Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3158: The origin of the 3 holy 5 absolute monuments

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Of course, there are also many people who are nagging. I don't know why so many people fly out of the small world in a hurry.

Xiao Hua naturally didn't know that he was going to Dangshu Xiaotian realm to cause such a movement, so he only followed Yuan Yi and others to Dangshu Xiaotian realm.

But after flying for a few days, seeing nothing special before his head, there was a strange fragrance coming first, and Xiao Hua frowned.

"Lord Xiao~"

Upon seeing this, Ying Quan smiled and said, "You are afraid that you came in a hurry from the void of the buried immortal. Haven't you read more about the records about the ruins of the holy ruins?"

"Look at it~"

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "It's just that Xiao Mou doesn't like to prepare anything, and there are many ruins in the holy relics. Who knows which five majesty will choose? So I didn't watch it more!"

"Good to teach the original poster Xiao to know~"

Yuan Yifei turned his head and said, "If there are three saints and five unique monuments in Xiaotian, the three saints are sword saints, painting saints and grass saints. As for the five saints, they are sword rhyme, calligraphy rhyme, painting rhyme, wine rhyme and Poetry..."

Si Xu also rushed to say: "The painting sage is Wu Daozi, the grass sage is Huaisu..."

"Wu Daozi?"

Xiao Hua had no impression of these three sages, but when he heard the name Wu Daozi, he immediately thought of Wu Danqing. Yan Zhan once said that Wu Danqing was a descendant of Wu Daozi. Xiao Hua was naturally interested, and he smiled, "This What is the relationship between the Three Saints and the Saints of the Immortal Monument?"

"Lord Xiao~"

Si Xu hurriedly explained, "The'sage' of these three sages is not the sage of the saints, but a kind of honorific name, which means that these ancestors have incomparable accomplishments in the three fields of'sword, painting and cursive script,' which was obtained on the same day as the original master Xiao.' Wen Sheng' title is similar."

"Of course~"

Ying Quan also laughed and said, "Speaking of the realm of strength, they may not be comparable to Xiao Louzhu, and may not even be able to reach the high level of the third stage of the Taiqing Tianxian. Of course, they are even more incomparable than the saints of the Immortal Monument of the Heaven and Earth Tower! "

"Brother Ying, I dare not agree with you~"

Yuan Yi retorted, "Without the strength of the third rank and ninth rank of Taiqing Heavenly Immortal, how can the Five Sages of the Three Sages survive in the world? How can I realize the inner rhyme and break through the bottleneck?"

"The Fifth of the Three Sages has a unique style and a new path~"

Ying Quan said faintly, "This is the purpose of my generation to come to the small world. If it is a single body to realize Hongyun, how can it not be achieved? And if the three sages are Taiqing Tianxian third-rank ninth-rank, why didn't they leave a reputation in the heavens? On the thirteenth floor of the Heavenly Court, how come the major academies do not have their orthodoxy?"

"Brother Ying~"

Si Xu also said, "Although some seniors are powerful, they don't like their power and reputation. Naturally, there is no inheritance left in the heaven. However, their occasional posthumous works will cause a sensation in the heaven and make me wait for them!"

"As for the realm of strength, since the Three Sages and Five Jues Monuments of the Three Sages' cooperation can appear in the Ruins of the Ancient Sages, it is enough to explain?

During the argument, a looming ink color appeared in the distant world, which at first glance looked like a distant mountain after the rain, and the unspeakable tranquility and remoteness suddenly impacted Xiao Hua's vision.

As for the fragrance, it becomes more intense as the ink color appears.

Xiao Hua suddenly asked, "Is this wine rhyme?"


This time, Ying Quan, Yuan Bu and Si Xu said in unison, "This is the unique wine charm of Xiaotianjing!"

"How do you know?"

Xiao Hua asked rhetorically.


The three looked at each other, hesitated, Ying Quan said, "This is the record left by other seniors after participating in the wise election!"


Yuan Bu also echoed, "I naturally made preparations before participating in the wise election. If the Three Sages and Five Jubilee Monuments in the Xiaotian Realm are also the relics of the Holy Spirits that your majesty likes to order, I will pay more attention to it later. ."

Xiao Hua didn't say anything. Although he didn't like immortal wine, he knew how to make wine and had more wine ceremonies. He always felt that the rhyme of this wine was not quite right.

After flying for a few more hours, the ink color that seemed to be far away suddenly filled the whole world. At the same time, a looming breeze began to blow on the face. The wind blew up not only the ends of hair, but also melancholy, Xiao Hua even felt It's sorrow!

"Sure enough, it's a small heavenly realm!"

Xiao Hua praised, "I feel so excited before I have fully entered. If I see the authenticity of the Three Sages and Five Jubilee Monuments with my own eyes, don't you still have to be confused?"

"Yes, Lou Zhu~"

Yuan Bu nodded and said, "With my strength, I can only reach the thirtieth heaven of the Xiaotian realm, and then the sixth heaven depends on luck, so I asked the hostess Xiao for help!"


Xiao Hua was stunned. He looked at the ink color in front of his head, and said in a strange way, "If there is still thirty-six heavens in the small world?"


Ying Quan immediately understood that the landlord on the thirteenth floor of the Heavenly Court in front of him hadn't read the detailed records about the small sky realm at all, so he hurriedly said: "If the small sky realm is divided into thirty-six layers, each There are different five great rhymes at different levels. Comprehending these great rhymes will not only improve the cultivation level, but also make people confused. It is said that the more you realize, the greater the influence of the Three Sacred Five Jue Tablets, so few people enter the end. Sixfold!"


Xiao Hua just about to answer, suddenly raised his hand, but seeing the breeze blowing on his palm, splashing a little bit of sword light, Xiao Hua frowned, and asked, "This is if there is a sword rhyme hidden in the breeze of the Xiaotian realm. ?"

"Yes, Lou Zhu~"

Si Xu hurriedly replied, "According to the rumor, when the two predecessors of Painter and Caosheng joined hands to draw the Three Sages and Five Jubilee Tablets, they were uninspired, and they were unable to write. The Juggernaut just heard that his mother had passed away, and his heart was sorrowful, dancing here. Swords, there have been records from time to time... because of violent encouragement, Shun passed through the netherworld. Min then took off his clothes, if always decorated. Walking horses like flying, turning left and right, throwing swords into the clouds, tens of thousands of meters high, if the electric light shoots down, He held the sheath in his hand, and the sword entered through the sky, thousands of viewers were all shocked...', the painting sage was sentimental, so he drank, and wrote while drunk,'...then Daozi assisted the wall, sullenly. When the wind rises, the gods and ghosts are numbered on the wall, with the help of the dark, UU reading is the magnificence of the world. Daozi painted in his life. Nothing comes from this...'"

"There is another legend~"

Ying Quan went on to say, "First, the painting saints and the grass saints painted the inscriptions, and then the sword saints danced the sword to protect them, and the thirty-six sword lights split the thirty-six layers of space, and then there is a small world!"

Xiao Hua smiled and looked at Si Xu, "Is there a record of the grass sage being in the small heaven?"


Si Xu shook his head without hesitation, "Don't hide from the original poster Xiao, I was also surprised before, there are all records of the painting of the holy sword saint, why is there not the very important grass saint? But unfortunately, I searched through the ancient books and there was none. I saw the record written by Cao Sheng on the Three Sages and Five Jue Tablets!"

Xiao Hua asked back: "Since there is no record, why do you know that it is Cao Sheng Huai Su?"

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