Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3447: ? M (yù)

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"Boom boom boom~"

It was the time of another meal, the water light in front of his head had turned into clarity, and the roaring sound began to impact Xiao Hua's ears.


Xiao Hua raised his eyes, and realized that he whispered in his heart, "This... such a big water dragon??"

But when Xiao Hua took a closer look, he immediately realized that he was wrong: "No, it's not right~"

"This is a big river like a dragon!"

"Oh, that's not right, this is a sea!"

But no, I don’t know how far away from Long Nian, there is a vast ocean, this sea is full of heaven and earth, this is the real "sun and moon journey, if you go out of it; the stars are brilliant, if you go out of it."

It's just that this sea is different from other seas. A layer of water and light like dragon scales are superimposed on the sea, and the water is continuous. Doesn't it look like a huge water dragon from a distance?

And when Long Nian flew close, Xiao Hua could really see that the water and light were superimposed on a piece of space, and that continuous force was the power of space, and even Xiao Hua's eyes swept across it, within a piece of water and light. There are actually multiple spaces. This space is profound, with a hint of gray in some places, and Xiao Hua's gaze has a tendency to fall into loss.

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua whispered, "What is this place, it is so dangerous!"

In Xiao Hua's mind, he recalled the dragon scale carving given by the real man, but it seemed that there was no record of this place.

"It seems that there is a place called 淢 (yù) 溭 (zé) sea~"

Xiao Hua remembered, and secretly said, "It's just to the west of Hao. This should be the place. It's just that dragons usually use a single word, which becomes 溭 (zé)."

While thinking about it, Long Nian stopped in mid-air, as if waiting for something, Zhonglong Wulong asked, but Xiao Hua didn't speak at all.

Zhenren Lu is also a bit nagged, don't know what Ao Sheng wants to do, isn't he going to "Sheng"? How do you stay here?

In fact, when Horned Dragon talked about "Sheng", Lun Zhenren was also a little at a loss. He had been to "Lin" and heard of "Sheng". Many times, Sheng and Lin mean the same thing, or "Lin". Why is it also called Shenglin Continent?

But flying all the way, Zhenren Lu seemed to be a little awake. He felt that he might be too careless, or too focused on the trial, and ignored a problem. "Sage" may really not be "Lin".

Since "Holy" is not "Lin", where is the "Holy"?

Why are so many dragons unable to distinguish between "Sage" and "Lin"?

Zhenren Lu also looked at zé intently, waiting for the horned dragon to reveal the mystery.

After a long time, the sky gradually darkened. The Xiyang and Ziyang in the sea fell, and the dim sun began to rise. Seeing the sun from the sun falling into the sea, strange things happened, and countless spaces were dimly yellow. It began to shine in the sunlight, like a lighted lamp.


Looking at the brightly lit world, the horned dragon suddenly urged Long Yin, and said in his mouth, "I will take you to an eye-opener!"


As the dragon rushed in, wind screams began to start around, and after the wind rushed through the space, it turned into a wind dragon. The wind dragon followed around the dragon, as if guarding, or clearing the way.

Although Xiao Hua's strength is not there now, he still has his eyesight. Seeing the space laws piled up one after another within Fenglong, Xiao Hua seems to understand something.

Sure enough, for about half an hour, Long Nian didn't know where he flew into the sea, but when he heard the horned dragon raised his head and whispered, "Om~", a dragon face appeared on its dragon's horns, and the dragon face raised up. Claws grabbed Fenglong, and threw it in front of the dragon!

With a "bang~", the wind dragon burst, and bursts of firecracker-like sounds rang out, and then, a suction force emerged from the sound, directly pulling the dragon's blade toward the bottom of the sea!

"Swipe it~"

Long Nian fell quickly, producing the sound of violent sea washing, and at this time, a huge wind column swept the sea water and appeared in front of Long Nian.


Even a group of dragons couldn't help screaming in horror at the sight of the wind pillar, because the wind pillar was pierced into the sky, and the sea water went straight to the sky, and everything around the wind pillar was torn to pieces.

However, the horned dragon still calmly urged the dragon to rush into the wind column!


Long Nian swayed violently in the wind pillar, and all the dragon races tried their best to hover on the dragon Nian, lest they would be thrown out, and the huge wind howl made Xiao Hua unable to hear any movement at all.

Just as the sky was turning around, Xiao Hua was "brushing", but Xiao Hua felt that there was a flower in front of him, as if he had rushed through a barrier, but Xiao Hua himself did not see what the barrier was.

After breaking through the barrier, it was still the pillar of wind that opened up to the sky, but Long Nian had escaped from the pillar of wind and flew in one direction. There was still sea water all around, and there was still a lot of lights. To, this also makes Xiao Hua doubt his feelings.


After that, Long Nian began to fly again, piercing through one space after another, and when Long Nian rushed out of the sea again, Xiao Hua suddenly discovered that the water above the sea was one after another, and it was still like lights under the shining sun. , But these water lights are no longer the kind of jagged waves, like dragon scales connecting and intertwining, but the turbulent currents, such as suppressing Nuose, to raise shock waves!


Xiao Hua smiled inwardly, "This is what the Horned Dragon refers to as eye-opening, right? This...this is also called eye-opening? It's just a spatial transformation. I'm afraid it's another place, right?"

"If nothing happens, this place should be ‘Holy’!"

Sure enough, as the dragons flew out, away from the sea again, the dragons were stunned. They looked at each other, and one of the dragons cried out, "Dalong, did you come back again?"

"Yes, Dalong~"

Qing Longjun shouted, "Didn't you say that we came to 溭(zé) to open our eyes? How come we must leave before our eyes are opened?"

"Haha, haha~"

The horned dragon finally laughed. He stopped the dragon and pointed at the sea and said, "Look at it, is this still zé?"


At this time, the dragons woke up and hurriedly looked towards the sea, but after a long period of time, the dragon hesitated and said, " doesn't seem to be the 溭(zé) anymore, right?"

No wonder these little dragons, they don't understand the laws of space, and under the sun, many spaces are full of sunlight, which makes their eyes dazzling, and they can't distinguish the details of the water waves. UU Reading

"Take a good look at those water lights~"

The horned dragon said helplessly, "Did the previous ones resemble dragons? Now these are somewhat similar to mountain springs?"

"Oh oh~~"

The dragons suddenly looked at them, and after a while they all shouted, "Yes, that's right, it's just different, changed, changed~"

After speaking, a group of dragons looked up at the horned dragon, just like the little pythons, and waited for the horned dragon to divide further.

"This is yù (yù)!"

The horned dragon was a little helpless, and said, "It's not zé anymore!"

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