Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2739: Weird time body

"Brother Wei wants to talk to the emperor about the British election~"


Chi Di was even more strange, "Is there a result of the British election? What earth-shattering thing did Xiao Wenheng make?"

The Emperor did not conceal anything, and said faintly: "He saved 180,000 students who participated in the British election!"


Chi Di smiled and said, "It looks like the Nangong family is in trouble?"

"Not bad~"

The Chi Emperor threw Mo Xiantong and Jingzhu into the Chi Zhang image, and said, "Emperor Brother, see for yourself!"

"Damn Nangongxun!"

After a while, Chi Di said coldly, "What do you think of the emperor brother?"


The Emperor also replied coldly.

"That's it~"

Chi Di asked, "Why don't you let Xiao Xianren try?"

The Emperor was quiet for a moment, then nodded, and spit out: "Yes!"


After Chidi also responded, the central Chizhang image disappeared.

Kong Xu was surprised and delighted when he heard it beside him. To his surprise, this was the secret of the Emperor and Chidi, and it was also the plan to destroy the Nangong family, at least to kill Nangong Xun. If the plan is leaked, he will inevitably be suspected; hi; The thing is, since the Emperor doesn't avoid himself, he trusts himself. Isn't this the ultimate goal of coming here today?

However, until the space covered by Huang Cong disappeared, the Emperor did not say a word. Kong Xu thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and asked courageously: "Your Majesty, I don't know what the minister can do?"

The Emperor said lightly: "After the British election, you can call Xiao Wenheng into the palace for a while~"

"Yes, Your Majesty~"

Kong Xu felt relieved and said respectfully, "The minister will make arrangements!"

While talking, Kong Xu found that Sakon had returned to its original state...

Ten years, saying that the length is not long, and that the short is not short. In the forbidden area of ​​Kunhuan, hundreds of millions of students sit quietly, they have stopped clamoring for a long time, they just quietly watched Wanxiong's spectrum change from time to time, and waited for Xiao. China exits.

Within the Secret Realm of the word Heaven and Earth, Xiao Hua, with the full assistance of Zhaoming Qitianlu and the Armillary Sphere of the same realm, spent 100,000 years finally condensing the Dharma Body of Time. Within the law of time, Xiao Zhoutian’s time fragments The green dragon talisman was also aroused, and the human flower and five qi were imprisoned in the green dragon talisman.

Everything was ready, but Dongfeng was almost cut out of Xiao Hua's body at this time!

In the Art of Five Leaves of Flowers, the prerequisite for the division of the body is the division of the soul, but Xiao Hua has tried it, and he can no longer divide the soul.

Facing the ardent gazes of Zhaoming Qitianlu and the Armillary Sphere of the same realm, Xiao Hua felt that he had let them down. He could only smile bitterly: "Xiaosheng has tried it, and there is no way to separate the soul~"

"Then get the body out first!"

Zhaoming Qitianlu frowned and said.

"There is no soul control~"

Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "Xiaosheng can't control his body, how can I get it out?"

Zhaoming Qitianlu was also helpless.

On the contrary, the armillary sphere of the same realm squinted his eyes and looked around, and suddenly said: "Lao Zhaoming, this Jia inscription secret realm overlaps with the word'heaven and earth', right?"


Zhaoming Qitianlu replied, "Didn't you say it back then? There must be no way to trap Xiao Hua in one secret realm. Should I use two?"

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua jumped up and shouted, "Two seniors, don't you have this, is this fairness for you?"


The armillary sphere of the same realm became displeased, and said, "You have to thank a certain family. If there is not a secret realm in which the word heaven and earth are closed, it is impossible to separate your body in this whimsical time!"

"You mean..."

Zhaoming Qitianlu's eyes lit up and he was surprised, "Using two secret realms to divide?"


The armillary sphere of the same realm nodded and said, "You can control the secret realm of the sky character, and the time Hongyun is still ten thousand times. I will control the secret realm of the earth character. The time Hongyun is the same as outside. Xiao Hua controls his own Dharma body and physical body. The flesh does not move, so, can we not use the two-character secret realm to separate it?"

"Not bad!"

Zhaoming Qitianlu caressed his palm, "This matter is natural, and there is a certain number. If the two secret realms were not combined into one before, it is too late to do it!"

Xiao Hua shrugged, he didn't care, it would be better if the time law body was not divided.

"Then prepare~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu said, his figure disappeared.

"Come on, you~"

The armillary sphere of the same realm nodded to Xiao Hua, and the words of encouragement disappeared.

Immediately, Xiao Hua felt that Hong Yun began to surge wildly around the time.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect, and tried to urge Dishan to stay still. When he breathed, Xiao Hua's entire physical body was trembling, almost turning into a phoenix. After waiting for a flocculation, Xiao Hua felt that his Time Dharma body began to heat up. The trembling of the flesh gradually disappeared.


Zhaoming Qitianlu and the same realm of the Armillary Sphere both exclaimed, "What is your practice?"


Xiao Hua smiled slightly, and at the same time sang Qingyun Taoist songs again, Qingyun gushing out of the flowers, protecting the body of time.

When Xiao Hua urged the Tishan Immovable Art to the Zhou Wheel, the time law covered by Qingyun gave birth to a wheel shape!

"At this moment~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu and the Armillary Sphere yelled at the same time, Xiao Hua felt an unspeakable fluctuation as if he was holding himself with a big hand, and when he waited until the surrounding air surged up, the turbid air sank, and his physical body was completely covered. Tear in half!

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At the moment of tearing, Xiao Hua's eyes suddenly changed, everything turned into flakes, and these flakes were superimposed on top of each other, looking extremely orderly!

There are some images in each flake light and shadow, but Xiao Hua can't see clearly. He heard Zhaoming Qitianlu's voice from the end of the world: " Work..."

Xiao Hua woke up, he was surprised and delighted that he actually condensed the time law body, but it seemed that his soul was not divided, but his mind fell into the time law body!

Looking at himself, Xiao Hua is even more puzzled. Xiao Hua's figure now looks like an intermittent line, and it is also like a broken, flat film. In short, everything can be perceived but not seen at all. UU reading www.

Even Xiao Hua couldn't move his whole body at all.

To perform gong, Xiao Hua doesn’t know what to do besides performing gong.

One year, ten years, one hundred years, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, one million years, ten thousand years, a full 80 million years, Xiao Hua felt that he had condensed the body of time to perfection.

Look again, but there is a complete line, and this line reflects a complete human-shaped flake!

Xiao Hua still couldn't move!

"Tishan immovable secret!"

Xiao Hua didn't want to immediately use the Zhou Wheel of the Tishan Immovable Secret Art.

Zhou Lun has done a great job in the secret realm of the sacred cicada, but here, it can only move Xiao Hua's time law body, moving like step by step...

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