Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2473: Yu Di Wenqu is about to cry

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"Xiao Hua~"

Waiting for Gao Ming and others to fly away, Wenqu Xingguan waved his hand again and gave out a fire jade that looked like a bird, and smiled, "It's really rare that you can win the literary track. The news came from Zhaoming Qitianlu just now, this time there are only four A cultural track, you are the only one in Huangcheng!"

"This is the glory of the cultural track, you take it!"

"To commend you for winning this honor for Huangcheng, Xianfu Wenqu Dian specially rewards you for studying in Wufeng Pavilion for a hundred years. With this literary track, you can enter and leave any book pavilion in Wufeng Pavilion."

Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and hurriedly took Huo Yu and asked, "Students are reading the scrolls in the book pavilion, can there be records in the Wufeng pavilion?"

"No~" Wenqu Xingguan waved his hand, "Students' practice is the secret of the students, and the book pavilion does not record it. Moreover, the entire universe does not know how many students enter the Wufeng Pavilion to study after the Apocalypse. There is no need for Wufeng Pavilion. Record these things."

"Thank you, senior!" Xiao Hua saluted again.

"Go!" Wenqu Xingguan laughed, "I am waiting for your results in Mao's selection."

"Hey~" Xiao Hua's mind and Confucian statue flew into Wufeng Pavilion again with the fire bird, smiling in his heart, "It was probably because of a clever gambling appointment, but now even for my disciple of the Heavenly Court Space, Xiao must also participate. Mao Xuan, sweep away the scrolls in Wufeng Pavilion!"

There are already some figures flying in the Wufeng Pavilion at this time, but Xiao Hua can also see clearly that these figures should not be in the same space as him. If it is not for the Wenqu Temple to be afraid of the students disturbing each other, then this pavilion is different. The superposition of Fengge.

Xiao Hua randomly selected a pavilion to enter. There were already a few students looking through it. Xiao Hua still released thousands of shadows and sent all the books into the space to copy. Then, in order not to attract attention, he was the same as before. Hiding in Linquan Gaoyi's picture to practice Chenguangxi's Secret Art.

One year later, other human figures in the pavilion disappeared automatically.

Xiao Hua's shadow informed Xiao Hua that Xiao Hua came out of the pavilion and entered another pavilion...

In such a century, Xiao Hua entered a hundred pavilions and copied the scrolls in the hundred pavilions.

Facing the dazzling collection of books in the Tianting Space Wenqu Hall, one hundred and one book pavilions, Jade Divine Wenqu almost hid his face and fled!

Jade Wenqu has been in the Heavenly Court for so many years, unscrupulously searched for scrolls to fill the Heavenly Court space, but now there are not as many scrolls collected by Xiao Hua in a century.

Wufeng Pavilion has studied hard for a hundred years, and Xiao Hua’s mind has also been cultivated for 200,000 years in Linquan Gao Yitu. It has to be said that Chen Guangxi's micro formula should be the rarest of Xiao Hua’s books. With Xiao Hua’s strength, It also took him 200,000 years to complete this Chenguangxi micro-article.

Today, Xiao Hua's mind is filled again. This filling is different from the solidity before, it is a kind of fullness of vitality and radiance of radiance.

Moreover, when Xiao Hua's mind was practising Chen Guangxi's micro-jue, he often thought of the mission of the human race, so that Xiao Hua was passed on in the space, and he prepared himself for magical powers, and all of them were taught according to the opportunities and aptitudes of the disciples.

Seeing that the century was approaching, Xiao Hua did not dare to stay in Lin Quan Gao Yitu much. He escaped early and stayed in the pavilion.

In the past hundred years, a group of students appeared every five years. They should all be students who were chosen to stay in Wufeng Pavilion. Of course, Xiao Hua had also seen several students staying for more than a year. As for the title, Xiao Hua didn't know whether it was or not, but he walked through the pavilions, and in a hurry, no one could see who was clearly.

When the one-hundred-year time limit expires, "Boom" is another rosy color rushing in from outside the pavilion, falling to the center and condensing into steps, and a voice rang in the air: "Xiao Hua, it's time for you to stay in the Wufeng Pavilion and read the book mountain. Please leave immediately, and you are welcome to come back to Shushan after passing Maoxuan!"

"Thank you, senior!" Xiao Hua stepped onto the steps, bowed to the voice and bowed to the surrounding scrolls, "Thank you also for the inheritance of the seniors."

Then the steps turned into firebirds, and Xiao Hua flew out.

Waiting for the surrounding pavilions to flash, and the bamboo forest swayed, Xiao Hua was already outside the Wufeng Pavilion!

"Xiao Wenyou!"

"Xiao Hua~" Parkway Novel

Xiao Hua just stood still, and a messy voice sounded.

When Xiao Hua looked up, he saw hundreds of Confucian scholars surrounded him. Most of these people held jade letters in their hands and said, "I am the jade city..., come here by the orders of seniors..."

"Khan~" Xiao Hua understood that this was soliciting himself!

"Cough cough!" Xiao Hua coughed slightly, and raised his hands to salute the surroundings, "Xiao Sheng, thank you for looking up, but Xiao Sheng will participate in Maoxuan next. After Xiaosheng Maoxuan, it will not be too late!"

"Xiao Hua~" While talking, Gao Ming squeezed in from the side and said, "You will receive your jade letters first."


Xiao Hua smiled, raised his hand to accept the Yuhan from everyone, and said, "You Yuhan Xiaosheng has stayed, all the invited Xiaosheng will not attend for the time being. Xiaosheng must concentrate on studying and wait for Maoxuan, thank you!"

Seeing that Xiao Hua had received the jade letter, everyone had achieved their respective goals, and they all saluted them.

"Let's go!" Gao Ming pulled Xiao Hua and said, "Quickly follow me to Qunyu City!"

"So anxious?"

Xiao Hua frowned, "Are you going to participate in Maoxuan?"

"The tenth year of Maoxuan, this year is just right!" Gao Ming said, "Unfortunately, there is no Maoxuan in Fuyu City. How can you and I get to Qunyu City if you want to participate, but it will take more than ten years to get to Qunyu City. That's great!"

"This is too far!"

Thinking of the jade belt speed car that has been around for more than a decade, Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, he still likes to use light to escape.

"What's this!"

Gao Ming grabbed Xiao Hua and said while flying, "It will take more than a hundred years to go from Wuyun City to Dequnyu City! It will be even more troublesome for you to participate in the British election, let's go first!"

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, so she could only send a message to Luoyi Business League and the shadow body of the unknown Yuancheng, asking them to tell Fu Zhiwen to wait for him to go to Qunyu City, and if there was anything, he would directly explain to the shadow body.

And he himself followed Gao Ming into the jade car.

Seeing the jade cart flying up, Xiao Hua suddenly remembered and asked, "Gao Wenyou, could it be that you have been waiting for me in Fuyu City?"

"It can't be regarded as waiting for you specially!"

Gao Ming said with a smile, "I found a secret practice in Wufeng I felt it was useful for Maoxuan, so I stayed in Fuyu City to concentrate on learning and practicing."

"That's right~" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Could Gao Wenyou also use the rewards of the jade competition?"

"Of course!" Gao Ming shook his head and said, "The Jade Cultivation Competition held once every 10,000 years in the Qunyu Tower is meant to be connected to the selection of the apocalypse, otherwise it would not be possible for millions of jade masters to participate; Rewards are time-limited. If you say you can't participate in Maoxuan next time, you won't recognize it!"

"Oh, there's more!" After Gao Ming finished speaking, he paused, and said, "The jade planting technique can only be used once in the selection of the apocalypse. If you participate in the selection of Mao, you must change to another one!"

"Yeah, I know!" Xiao Hua nodded, "So I use it quickly!"

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