Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2439: 狁? (jǐyán)

As Xiao Hua said earlier, his three superimposed genres, with all the methods available, finally drew the "Yuan Xu Wu Qi Tu" ninety-nine percent, only a tiny fraction of the time to complete.

In fact, Xiao Hua originally planned to use the Liuchen Dujun Basket to complete it. However, while Xiao Hua was waiting for the Liuchen Dujun Basket, he suddenly discovered that his cultural buds actually started without being motivated. With the removal of branches, and with the removal of the branches, there are some changes that I don't know about in the "Yuan Xu Wu Qi Tu", and even those where I have not been drawn will automatically evolve and begin to complete.

Xiao Hua looked closely, thought carefully, and repeatedly looked at the Lan Family's Six Chen Shuyu Jue, as well as the Dong Family's practice techniques. He gradually gained a new understanding.

The germination of the literary species is to use the power of writing to condense the literary ban or the literary array in the middle dantian, and then from the germination according to the power of the literary ban or the literary array, it will start to condense the three flowers.

This literary ban or literary array is actually the beginning of budding literary rhyme, just like the immortal infant's Zhenqi and Zhenwen.

The most important thing is the growth of Wen Yun. If you draw the "Yuan Xu Wu Qi Tu" to completion, Wen Yun can't say that there is no room for growth. In that case, don't leave some without drawing, let Wen Yun grow Fill it yourself.

Of course, Xiao Hua couldn't explain to Yue Yichun about the mystery of literary rhyme. He could only use the blank of the painting as a metaphor, hoping that they would have some insights when they practice later.

"Finally started to draw branches~" Xiao Hua secretly smiled, "Xiao has finally set foot in Shuxian from Yaxian! It's not easy!"

Shuxian is equivalent to the two-qi immortal of Taoxian realm, or Juyuanxian. In Taoxian realm, it usually takes more than 400 years to go from Chenxian to Juyuan, which is more than one hundred and fifty years. Six hundred and fifty thousand years, and Xiao Hua spent a full tens of millions of years, ten times more than an ordinary fairy.

Of course, Xiao Hua took advantage of Lin Quan Gao Yitu, and others seemed to be tens of thousands of years, so Feng Xian set foot on Shu Xian, and he was a genius.

In fact, only he knew the hardships and dangers of Xiao Hua's cultivation.

After the inspection, Xiao Hua was going to take out Lin Quan Gao Yitu, and still sent his body to enter. Although it is no longer necessary for Jiu Xia to urge Wen Ya with herself at this time, the evolution of Wen Yun also gives Xiao Hua a headache.

Wen Ya Ning painted the "Yuan Xu Wu Qi Tu". Xiao Hua initially estimated that the time of cultivation was about 1.3 billion years. Today, Wen Yun's evolution is based on the "Yuan Xu Wu Qi Tu". Xiao Hua cannot estimate this at all. How much time is spent.

Xiao Hua only knew that this process was longer than 1.3 billion years!

So Xiao Hua didn't dare to delay any time, he was going to appear with a Confucian image of mind and spirit, and his body and shadow body continued to cultivate.

At this moment, Xiao Hua's mind moved and said to herself: "This thing finally came out."

With that, Xiao Hua entered the space with his heart, turned into a jade inscription Xiao Hua looked at with a smile.

There was a seven-color beast egg, which Xiao Hua had previously obtained in Zhuzhu.

At this time the beast egg began to change!

In the depths of the beast egg, a little golden light gushes out like bubbles in the water. When the golden light passes, the beast egg becomes transparent, and there is a faint outline of a young bird in it, like a shadow.

The golden light emerged from the beast egg and turned into a bead-like seven-sided totem on the surface of the beast egg. The seven sides of the totem are different, and even have strange fluctuations.

The fluctuations rippling around fell into the eyes of the jade stone Xiao Hua, moving the jade stone Xiao Hua, he whispered: "The name of this beast is jǐyán (jǐyán)? It is actually a sojourner. It seems that the jade pearl has a strange origin. , But how did Zou Zhu fall into the Huaijiang Heavenly Realm?"

As Xiao Hua talked to himself, the golden bead totem had begun to flash, spreading on the surface of the beast egg, while the outline of jǐyán (jǐyán) grew visible to the naked eye from the depth of the golden light.

As for the beast eggs, they gradually wither and converge into the outline of jǐyán.

However, within a few hours, the beast egg disappeared, and a black-top and red-beaked seven-eyed demon bird was conceived, which looked exactly like the demon bird that had fought Xiao Hua before.

However, the demon bird's seven eyes were tightly closed at this time, and the surrounding seven totems still flashed golden light.

"Om~" A weird wave rushed out of the void, directly impacting the seven-sided totem. The seven-sided totem revolved and fell on the seven-eyed 狁虤 (jǐyán).

The totem is settled, and it is engraved on the body of jǐyán (jǐyán) like a sky pattern and land deed, and a heavy golden light begins to dazzle!

"Ga!" Jǐyán (jǐyán) whispered and opened his seven eyes. Although the seven eyes are colorful, but his eyes are ignorant, he saw the jade diadem Xiao Hua suddenly "quack" several times, shaking and swinging towards him. Xiao Hua came, like a duckling that just gave birth.

"Weird!" Xiao Hua stretched out her hand to touch the top of jǐyán (jǐyán)'s head, perceiving the kind of attachment in jǐyán (jǐyán)'s heart, and said unconsciously, "Could it be that this jǐyán (jǐyán) also regards the poor as his father mother?"

However, after waiting, Xiao Hua looked at the top of Jǐyán (jǐyán)'s head, and as his palm fell, there was also a golden light flashing. He knew that Jǐyán (jǐyán) had his own essence and blood in his body, and the golden light on his body was also the belief of space. I am afraid that the attachment of jǐyán to oneself is not that simple!

Sure enough, jǐyán got close to Xiao Hua, opened his mouth and sniffed around Xiao Hua, then yelled "quack quack", which sounded very hurried.

Xiao Hua felt the fluctuations on the body surface of the jǐyán jǐyán, and smiled again: "Pan Dao understands, this man can look at the clouds and look at the breath, and know people with taste. If a person is treacherous, the smell is dirty, and the person is virgin. If you have a clean mind, the smell will be good. In this way, 獬豸 jǐyán can distinguish the good and bad of other people's loyalty. When it encounters the poor, it should be the moment of life and death. Poor mind is pure and worthy of entrustment, and then he blew himself into a beast egg!"

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua escaped from the space and brought the jǐyán out.

Xiao Hua was not wrong. UU reading 狁虤jǐyán saw Xiao Hua, as if he had seen his parents, yelled, and fell into Xiao Hua’s arms, his eyes closed, unexpectedly Woke up to sleep.

"No way!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, it seems that after Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang, he has more children who don't know their gender.

"Huh?" Xiao Hua raised his hand affectionately and stroked the top of Huoyu jǐyán, and suddenly he felt a strange aura coming from all directions, falling on Huoyu jǐyán's body.

"This...this is~"

Xiao Hua recognized slightly, the expression on his face was uncertain.

"This is the rhyme of the sun, the rhyme of the moon, and the rhyme of the stars!!" Xiao Hua squinted his eyes and secretly said, "In other words, Xiao Mou with a jǐyán, can easily absorb the rhyme of the three lights. And the rhyme of the three lights It is also the foundation of Tianting's rhyme, Xiao can use the rhyme of the three lights to accelerate the evolution of the rhyme.

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