Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2566: Copper plate and IOU

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, and explained: "How could I treat his father? The whole Xingcun will be ruined as soon as I act!"

"That won't work!!"

Yinghuo shook her head without thinking, "You must not make a move."

After watching it for a while, not many people gave money, obviously everyone is very poor.

"Aren't they just jade coins!"

Yingluo whispered, "Xiao Wenheng, can't you just give it to him?"

Xiao Hua smiled without saying a word.

Li Nianxiao explained: "The copper plate is the jade coin here, how could we have it?"

Yinghuo said, "Isn't it enough to take it from them to this young man?"

"Then you become a robber?"

Li Nianxiao shook his head, "Moreover, they also need copper plates!"

"What should I do then?"

Yinghuo asked with a sad face, "I want to help him!"

"Very simple~"

Xiao Hua knew that Yinghuo was guilty and wanted to atone for the young man, so he said, "You can earn a coin and give it to him!"

"Earning copper?"

Yingluo was at a loss, and asked, "How to earn?"

"Let Nian Xiao help you!"

[Get the red envelope] The cash or point coin red envelope has been issued to your account! Follow the public account on WeChat [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive!

Xiao Hua decided to stand by.

Li Nianxiao also scratched his head, but after all he was Feishengxian. After watching for a while, he whispered: "You can go and chop wood!"


Yinghui clapped her hands happily, turned and ran towards the forest.

"But you don't have a hatchet~"

Li Nianxiao grabbed Yinghuo and said, "You are a mortal now, without a hatchet, how can you chop wood?"

"Borrow a hatchet?"

"Ask the woodcutter to borrow!"

The two had an idea, and went back to the forest to find the woodcutter.

It is a pity that the woodcutter himself had to chop wood, and he did not agree to borrow a hatchet.

Yingluo almost wanted to grab it, but looking at the bright hatchet, she was still wise to kill the idea.

In the end, Yinghuo and Li Nianxiao borrowed knives in the hands of a person in the mountain, on the condition that they were given a copper plate when they returned the knives.

Yinghuo agreed without thinking.

But when she took the knife to the forest, she discovered that she could cut the branches with all her strength!

"Give it to me~"

Li Nianxiao took the initiative to stretch out his hand, but he didn't know that Yingluo bit his teeth and said, "No!"

"I want to come by myself!!"

One knife is not enough for two, one hand is weak, two hands!

What Yinghuo shows this time is her stubbornness that is different from other heavenly daughters!

It took her three days and three nights to finally chop a bundle of firewood!

Seeing the hands full of someone running, the smile on Yinghuo's face is sweet.

However, when Yinghuo arrived at the market with firewood and only sold a copper plate, Yinghuo was silly. After three days and nights, the firewood he chopped was only enough to pay the rent of the hatchet!

Holding the rough copper plate, the palm of his hand was fierce and painful, and tears of bewilderment rushed down!

Xiao Hua did not speak, and Li Nianxiao did not comfort. These mortal distresses are definitely a rare experience for Yinghuo!

When Yinghuo gave the money and went to the forest again with the hatchet, Li Nianxiao finally said, "Or, I'll come?"

"Do not!"

Yinghuo's answer was firmer than before, "I will do it myself!"

This time, Yingzhu became very mindful and spent ten days and nights cutting two bundles of firewood.

Two bundles of firewood were sold for two copper plates, one paid the rent of the hatchet, and the other gave the boy.

The young man had to leave Yinghuo's address and also write down the IOU, saying that he would return her if he had a copper plate. Yinghuo didn't plan to ask him to return it at all, so he didn't leave the address or write the IOU.

But unfortunately, if you don’t leave the address or write the IOU, the young guy doesn’t want this copper plate. Yingluo has no choice but to write the IOU and point to the scorched earth in the distance, saying: "If you are looking for me, go there, you will find it. I!"

Watching the young man accept the copper plate, Yinghu let out a long sigh, as if she had lifted a burden from her heart.


Xiao Hua finally spoke and asked.


Yingluo looked at her hands whose blisters had burst, and grinned, "And it hurts!"

"What about the heart?"


Yinghuo was puzzled at first, and then smiled knowingly, "Sweet! Especially since he took my money, I feel he is also very happy."

Xiao Hua said with great heart: "Helping others is the foundation of happiness!"

"Helping others is the foundation of happiness!"

Yinghuo repeated it slowly, as if he was biting on his literary taste, and then looked at the IOU in his hand, the beast roar carefully.

Finally she nodded vigorously, "You are right, helping others is the basis of happiness!"


Xiao Hua smiled, and said, "Let's go, go and find a magic pen!"

"No... won't you wait for him to pay it back?"

Li Nianxiao asked thoughtlessly.

Xiao Hua almost wanted to kick him, he was really single by strength!


Yinghuo smiled happily and said, "I didn't intend to let him pay back the money."

Later, Yinghuo and Li Nianxiao followed Xiao Hua and walked into this world of red spirits. They wandered in the world for thousands of years. During this time, Yinghuo experienced all kinds of red dust, understood the suffering of the world, the birth, aging, sickness and death of ordinary people. She felt that she had gained something. Too much.

Li Nianxiao accompanied Yinghuo and of course gained a lot.

Only Xiao Hua found nothing and did not find any traces of the magic pen.

"Don't worry~"

At this time, Yinghuo could already comfort Xiao Hua, "Which study table must be where the sly dazzling good fortune pen must be located? As long as we search slowly, we will definitely find it."

Xiao Hua naturally thought the same way. He was actually walking around using the technique of sight and proximity, but he had to worry about the whole weak world. This technique of sight and proximity did not dare to look far, so even after a thousand years, he still Did not see any traces of the dazzling good fortune pen.


Yinghuo suddenly looked around and asked in surprise, "Why are you so familiar here?"

Just after speaking, Yinghuo exclaimed even more: "Oh, Nian Xiao, Nian Xiao, I...I see their looks!"

"Haha, they are so ugly!!"

Li Nianxiao's tone was as light as ever, and he replied, "Yes, they are simple seven orifices, ordinary facial features, of course they can't compare with you!"

Li Nianxiao's words may not be without a trace of irony, but Yinghuo said triumphantly: "That is, it would be bad to be able to compare with me!"

"This is where we first entered this world!"

Xiao Hua naturally knows more than the two of them. UU read, he looked at the neighborhood, thoughtfully, "I didn't expect us to wander around here for a thousand years and return to the original point!"


Speaking of the origin, Yinghuo said in surprise, "I remember, I rented a hatchet and chopped firewood here at this time!"

"By the way, by the way, in order to save his father, a young man asked others to borrow money. I also loaned him a copper plate!"

"I still have his IOU here!"

After Yinghuo finished speaking, she flew to the forest.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, Lianshui Xiuyuan, smelly mosquito, trotting youth, guf8547*5, spruce, busy Old man, eat cold skin in the middle of the night, Nuo Lunxi watch, Zfwz666, ruthless, loritin, black body tease you, Dun Yu, Mr. Huan, return, vanilla flavor, Southern Emperor Beima, used to look forward to the present, do not smoke a day, etc. </div>

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