Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2756: Zhuo Xiao Tianzun

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Not to mention Ximen Rong’s message to Ximenyi, but the Kuiwei Tianyu, in the hall of the Nangong family, Nangongxun was holding a scroll and looking at something with relish. Elder Cheng flew in and stood respectfully beside him, although he held one in his hand. The blood geese passed on the book, but still did not say anything to bother.

Nangongxun looked for a moment, put down the scroll, and smiled and said to Elder Cheng: "Counting the time, it should be the end of the British election. Since it is the blood goose passing the book, then it must be Xiao Hua's news? Let's talk, Xiao Hua What's the number?"


Elder Cheng dropped to the five bodies that Nangongxun admired, and said, "How do you know that it is not Xiao Hua's death?"

"It's easy~"

Nangongxun looked at Elder Cheng and said, "Although you and I are the pinnacles of the heavenly immortals and the heavenly immortals, you will occasionally show your own feelings in your eyes, especially when you are not defending people. I can see a trace in your eyes. Shock."

"If it is joy, it must be the news that Xiao Hua was killed. Since it is shocked, it must be that Xiao Hua is still alive and ranked among the best..."


Elder Cheng sighed, offered the Blood Goose Book, and said, "The Patriarch basically guessed it, but the Patriarch can never guess Xiao Hua's rank and achievements!"


Nangongxun laughed and took the Blood Goose Book, and said, "Even the leader, the old man expected...what???"

Nangong Xun only said half a word, his smile disappeared immediately, and he whispered in an incredible voice like everyone else: "Courageous and dangerous is also super perfect?? This is impossible!!!"

"He... how did he do it?"

Nangongxun looked away from the Blood Goose Book to look at Elder Cheng, and screamed.

"I don't know yet..."

Elder Cheng’s mouth was bitter, and he replied, “But the old slave believes that all the heavenly students want to know the reason. Wenqu Shenggong should now report to His Majesty Ming, no, it should be the Emperor tomorrow, who is going to elect the whole of England. The process is announced to the public, otherwise they will not be able to explain it to the students in the world!"

"What a strange person~"

Nangongxun looked at the Blood Goose Book and sighed, "My Nangong family doesn't know how many generations of children and grandchildren are in the Heavenly Court. If the credits of Dzogchen are counted, it is only a handful, but if it is super perfect, it is really unprecedented!"

"Don't talk about our Nangong family~"

Elder Cheng also agreed, "Who has seen the super perfect credits in the entire Heavenly Court? What kind of cultivation level does this have, and how does it satisfy Zhaoming Qitianlu!"

"It's a pity~"

Nangongxun sighed again, "These strange people are enemies and not friends, it is really sighing!"

Elder Cheng heard this and hurriedly said: "Since Xiao Hua is still alive, then the person we arranged in the bravery has missed, they either didn't run into it, or..."

"Anything else?"

Nangongxun sneered, "If you didn't meet them, they would have been eliminated long ago, wouldn't you get the news? The only possibility is that they have been killed!!!"

"Yes Yes,"

Elder Cheng saw sweat on his forehead and quickly nodded, "I just don't know if they have leaked our news~"

Because he arranged both assassins, he is naturally responsible for the assassin's failure.

"It doesn't make sense to leak or not to leak~"

Looking at Nangongxun again, the wind is calm and calm, and he said, "Why do you want to add to the crime? Not to mention that we are still struggling with beasts!"


Elder Cheng hesitated and said, "Should we do it?"

"Why not?"

Nangongxun smiled and said, "Didn't it have been discussed before? Mingxiu plank road darkly Chen Cang!"

"Yes, the old slave is going to send a message~"

Elder Cheng was overjoyed and hurriedly replied, "According to the method set by the Patriarch, first disturb Lanting, and then provoke riots on all sides, provoking the suspicion of the five emperors..."

"Well, go!"

Nangongxun nodded slightly.

After Elder Cheng went, Nangong Xun squinted his eyes and glanced at the empty hall, with bitterness on his face, and said to himself: "The five emperors do not know how many years have been ruled by the heavens. How easy is it to overthrow them? Matter? As long as they provoke their mutual suspicion, provoke the Wucheng Academy, and the grievances on the twelfth floor, will they have a chance? Xiao Hua played the Heavenly Court with his own deity, and even participated in the Sixth Apocalypse Selection as a Confucian celestial clone. It was a sensation, but what a sensation Isn't it an opportunity to make the twelfth floor feel resentful towards the Five Fang Great Emperor?"

"So, Xiao Xian, don't blame the old man for being cruel, you can only make my Nangong family safer if you die!"

Nangongxun raised his hand, and a ball of flame emerged out of nowhere. The flame was suspended in the air, and countless unspeakable fluctuations overflowed from it, scattered to the void and disappeared.

Looking at the flame, Nangongxun did not rush to cast the spell, but frowned slightly and thought. It was only half an hour before he gritted his teeth and raised his hand to light the flame.


A vague facial features appeared within the flames, and at the same time an extremely vague voice sounded, "Nangong Xun, are you looking for me for something?"

"Yes, Zhuoxiao Tianzun~"

Nangongxun hurriedly got up with a smile on his face and said, "There is something down here that I need to ask Master Tianzun to do it!"


Zhuo Xiao Tianzun’s tone was a little surprised, and he wondered, "What is the important thing that makes you use the deity’s token? Don’t forget, this is a favor that the deity owes you, and you can only use it once, no matter whether the deity is or not. Complete your request, this deity of humanity is considered to be paid back!"

"Of course~"

Nangongxun smiled, "Remember the agreement between you and me, as long as Tianzun takes the shot, as long as Tianzun goes all out, regardless of the result!"

"Okay, tell me!"

Zhuo Xiao Tianzun nodded in the flames.

Nangongxun looked at Zhuo Xiao Tianzun, and said word by word: "Come to heaven and kill Xiao Hua!!"


Zhuo Xiao Tianzun was stunned, as if he couldn't believe his ears, and asked, "Are you talking about killing Xiao Hua? Do you want deity do it yourself?"


Nangongxun nodded affirmatively, UU reading www. uukanshu. com "is to kill Xiao Hua, and ask Tianzun to do it yourself!"

"Nangongxun, you embarrass the deity!"

Zhuo Xiao Tianzun said unceremoniously, "Do you know who Xiao Hua is?"


Nangongxun was shocked, and asked, "I really don't know, please Tianzun!"

"As early as Chaotian Que, Qian Yun, the avatar of Punishment Tianzun, has already said that Xiao Hua is his mortal heritage, and whoever dares to hurt him will have trouble with Gan Yun..."

Zhuo Xiao Tianzun replied, "You let the deity kill Xiao Hua, don't you offend and punish Tianzun?"

"Punishment... Penalty Palace Penalty Tianzun???"

Nangongxun was stunned...

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