Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2131: Deadly Hunt

Xiao Hua smiled and was about to speak. The blue candle fell down and stared at Xiao Hua with a laugh: "Isn't someone talking outside the Seven-Loved Nightmare Demon Tower to kill Lao Tzu? Why? Seeing it wrong, looking for your teacher's protection What? Do you still have guts? "

Xiao Hua smiled again at the corner of his mouth, and whispered to Teng Zhongxue: "Master Teng's boxing love will always lead him, and he will listen to Master Teng's arrangement!"

"Okay!" Teng Zhongxu was afraid that Xiao Hua would be irritated by the green candle, and he did not listen to his own arrangements. Now he is happy, and his big sleeves are down. Xiao Hua has already been closed. Xiao Hua saw the world and it was dark, so he released the shadow. He himself received the immortal power and suppressed the realm fiercely, falling into the sleeves of Teng Zhongxu's sleeves.

Xiao Hua knew that in the Seven Love Nightmare Demon Tower, even if Teng Zhongxu had a fairy space, he could not put himself in, so he was not afraid that he could not come out.

"Roar" green candle saw it, snarled low, a beam of light emerged from the left eye, a hot roll rolled around the space and shot directly at Teng Zhongxu, as for the right eye, the same one, there was also a frozen instantaneous blockade of Teng Zhongxu's left arm, even It was Xiao Hua, who also felt cold.



At the same time, the green candle shouted loudly, "Are you two dead?"


The two demon clan that had blocked Teng Zhongxu heard the sound, one passed by like a shadow, the innumerable afterimages seemed to be assembled in battle formation, the other demon clan had a donkey face, at this time he grinned and a whole body poured out a hundred The stars are scattered, and each of these stars flickers, each of which is like a star. Although there is no power of stars in the Seven Love Nightmare Demon Tower, the stars flicker, and the purple light annihilates within hundreds of thousands of miles around, and the power of stars begins gushing.

"Haha," Teng Zhongxu laughed, fearing his own eyebrows, "poo poo" sounded like a bubble burst, a long spear appeared like electricity, "bombing" again heard Teng Zhongxu There was a sound of thunder in the back, but when I saw another head, another pair of arms came out. This pair of arms held a spear exactly like Zhen Qi and waved thunder and lightning!

Seeing that Teng Zhongxue's avatar pierced Ying Li's remnant, the shadow at the end of the light was like a bat, and the spear of the gun spewed a **** color, "shoo" a **** shadow flying like Ruo Tengzhong. Out, directly into the body of Ying Li, "Ga" Ying Li screamed in the mouth, the residual image shattered like smoke, that Ying Li flew again, a dark scar appeared on its flesh wings, a plume of black mist and dirty blood Gush!

"Boom" at this time, the sound of roaring around, when Teng Zhong's virtual strike hurt, the starry sky shrouded, dozens of figures of the demon clan jumped out from a burst of starlight, and Teng Zhong's blunt mouth spewed out. The flame blocked most of them, and about three or five phantoms penetrated through the gap of the flame, plopped in front of Teng Zhongxu ’s body, and each turned into a white-toothed beak, biting Teng Zhongxu ’s right arm, although the right arm There is a golden flash on it, which can be turned into powder and broken in this white tooth.

As for the body of Teng Zhongxu, the blue candles have a pair of different pupils, and two columns of cold and hot light close the space in front of his head. The hot and cold of the annihilation law swept over and the Teng Zhongxu's golden light was messed up, but Teng Zhongxu still roared. , With both hands impressed by force, the golden gun like a rainbow tearing through two beams of light, and even the already dim fairy marks flashing like stars, "Booming" thunder, there are seven, seven, forty-nine spears of different colors Fly out, pierce the beam of light and approach the candlestick chest!

"Haha" Qingzhu laughed again, a scarred star mark appeared on his chest, this star mark was strange, like lightning, with the laughter of the blue candle, "Booming" thirty-six heavy **** thunder torrents poured out, early Forty-nine long shots killed and annihilated!

Teng Zhongxu has one enemy and three enemies. He can still protect himself under World War I, but he knows in his heart that he must be like a tiger, and then he will be exhausted!

So Teng Zhongxu left his left hand, tearing the frozen space with his long sleeves, shouting in his mouth: "Xin Zhenren, you go by yourself. If you see the Changxing adults, tell him the old man, Tengmou is worthy of him!"

"Hey," seeing Teng Zhong's virtual sleeve shadow tearing the space, Xiao Hua's figure flew like a meteor, and the sneer of the blue candle mouth sneered, the tail of the snake flicked, and the shadows covered the space like mountains, and there were **** thunder bolts in the mountains. The rain fell.

"Damn !!"

Teng Zhong's imaginary eyes were cracked, he could not think that Qingzhu was so unavoidable, and even Xiao Hua and other junior juniors of Da Luo did not let it go, but he had done his utmost, and could only watch Xiao Hua's figure being bloodied and thundered Drown! ! !

Besides Baiyun and Wuguang, seeing the two angels slamming left and right, blocking their way forward, and behind Xiyuan Yu chased the tail of another Rumo demon clan, the two first scolded each other, then looked at each other and slapped their brows, "Boom" Baiyun's eyebrows have clouds coming out, and at the same time, the golden light around Baiyun's body is also distorted, and countless white textures begin to spread like ridges. As for the dark light, ink flames appear on the eyebrows, and the flames really condense and top Go down all over Wu Guang.

Between Wu Guang and Bai Yun, the two angels looked at each other and raised their scepters at the same time, "bombing" the two bodies around them, condensed into holy light, and turned into a tens of thousands of angel teams. Both were waving the holy weapon to the two.

"Look" Behind the two immortals, Xi Yuan gave the **** demon body a dark crack like a arrogant smile and said, "This is an angel. We can't bring the little ones in, but they can, but, No way, hey, who will let us have no Holy Light? "

"Yu" The dark demon clan is the opposite of Xiyuanyu. The dark demon body has blood-stained marks. Its voice is like the Nine Demon Devil, and it is extremely cold. "What are you talking about? Prey, I just need a place to get out of this disgusting space. Do n’t hurry to grab it? "

"Relax, rest assured," Xi Yuanyu smiled, "Knowing the signal that the human race team assembled, there will be an endless stream of human races. This is just seventeen, and there will be twenty-seven!"

After talking, Xiyuanyu shivered a few fissures, and there were three-eyed skeletons laughing out of the black light and white cloud fairy bodies.

"Hum" Xi Yuanxun snorted coldly, "Even if you are like this, don't try to grab my head!"

After talking, Xi Yuanxuan's black body trembled, and the blood stains closed like eyes, but strangely, the dark ink flame flashed, and blood stains appeared, and Baiyun had Yunxia everywhere. There are blood spots!

"Xi Yuanxuan" an angel roared, "You are enough to grab one!"

"Haha" Bai Yun and Wu Guang smiled angrily, shouting, "You wait for the children's means, but also want to build merit?"

After finishing the speech, the white cloud turned and quickly condensed into a cloud-shaped vortex, and the black light of the whole body roared in reverse rotation!

"Come on, don't let them join forces!" Seeing two suffocating breaths emerge, implying the law of yin and yang, the two angels were frightened!

The two angels rushed in like wind!


How could the Angels team prevent the two strong players from joining the middle and late stage?

In the wind and the clouds, the two angel teams were shattered by the cloud-shaped vortex, and the dark flame swallowed it up and burned. The two angels looked at each other, and there was no accident on their faces. They joined forces with the demon clan and faced two human clan warriors. Of course, you have to avoid its edge, you can hide, you can hide, the four left and right warlords besieged Baiyun and dark light in four places, they can never escape!

The black light and black fire fell into the whirlpool of white clouds, making a whimper sound, and the surrounding space immediately produced hundreds of millions of folds, like a big hand clenched, and a moment later, a breath of devastation began to spread around!

"Two," Xi Yuanyu and Xi Yuanxuan shouted coldly, "This is a cooked duck, don't let them fly!"

"it is good!"

The two angels looked at each other and replied, "As before, whoever tears their defenses first will cut off their heads!"


Xi Yuanyu didn't answer, there was a voice coming from the dark cracks, "poo poo", but seeing the black and white color that had been condensed into Tai Chi, there was a layer of inky black like ink droplets.

"Kill!" The two angels did not dare to neglect, waving their hands, the sacred gun and the sacred sword came out, and the angels moved the four wings and sixfold light and shadow, and brought the unshakable sharpness to the black and white delivery room. Gap!


Baiyun and Wuguang naturally knew the danger, and they hit again and again with their success or failure.

"Poo poo"

There is no earth-shattering booming sound, only a low as light as bubbles annihilated, but in the sound, the holy light is annihilated, the law is broken, and the radial fire of the black fire and white clouds appears, straight into the depths of Tai Chi!

At the same time, "Roar Roar" Xi Yuanxuan lowered his roar, and within the rift, blood stains produced a black light. This black light was different from the mysterious fire of the black light. Immediately after the birth, blood stains dripped.

"Aoao" Baiyun and Wuguang got up and roared. They felt corrosive sharp pain in their souls, and the fairy body began to tear!

The most hateful thing about "Broken ~" is ~ ~ Xiyuan gave a low growl, hundreds of thousands of three-eyed skeletons were born on the surface of the white cloud and the black light body, either exploded, or directly devoured the bodies of the two.

The black-and-white tai chi can no longer be maintained. In the thunder of the "Boom", Bai Yun and the black light show their stature, just after the two bodies have just appeared. The "blooming" marks that are all over the skin suddenly tear , Bai Yun's eyebrows "Ah" whispered, the blood stained between the fairy marks!

"You are going to die !!!" Wu Guang was in a hurry, and the whole body was scorching into the sky, desperately rushing towards Xi Yuanxuan, seeing the surrounding space was broken, Xi Yuan was stupid, and Wu Guang was going to die with it!

"I ... I killed Baiyun, why are you desperately fighting with me?"

Xi Yuan was so anxious, he hurriedly tried to avoid it. After all, Da Luoxian was desperately shot, and no one in the four weeks could resist, "Wuguang !!!"

Bai Yun's heartbroken roar came, and when he saw the tragedy, a voice laughed: "Udai, don't worry ..."

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