Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2828: Heart cruel

  Chapter 2848 Heartbroken

  The world stone transformed from the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm is really fierce!

  How heavy are the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm. Without active defense, directly hitting a human immortal body, not to mention Daluo, even Taiyi, the physical body is afraid that it will be difficult to escape.

  Not to mention that Wen Quan had planned for a long time. Under this attack, Wen Yuan Xuanhen, Yuanshen and other things were smashed to pieces, and Wen Yuan could not die again!


  The mutation happened too suddenly, Wen Zhuo and the others didn't even finish a cup of fairy tea. They exclaimed and immediately flew up.

  Unfortunately, everyone just flew up a thousand feet, "Ao~" All of them looked black and bloodied and fell from mid-air, with their hands covering their abdomen, and wailing: "Wen... Wenquan, you... You are really crazy..."


Wen Quan looked at the embarrassment of everyone, and laughed loudly, "How can you wait for the old man not to know? Since the old man took over as the head of the house, which one are you waiting for to help the old man wholeheartedly?"

   "You are waiting like a hungry wolf waiting for an opportunity. You have long been waiting for the opportunity of this Yuanri. This time you are discussing matters in the Yingyuan Hall. The purpose of your waiting is to force the old man to give up the position of the monk, right?"

   "In this case, the old man might as well take the initiative. When you wait for your team to attack, where is the old man's way to survive?"

  Wen Zhuo was full of regrets in his heart. He really did not expect that Wen Quan's shot was so cruel that he would kill seven respected people in the clan as soon as he came up!

  Moreover, Bi Mutian was besieged by millions of teams from the Merchant League!

When Wen Zhuo received the news that he had come to Yingyuan Hall, he was not without drums, but he concluded that Wen Quan would never act rashly at such a critical moment, and there were six other elders in Yingyuan Hall!

  However, Wen Zhuo thought about it at this time, Wen Quan dared to kill the 130,000 Wen family disciples in the Heavenly Court in one fell swoop, just to eradicate Wen Xian’s possible strength, Wen Zhuo felt relieved!

  Speaking of being cruel, I am far from Wen Quan’s opponent!

  "Wear the right~"

Wen Zhuo took a deep breath and said, "Since I have entered the Yingyuan Hall, I am afraid that it will be impossible to go out. What other people think, a certain family does not know, but a certain family is a little curious about why you made such a demise. Is the weakening of my Wen Family’s strength just for the stability of the Patriarch’s position?"


  Wen Quan laughed and said, "Yes, you guessed it!"

As he said, Wen Quan raised his finger at Wen Zhuo, Wen Xiao and so on, and shouted, "You, you, and you! You all claim that you are more qualified to be the head of the house than the old man, and the old man usually gives you some orders. If you wait for it, you can't execute it effectively, but in the end, you will blame the old man for being incompetent!"

   "The old man wanted to cut you off for a long time, but he has been suffering from no chance. As the first thing happened today, to be honest, it is the old man made for you..."


   Wen Xiao exclaimed, "You took great pains to kill 130,000 Celestial Court disciples, change the Bimu Heavenly Guardian Formation, and sacrifice to the Refining World Stone with all your strength, just for today's Yuanri??"


Wen Quan laughed wildly, "Or, what do you think it is for?"

After speaking, Wen Quan raised his hand and pointed, and the boundary stone hit Wen Xiao again. The poisoned Wen Xiao tried his best to avoid it. Unfortunately, the boundary stone was already a thousand meters in size and could not tolerate him to avoid it. With a "puff~", Wen Xiao did the same. Turn into mashed meat!

   "Patriarch is forgiving~"

  The other four people were pale and shouted, "I will swear a blood oath immediately..."

   "There is no turning back arrow in the bow~"

  Wen Quan replied indifferently, “At this time, how could the old man keep you waiting for your life?”

   "Puff puff puff puff~"

  Four consecutive beeps, the four of them turned into fleshy meat!

   "Wen Zhuo~"

Wen Quan stretched out his finger, the boundary stone that had risen to ten thousand feet slowly rotated on his fingertips, and the twisted halo on it made the hideousness on Wen Quan's face distorted abnormally. He looked at Wen Zhuo and said, "You know Why did I keep you till the end?"

  Wen Zhuo did not answer, he only squinted at Wen Quan, his eyes full of hatred and viciousness.

   "Because I want to tell you~"

  Wen Quan said leisurely, “Wen Hong has already sworn a blood oath in front of me, otherwise how could I give him the responsibility of guarding the big formation?”


When Wen Zhuo heard this, his face changed drastically, his last hope was also put out by Wen Quan, so he roared and wanted to rush up.

  It's a pity that Wen Quan's finger moved, "Boom~" The boundary stone smashed down, and Wen Zhuo would have been killed!

   "You guys~"

Looking at Qi Tuan's vague flesh and blood, Wen Quan's face was lonely, and he sighed, "Do you think I'm the same I was before? How could I send the 100,000 disciples of the Tianting Wen family into the tiger's mouth for the sake of you? For some unspeakable concealment, how could I break my wrist? But don’t worry, without your interference, I will manage the Wenjia better, and the damage of my Wenjia in the heavenly court, I will take it back thousands of times!! !"

   After finishing speaking, Wen Quan sprayed profound light again and took the boundary stone away. Seven flames burst out from the seven fleshy pieces in the wave of his hand. Wen Quan did not even turn his head and flew out!

What Wen Quan didn't know was that Zhang Qingxiao's figure slowly flew out within a flame. He pinched his chin and looked at Wen Quan's back, his eyes showing appreciation.

  Things gather people in groups, and how many people who can enter the eyes of Xiao Hua's method are cruel? This method of hearing Quan was different from that of a disciple of the Good Fortune Sect, which naturally made Zhang Qingxiao's eyes bright.

Wenquan slowly flew out of Yingyuan Hall. There were no Wen family disciples around the main hall. This was where the high-level members of the clan discussed secrets. Naturally, people who waited for idlers could not come close.

  Wenquan looked very lonely. The full moon shone on him and stretched his shadow extremely long until he flew down in front of a large hall.

  Wen Quan did not enter the hall immediately, but stood facing the door of the hall with his hands held down.


  Half an hour, Wen Hong flew quietly and said in a low voice, "The matter is over!"

   "Here you~"

  Wen Quan did not look back at all. With his wrist turned, an ink-colored unicorn token fell in front of Wen Hong. UU Reading www. said, "From now on, you will take over everything about Wenzhuo..."


Looking at Mo Lin's token, Wen Hong took a breath of air. He already knew Wen Zhuo's fate based on Wen Quan's words alone. He was surprised and horrified, "This...this is too fast!" "


Wen Quan asked faintly, "Are you not satisfied?"


  Wen Hongxian's body trembled slightly, and hurriedly took the token, and said respectfully, "The disciple is too happy, it's impolite!"


  Wen Quan stopped questioning, and said, "What did Wen Zhuo really do?"


  Wen Hong handed Wen Zhuo’s Mo Xiantong respectfully, and said, “Wen Zhuo took advantage of the explosion of the fairy boat, and passed Mo Xiantong to the Luoyi Business League!”

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  (End of this chapter)

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