Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2447: Arrivals

The time is very fast, ten years have passed, the Dong family disciple who is in charge of the car carefully walked outside Xiao Hua's quiet room after offering the last jade letter, and respectfully said: "Xiao Zu, it is the last journey. I will be at Qunyu Building soon."

"Okay~" After a while, Xiao Hua's voice came from the quiet room, "You have worked hard."

"Don't dare!" The disciples hurriedly answered with a smile.

Immediately, Xiao Hua came out of the quiet room and sat on the upper jade chair.

The disciples had already gone to drive, Xiao Hua raised his hand, and the magnificent hall became transparent, and the situation of the Jade Belt Road was revealed to Xiao Hua.

The road to the jade belt at this time was like a pure crystal, all around it was quiet, there was no sound, no delicate changes, and the jade car did not seem to move.

Xiao Hua squinted his eyes, and realized it.

This jade belt road is filled with compressed spatial rhyme, which is compressed to the extreme like chalcedony. The jade car that can go on the jade belt road is not ordinary jade condensing, this jade car can be integrated into the space and charm with the help of beautiful jade.

As for the jade letter, it is an introduction. It not only guides the direction, but also provides the driving force for the jade car to pass through. Every time the jade car flies, the jade belt that unfolds under the jade car will disappear.

After dozens of days in this quiet, there were suddenly some voices, the original clear jade color became turbid, and then, just for a short while, the surroundings became azure. In the azure, human figures, tree shadows, mountain silhouettes, Aqua and so on are born like smoke.

"Xiao Zu~" Lan Zhan came out from another room and walked to Xiao Hua respectfully, "The disciple pleases Xiao Zu!"


Xiao Hua smiled and lifted Lan Zhan up, but when he looked up and down, a different color appeared in his eyes. In just ten years, Lan Zhan had a feeling of renewal.

Xiao Hua smiled and said secretly: "This Qinglian Sword Immortal is also a refreshing person. Regardless of whether Lan Zhan agrees or not, he has already sent some sword energy into the Lan Zhan flower. Lan Zhan is like a jade, this sword spirit All of a sudden, Lan Zhan stood out."

So Xiao Hua asked, "Lan Zhan, what insights have you had in the past ten years?"

"Thanks to Master Xiao~" Lan Zhan's respect is still there, but there is excitement in his eyes, and he said, "The disciples have always had dreams in these ten years of retreat, or they have been bumpy in life and death, or floating in Jianfeng, the disciple feels I'm about to break the cocoon, but I have nowhere to find it! Therefore, the disciple has always wanted to ask Master Xiao to clarify his doubts, but he was afraid of disturbing Master Xiao's cultivation.

"It's very simple~" Xiao Hua laughed, "You plant jade in Xuanpu. You didn't cultivate kendo, and you didn't fight life and death. Naturally, you don't know that there is a big horror between life and death. Now you are on the verge of life and death with Jiang Jianming. Naturally, I had some feelings."

"If you are an experienced Confucian, you can use this insight in the practice of secret techniques and so on in ten years, so as to achieve a breakthrough."

"And you have no experience in this area, you can only accumulate this insight, and you have no means to use it."

"As for the instructions, Qinglian Sword Immortal will lead the way behind you. It's up to him to decide how to open the sword, and the old man won't give any more instructions!"

Lan Zhan was a little anxious and asked, "Master Xiao, if as you said, did the disciple miss a good opportunity to enlighten the Tao?"

"No!" Xiao Hua comforted, "Everything is accumulating, and all insights will not be wasted!"

While speaking, it was still misty just now, but now it has become a superimposed image.

The jade belt in front of the jade cart is like a stream, passing through these images and falling to one of the forests.


Yue Yichun's low voice sounded from another place, and she was surprised, "Lan Zhan, what's the matter with you! But I haven't seen you in ten years, how can you grow so much? Come on! How did you do it!"

Xiao Hua was full of black lines as soon as he heard it. He obviously liked it, but he didn't know how to express it. He was so savage when they met. Who would like it?

On the other hand, Lan Zhan took this set. He seemed to replied indifferently: "I didn't do anything. It was just a meditation experience. If there is progress, it will be the accumulation of the previous one!"

However, he couldn't help but leaning forward a few steps, which exposed what he was thinking.

"Give peace to Xiao Zu~" Yue Yichun, as well as the disciples who came out later, stepped forward to give salutes to Xiao Hua.

"Wait!" Xiao Hua lifted up the crowd and said, "This should be at the Qunyu Tower. The jade cart has stopped. Those who participate in the Jade Planting Competition, and those who participate in the Apocalypse Selection should go their separate ways."

"After the big match, according to the arrangements of the Patriarchs, you still have to gather here and return to the Profound Garden. However, Lan Zhan will go with Qinglian Sword Immortal, and Yue Yichun will leave with the old man..."

Hearing this, Lan Zhan was startled and hurriedly looked at Yue Yichun.

Yue Yichun curled his lips and raised his head proudly, still saying: "Look, you have Sword Immortal Qinglian, and I have Master Xiao!"

Xiao Hua continued: "After ten thousand years, Lan Zhan will fight Jiang Jianming, and Yue Yichun should also return. As for the old man, I am afraid that I will miss you in the future."

"Master Xiao!" The disciples hurriedly said, "I wish Master Xiao all the best!"

Just as Xiao Hua was about to say something, there was a shock around the "Om" jade car, and the jade car itself shook a few times.

Lan Zhan and others are used to it, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com Xiao Hua has a different color on his face, because he has already seen that the change of the law triggered by a heavy interface barrier is born in the space outside the jade car!

Look at the jade car at this time, it has fallen under a mountain abyss!

There is a huge building fault on the mountain abyss. Although the building fault is carved from a piece of beautiful jade, it looks weird, shaped like a hedgehog, with spikes as many as the week.

The jade car will stop, and the jade belt before the jade car swims like a snake, slowly retracting into one of the spikes of the pavilion, and after the jade belt falls, this spike screams, and there is a faint cloud spinning around." "Boom boom" innate air like a hurricane backflow.

After about a stick of incense, "Om" Xiao Hua was on the side of the jade cart, and there was a violent wind, and a light cyan inscription was spun out, and the inscription fell on the just-rotating clouds, and the spikes came out again , Another jade belt gradually expanded, winding into the void and disappearing.


After the jade belt disappeared, in other parts of Shanyuan, there were also several dim jade carts that broke out of the void, carrying a series of ghosts. After the ghosts were solidified, several similar jade carts also slowly flew out. !

Seeing where the jade car flew out, the rules of multiple interfaces were like water ripples, Shaw said, "Could it be that the jade building is on another interface?"

"No," Xiao Hua denied immediately. "This law is certainly owned by the interface, but the law is weak, far less than the law of the two worlds, and there is even no solid law of the immortal world. It seems that the heavens are different and similar everywhere. The spatial composition of the interface."

As for whether it was right, Xiao Hua himself didn't know. The disciples said goodbye, Xiao Hua took the lead to fly out of the jade cart, and the Du family's disciples had taken the lead and flew to the distant city.

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