Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2520: Kill chickens with a sledge knife

Zuo Zhongyu felt a sudden in his heart and comforted: "Student Xiao Hua, don't worry, you have ten days to observe after you choose. As long as you don't shoot four arrows, you have a chance!"

"Yes, thank you Zuo for the reminder!"

Xiao Hua smiled and squinted at thirty-six stars.

Thirty-six stars shine and go out, seemingly regular, but even Xiao Hua, after watching it for half an hour, he didn't see why!


Xiao Hua thought to himself, "This well-groomed instrument is an immortal. Whenever there is a certain pattern, how can the immortal not see it?"

"This shows that even if there is a law, it is also a law in the law!"


After watching for a while, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a familiar feeling. He whispered, " can the rays of light of these thirty-six stars have a plucking image?"

Thinking of the art of plucking weeds, Xiao Hua immediately thought of "the heavens and the earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds", and at the same time, the thirty-six stars also turned into thirty-six grand rhymes.


Xiao Hua laughed in her heart, "Isn't this the feeling of heaven and human in Dong's "The Book of People in Spring and Autumn"?"

"Xiao can use the secret of heaven to make up the tactic, sense the trajectory of thirty-six stars, and shoot four arrows!"

Now that he found the trick, Xiao Hua laughed loudly: "Dare to ask Master Zuo, can students make a choice?"


Zuo Zhongyu was taken aback for a moment, and was overjoyed quickly, and smiled, "Of course, do you want to choose 16 arrows?"

"No, no~"

Xiao Hua said, "Students choose two hundred and fifty-six arrows!"

"Xiao Hua~"

Zuo Zhongyu said, "It's really hard to get a good reputation. You can't ruin your own future for the sake of the illusory Wendong!"

"You are going to hit two hundred and fifty-six arrows, the number of stars in the starry sky is far more than you can!"

Liu Yi's exquisiteness was the simplest in Maoxuan. Zuo Zhongyu saw that Xiao Hua had just hesitated and thought he had a problem, so he suggested that he reduce the difficulty.

But Xiao Hua still replied: "The student has decided."


Zuo Zhongyu is not good to say more, under the waving of his sleeves, the stars in the sky suddenly increase, and there are as many as 169,616!

"so much?"

Xiao Hua was also stunned.

However, looking at the two hundred and fifty-six pale yellow stars inside that were like the sand in the sea, Xiao Hua urged the heavenly secret to get together and felt a little, and the corner of his mouth showed a smile.

Sure enough, as Xiao Hua had expected, the Heavenly Mystery Coopo Jue could sense the appearance of two hundred and fifty-six pale yellow stars.

About half an hour, Xiao Hua spoke and said, "Students, please shoot!"

After hearing this, Zuo Zhongyu raised his hand and pointed again, and two hundred and fifty-six long arrows fell in front of Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua grabbed it with a big hand, pulled his left and right hands empty, and put a long arrow on his hand.

Immediately, Xiao Hua closed his eyes, but after a stick of incense, his right hand was loosened, and two hundred and fifty-six long arrows shot at the same time.

Xiao Hua didn't open his eyes, but Zuo Zhongyu's eyes widened, staring at these long arrows closely.

Although the long arrows are shot at the same time, the speed is different, and after reaching the starry sky, the shooting position is even different.

An astonishing scene appeared. Starting from the first arrow, "Puff" and "Puff"......, ringing endlessly, each arrow hit a pale yellow star.

These stars have just probed, or are about to disappear.

When the last star was shot down by Xiao Hua, Zuo Zhongyu's hanging heart finally settled.

There is no need for the left middle jade to speak, all the remaining stars emit shining starlight at the same time, condense towards one place, and finally turn into a golden flower with the number of petals in the big week!

Seeing the flowers circle around, Zuo Zhongyu touched his palm again and said: "Student Xiao Hua, you are really beyond the old man's expectations. You actually passed the Maoxuan school with Dzogchen again. You really have nothing to say!

"Don't dare, the students only get a little bit!"

Xiao Hua answered humblely.


Zuo Zhongyu said: "Next is the special level of Maoxuan. You chose the technique of growing jade. Although Maoxuan can also use it, the king of beautiful jade is no longer valid. You have to replant jade. Which one do you choose?"

Xiao Hua was prepared, and replied: "Tianchen Hongfanbo!"


Zuo Zhongyu thought that he had heard it wrong, and asked, "You want to condense the Tianchen Hongfan silk, but the Tianshen cannot be condensed by the Shangqing Dixian?"


Xiao Hua nodded affirmatively.

"My goodness!"

Zuo Zhongyu smiled bitterly, "You are embarrassed old man!"

"I've never heard of it. Some of Maoxuan's students have condensed Heavenly Burnt!"

Xiao Hua said meaningfully: "Yes, how else can students take Wendong?"

"You wait a minute~"

Zuo Zhongyu took a deep look at Xiao Hua again, confessed, and rushed to the sky by himself.

Seeing Zuo Zhongyu turned into a small bullet and confessed to some immortals, Xiao Hua stood there calmly like water.

After half an hour, Zuo Zhongyu returned. He raised his hand and pointed to the sky, and a round of crescent moon flew down. The inside was exactly what he used to condense the burnt!

Zuo Zhongyu looked at Xiao Hua's methodical inspection, and whispered: "Xiao Hua, you should be a coincidence in condensing the sky burn!"

"Stealing coincidence?"

Xiao Hua was taken aback, wondering, "Why does Zuo Shi say this?"

"Tianyue is condensed by the heavenly immortals, Maoxuan Xiang does not appear, if you succeed in condensing, you will naturally be Dzogchen..."

"Oh oh,"

Xiao Hua understands, why does he think so much?

He just chose because the condensing of the sky burnt was related to burnt jade.

Now that Zuo Zhongyu said so, Xiao Hua stopped and said with a smile: "Students can choose another one too!"

"What do you choose?"

"Forge a sword!"

"Forging a sword?"

Zuo Zhongyu was startled and said, "Sword-making, one of the five secret arts?"

After speaking, UU read www. uukanshu. com Zuo Zhongyu realized that he was out of state, hurriedly looked around, smiled bitterly: "Forget it, you should condense the burnt heaven!"

"The sword will wait for you... to use it in the future selection of Apocalypse."

For Xiao Hua to condense the burnt is naturally easy, but the difficulty is that Xiao Hua must use the means of book immortals to complete.

Seeing Xiao Hua condensing Tianyue out of surprise, Zuo Zhongyu felt more nervous than he was participating in Maoxuan.

He raised his hand and pointed at Gao Tian, ​​and the crescent moon shot out a beam of light again just now.

"Om~" The crescent moon shook, and it began to swell gradually, and after a while it turned into a silver flower again. This flower also has petals as many as the number of days in the week.

Listening to the noise of gongs and drums all around, Zuo Zhongyu smiled and said: "Student Xiao Hua, you have achieved Dzogchen again at the Maoxuan Special Checkpoint. As long as you go through Zhaoming Qitianlu to check the status of your language, you can do it again. Won the title of Wendong in Maoxuan."

If it were before Qunyu Lingshan, Xiao Hua might not be sure, but now he is confident and nodded with a smile.

Left Zhongyu was even more delighted, raising his hand to the sky, a round of round sun appeared, and the sun projected down to cover Xiao Hua.

"Student Xiao Hua~"

Zuo Zhongyu said, "Mao Xuan's main gate checks the completeness of the branches of the Ru language. At this stage, there is a rank of Great Zhoutian, and a rank of three hundred is the best..."

There was no need to wait for Zuo Zhongyu to finish, nor did Xiao Hua Shuyu Jue, "Om", but seeing the sun covering Xiao Hua vibrating crazily, the whole pavilion was shaking.

Xiao Hua looked up in astonishment, Zuo Zhongyu was also stunned...

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