Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2647: We've won the bet at Tianshu Academy

[Net] "Please~"

Xiao Hua raised his hand!

Gu Li was a little flattered. After all, this is an existence that even Gu Chi has to look up to. He hurriedly laughed and said, "Xiao Wenheng, you are welcome, I~"

"Since Xiao is Xiao Wenheng~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "It's not a different identity, and the hospital doesn't need to care too much."


Gu Chi smiled next to him, "Xiao Xian is still free and easy, if he is down, I am afraid I can't hold down this shelf!"

"That's not necessarily~"

Xiao Hua said as he walked, "If you go to the Dao Immortal Realm, who knows who you are, you might bend yourself to be a true fairy disciple as an experience, maybe!"

Watching Xiao Hua follow Gu Chi and Gu Li away, Kou Qi was dumbfounded. He recovered his senses and grabbed Fang Zhuo and shouted, "Oh my God, is he really Xiao Wenheng?"

"I... where do I know!"

Fang Zhuo also had an unspeakable feeling in his heart. It wasn't excitement or shame, but a bit like bitterness. He didn't know why he was bitter.

Most of these selected disciples were Yuqing immortals, so most of the conversations between Gu Chi, Gu Li and Xiao Hua were not heard.

They only knew that Xiao Wenheng, who was famous in the Heavenly Court, had come to the Heavenly Court.

And because of Xiao Wenheng, they all joined the Tianyuan, without any selection.

"How could you not know?"

Kou Qi followed the flow of people and flew out of the main hall, still holding Fang Chuo, and said, "Didn't you practice with him? Are you still at the college?"

"They didn't tell me that it was..."

Speaking of this, Fang Zhuo smiled bitterly. After thinking about it carefully, it was not that Xiao Hua didn't say it, it was that he didn't say it at all, he had already blocked the words back arbitrarily.

So Fang Zhuo said to Kou Qi: "You still say me, aren't you the same? As soon as they said that they were Xiao Hua, you laughed at them..."


Kou Qi suddenly woke up and whispered, "No, I... I laughed at Xiao Wenheng..."

Kou Qi's words have not yet landed, and some disciples have already shouted outside the main hall: "Fang Chuo, Kou Qi, come here!"

"To die, to die!"

Kou Qi's face turned pale, and he held Fang Zhuo and said, "Brother Fang, I'm going to be expelled from the Tianyuan, you must speak nicely for me!"

Fang Zhuo ignored him, he wondered why he and Kou Qi were called out!

What Fang Zhuo didn’t know was that Gu Li and Gu Chi accompanied Xiao Hua to the Great Hall. Some disciples had long served incense tea. Gu Chi accompanied him with a smile and said, “Senior’s killing of Nangong Shiru 20,000 years ago is really pleasant. After the senior was accidentally injured by 81 Longjing, I waited for more than a hundred people to come and see him from time to time, to help Senior out of trouble."

"It's just that the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm is very weird. Even the predecessors have been suppressed. I waited until I got nothing..."

Xiao Hua nodded and said: "You are right, that place is definitely not detectable by your strength. I already know what you want. I don't have to mention this later."

"Yes, the junior understands!"

Gu Chi knew Xiao Hua didn't want to say more, so he nodded hurriedly.

"The gambling fight still started because of Xiao~"

Xiao Hua rushed to Gu Li and said, "The Nangong family moved to the Heavenly Academy and used the hands of Huangcheng Academy to coerce the Academy. Xiao Mouli was responsible for this matter. You go and tell the Academy of Huangcheng Academy that Xiao is in the Academy..."


Gu Li smiled and said, "These are the guesses of the younger generation and Uncle Chi. Even if the senior is standing at the gate of Huangcheng Academy, their director Jiang Yuanming cannot admit it."


Gu Chi also echoed, "Furthermore, Huangcheng Academy is one of the five great academies in the Heavenly Court. Not to mention that the students from the Academy are spread all over the Heavenly Court. Even the forces that support the Academy are also intertwined. It is impossible for them to admit it, and it is possible Because of this matter."


Xiao Hua understood what the two of them meant, and said, "If this is the case, you can arrange this by yourself. You can only see how you can win if you want to participate in the British election."

"Haha, with the words of senior, my waiting heart can finally land!"

Gu Chi laughed and said, "This junior will discuss with Gu Li to see how he can kill Huangcheng Academy by surprise."

"It's actually simple~"

Gu Li couldn't hide the smile on his face, and said, "Huangcheng Academy had already stated that the rules of victory and defeat are determined by our Heavenly Academy, and even if there is a disciple among them, they are in the middle class. Even if they win!"

The book booth that book friends used before has gone down, and now they are basically using \Mi\Mi\Reading\app\\.

When Gu Chi heard this, he slapped his hand and said: "In this case, we are not even negotiating. As long as the academy is closed, the news of Xiao Wenheng's coming to the Tianyuan is blocked, and when the British election begins, Xiao Wenheng will win the game! "


Gu Li looked at Xiao Hua again and respectfully said, "The juniors don't know why the seniors came to the college, but it is the honor of my academy for the seniors to come to my academy. I don't know where the academy can help seniors?"

"It's nothing~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "It's just that I promised Master Gu to come to the Tianyuan in Junxuan, so I came directly from the Red Cliff Little Heaven."

"Oh, by the way, what happened to Master Gu?"

Gu Li looked at Gu Chi and said with a smile: "Gu Wei is a descendant of Uncle Gu's ancestors. The seniors called him Master Gu, and that was a shame."


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Gu Wei is a good candidate for Xiao Mou, and he can afford to be a teacher Gu!"

"Senior is really playing the world, compared with the six idlers!"

Gu Chi couldn't help but stretched out his thumbs, praised, "This is the five-body cast that the juniors admire!"


Seeing Gu Chi like this, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and took out a Xiayun Festival and handed it to Gu Chi, "Don't you wait, Xiao also knows that this matter may affect Gu Wei, this thing is considered to be given to him by Xiao. Compensation, Gu Chi, you pass it to Gu Wei for me after comprehension!"

"This is not appropriate~"

Gu Chi hurriedly waved his hand and said politely, "This is what he should do!"

"Don't you take a look first?"

Xiao Hua asked with a smile.

"Ok... OK~"

Gu Chi also moved in his heart and took the Xiayun Festival.

But after he read it, UU read again with a dazed look, because there are only seven characters in the Xiayun Festival, "Tai Shang Sun Moon Hun Yuan Jing", and the others are blank.

Xiao Hua ignored Gu Chi, but took a cup of tea to drink.

Suddenly, Gu Chifu's heart became clear. He looked at Xiao Hua incredulously and whispered: "Senior, is this to teach the "Sutra of the Supreme Sun and Moon Hunyuan"?"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield royal, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eat Liangpi, Fang Moumou, Moule, Li Jian and so on in the middle of the night.

The New Year’s Eve is coming, and the Seven Days of New Year’s Eve as usual kicks off. Let’s watch Xiao Hua and Wu Danqing's first battle!

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