Zibo, I have seen Qiu Shishu..."

The iridescent pause will come down. In the light and shadow, Qiu Bochong’s figure is revealed. He looks at this disciple wearing a hyperthyroidism: “Oh? Zhibo, where are you going, how to dress like this?”

"The disciple is unlucky!" The disciple of Ming Zhi Zhibo smiled bitterly. "Today, I have a hard time, I have to go to the evil wind mountain to make a heart!"

"Evil Wind Mountain?" Qiu Bochong laughed. "That is indeed a chore. The wind is constantly on the way. You just succeeded in missing the fairy. The fairy body is still not stable. After this incident, I am afraid that it will be hard to repair. Yan Caicheng. However, there is no smooth road on the cultivation road. This is both a temper and a chance. The fairy body is broken and then solidified. Haha, Zhibo, this is a good opportunity!"

After that, Qiu Bo rushed to Zhibo, and he was born with iridescence, and he was about to fly away. However, just flew a thousand feet, Qiu Bo’s conflict stopped and turned and asked: “Yes, Zhibo, what do you want to do?”

"Oh, good teacher Qiu Shishu knows!" Zhibo quickly replied, "The disciple was ordered to release the disciples of the cast heart hole."

Qiu Bo’s brow wrinkled, and he asked: “Which disciple?”

"Uncle Shi waited, let the disciples look at it!" Zhibo said, taking out a strip of fairy charm from the sleeve of his sleeve, and said after reading it, "It is a disciple called Yan Bing!"

“朔冰?” Qiu Bo rushed his brow and smiled. “I am familiar with this disciple. I took her back from Helan. I remember that the punishment was given to her. This is only a few minutes, how come out?"

"This disciple doesn't know!" Zhibo shook his head. "However, the disciple got the order, saying that there is a critical task to complete the ice and let her sin!"

Having said that, Zhibo has a look around and said: "The disciple has seen the uncle in the ancestors of Yi Feng..."

"B-Bai Lian?" Qiu Bo sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "No wonder! She is a disciple who loves her, lest her baby disciple be blown away by the hurricane in the heart of the heart..."

"Uncle Shi, the disciples have been delayed for too long!" Zhibo smiled and said, "The disciple puts the ice and goes back to pay the order!"

"Well," Qiu Bochong turned his eyes and said, "This is a hurricane in the heart of the heart. The old man will give you a ride."

"So thank you Qiu Shishu!" Zhibo laughed.

Qiu Bochong's big sleeves will be exhibited, and the two-color light and shadow will cover the wisdom of the blog, and the body shape will turn into a hurricane. The hurricane is really strong, as strong as Qiu Bochong, the two-color light and shadow surface of the body is also torn, and there are several shades of light and shadow scattered in the wind, just after the light and shadow is broken, there is a rune from the inner layer. Out, still turned into light and shadow repair!

About a meal, Qiu Bochong took Zhibo to get a mountain peak. The hurricane near the peak is several times stronger than the and the mountain peak is out, there is more than a thousand The cave of Zhang’s cave is trumpet-shaped, and it is the place where several hurricanes come. The hurricane is like a mountain torrent!

It is surrounded by the cave entrance, the mountain rock has been polished smooth, and when the hurricane is blown in, there are some faint halos, and even at the bottom of the halo there is a vague rune, which is obviously a blessing. .

Zhibo stood at the entrance of the cave. Although there was a bodyguard, the armor was stunned, and a lot of messy runes poured out. Obviously, this armor could not withstand the hurricane.

"Qiu Shishu..." Zhibo pleaded without hesitation. "You sent the Buddha to the West, and it is better to send the disciples here."

Although it is a request, Zhibo knows that Qiu Bochong will definitely send himself in. Doesn't he want to see the horror of the ice?

Sure enough, Qiu Bochong added a little thought and said: "Although the old man can't let you send you in the past, it is against the rules of my sapphire door, but the old man can't watch his juniors in the hurricane?"

"Yes, yes..." Zhibo accompanied the laughter. "This is a matter of expediency. Please ask the teacher to be uncomfortable."

Qiu Bochong smiled slightly, and the big sleeves still waved, but seeing Zhibo’s body raised dozens of smudges of yellow and light, followed Qiu Bochong into the cave.

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