Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2733: Who was fooled?

Zhaoming Qitianlu has not forgotten, the same state of the armillary sphere did not know, but after more than a hundred years, when the same state of the armillary sphere arbitrarily ravaged the students who entered the secret realm of A inscriptions, suddenly, he was stunned on the spot and dropped that The student who had already fallen into danger and was about to give up turned and rushed to the sky, whispering: "Lao Zhaoming, Lao Zhaoming~"

"what happened again?"

Zhaoming Qitianlu flew out angrily and asked, "What happened?"

"Are we fooled by Xiao Hua?"

The armillary sphere of the same realm smashed it, smashed it, and asked somewhat sullenly.


At this time, how could Zhaoming Qitianlu, who was scrupulous about his face, admit it? He smiled and said, "Don't you think that the first round of the brave exam has gone extremely smoothly in the past hundred years?"

"Yeah yeah!"

The armillary sphere chick nodded like a rice pecking, and replied, "I have had a great time for the past hundred years. This is the bravery test I should dominate. Think about the year when I was fighting against Xiao Hua. , I'm in hell!"

"That's right!"

Zhaoming Qitian recorded and patted the shoulder of the armillary sphere of the same realm, and said, "Xiao Hua is the fish on our hook. When he condenses the body, you will be ravaged like you are now!!"


The armillary sphere of the same realm smiled and said, "I'll go see..."


Zhaoming Qitian Lu was anxious, and he grabbed the armillary sphere of the same realm and exclaimed, "What are you going to do now? You still don’t think it’s a big deal. You have already given a nameless exercise. What else do you want to give?"

The armillary sphere of the same realm blinked, touched his bald forehead, and tentatively said: "Then... just go there last?"


Zhaoming Qitianlu nodded and said, "When the first round of trials is almost over, let's go and see, if it doesn't work, let him be physically..."


The armillary sphere of the same realm shook his head without even thinking about it, "If he still relies on the physical body, I will not be able to suppress his realm in the second round of the brave test. This is unfair!"

"Okay, OK~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu nodded and said, "Listen to you!"

Seeing the armillary sphere in the same realm, Zhaoming Qitian recorded a goatee with his hands twisted. With his eyes turned, his figure had fallen into the illusory secret realm where the "heaven and earth" overlapped.

But seeing Xiao Hua still sitting cross-legged at this time, above his head, a lavender flower, more than seven thousand petals flashing bronze light; his body is covered with Qingyun, and there are five colors in Qingyun The light of light renders the heavens, and the music of eight-tone celestial music resounds throughout the world. In addition to Qingyun, countless golden lanterns, golden lotus, Yingluo, and weeping beads fall from the sky in Qingyun, like a continuous stream of water dripping before the eaves.

Looking at Xiao Hua's expression again, it was long ago that it was not the previously unhappy and unsorrowful calmness, but frowning, as if there was an insoluble problem that made him worry.


Zhaoming Qitianlu smiled, and secretly said, "That's right, Xiao Wenheng, think about it slowly!"

Zhaoming Qitianlu left in a hurry, feeling that he had left a big problem for Xiao Hua.

This bad old man was right. He got the golden flowers from Xiao Hua, and countless lights and shadows poured into his mind, Xiao Hua's brows never let go.

"What secret technique is this?"

Xiao Hua held the golden flowers in his hand, feeling as if he had strayed into the flowers, with inexplicable lights and shadows in his eyes, unable to proceed.

After a while, Xiao Hua still gave up. He squinted and looked around, thinking that a roll of golden flowers entered the space.

Sure enough, this golden flower is the same as the previous polyhedral Cultivation of Gods. It is plain and unremarkable. It did not arouse any waves in the jade carving Xiao Hua, and when the jade carving Xiao Hua looked at the golden flowers, the golden flowers "buzzed~" There was a slight vibration from above, and a heavy totem of light and shadow rushed into Xiao Hua's eyes like a flood.

The huge amount of light and shadow instantly flooded the jade slip Xiao Hua, and the jade slip Xiao Hua himself began to glow with golden light, and a small golden flower began to appear from head to toe.

"The technique of incarnation outside the body?"

Suddenly, the shocked voice of Xiao Hua's jade in the little golden flower sounded, and he actually saw the technique of the external incarnation of the mortal world's thousand demon holy realm in this article of light and shadow!

"There is one gasification and three cleansing?"

"This... is this the Charm of Changing Billion?"

"Oh, Pang Dao understands~"

Xiao Hua broke out of the little golden flower like a rebirth from the cocoon, his face was filled with joy, and he whispered, "This is the method of the avatar of the Primordial God Realm!!"

Speaking of clones, are there few clones of Xiao Hua?

Wenqu, Lei Ting, Feng Wu, Huang Tong, Wu Taoist, etc., and even the shadow body, the image of mind and Confucianism, are not all kinds of clones?

As for Xiao Hua's sub-body, isn't Wenqu it?

However, when Xiao Hua ascended to the immortal realm, Wenqu was divided by the laws of heaven and earth, and it was regarded as an independent individual; Xiao Hua went from the Dao League to the Detian Court, from the Demon League to the Detian Court, re-condensing the literary types, engraving the Wenhua, this Wenhua has no connection with Wenqu at all.

However, it would be extremely difficult to reproduce the child body with this literary flower.

And to be honest, Xiao Hua's family knew about his family affairs, and he didn't even think about condensing the sub-body. He just wanted to squeeze out some heavenly human secret arts from Zhaoming Qitianlu and the same realm armillary sphere. This tool spirit really gave Xiao Hua a big surprise, the avatar method of the Primordial God Realm!

If this thing were to be spread out, it might cause an uproar like the gods of the Taoist world!

Of course, Xiao Hua also knew in his heart that Zhaoming Qitianlu was willing to give this thing to himself because of the evil word secret realm.


Yu Di Xiao Hua pinched his chin and said with joy, "For the safety of the human heaven, the poor Dao must also include this clone method!"

Since it was the practice of the Primordial God Realm, Xiao Hua thought carefully and sent it into the heavenly sky. He knew in his heart that this practice was suitable for the avatar of all races, UU reading www.uukanshu. The complexity of com exercises is definitely not a short-term comprehension for oneself, so it is better to hand it over to Xiao Hua to practice.


Xiao Hua of Heaven received the golden flowers, and he actually praised it with joy. It seems that he likes this kind of mind-bending thing more than Xiao Hua, the jade medallion.

After Xiao Hua returned to his position, he thought about it a little, and sent the public transport Yi Xin and public transport Yi Ming from Linquan Gaoyi map directly into the heavenly space. Now that it is Zhaoming Qitianlu's all-out effort to deploy Hongyun, The time inside is naturally stronger than Lin Quan Gao Yitu.

Later, Xiao Hua gave two nine return to the **** pill for the two women to take, so that they could refine the power of the elixir pill and at the same time began to use the method of planting jade to condense the genre.

As for the basic jade cultivation method, Xiao Hua also taught two people the secret technique of picking the weeds. Of course, Xiao Hua taught the "Treasure Secret Nine-Character Blue Bag Urn" he had learned to Yi Xin. This is "Treasure Secret Nine-Character Blue Bag Urn", which is based on the method of formation, which is suitable for public loss and Yixin.

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