Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3950: 1 to kill Xiao Hua


Xiao Hua frowned and said displeasedly, "What qualifications do you have to make a deal with me?"

Xiao Hua's face change made Patriarch Gan Yun more and more certain. Isn't this the temper of the Dragon Clan?

So he hurriedly smiled and said: "The adults do not know, although the strength is shallow, but the identity of the subordinate is the avatar of the immortal world punishing Tianzun."


Xiao Hua pretended to be surprised and said, "Punish Tianzun?"

Then Xiao Hua stared at Longyan up and down to look at the ancestors of Gan Yun, and said quite puzzled: "You are the avatar of Tianzun? Why can't I see it?"


Ancestor Gan Yun said cautiously, "Your status is secondary. As long as your lord can help you to get Xuanzhaoyuan, you are willing to help your lord to attract the attention of a dragon beast, so that your lord can kill the dragon beast!"

Xiao Hua didn't need to ask any more, he already knew that the dragon beast in the mouth of the ancestor Gan Yun was Chen.

After all, Chen had already appeared in the identity of Xiao Hua's previous life, and Patriarch Ganyun also knew what happened in Yanze Realm. The attraction that Patriarch Ganyun said must be to attract Chen's attention.

However, what puzzled Xiao Hua was why Patriarch Gan Yun wanted to kill himself.

The reason why Patriarch Ganyun was able to come to Jiyu Mingshatian to find Chen was because the news of Jiyu Mingshatian was told to him by Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu.

And Liu Yanyu's news came from Yuhua Yuanjun Fairy Hongxia. As for the news of Fairy Hongxia, it was Zhang Qingxiao's clone who told her.

The news of Zhang Qingxiao's avatar came from Zhang Qingxiao. When Fairy Hongxia asked about Zhang Qingxiao's avatar, she didn't mention Gan Yun, so Zhang Qingxiao didn't know that Gan Yun was also inquiring about Chen. Since Zhang Qingxiao did not Yes, Xiao Hua naturally doesn't know either.


Xiao Hua pretended to hesitate for a moment and said, "You say it first, if possible, I may agree."

"It's actually quite simple~"

Patriarch Gan Yun said lightly, "Chen's name in this life is Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua is my descendant disciple in the mortal world..."


Xiao Hua pretended to be surprised, "Is there such a coincidence?"

"That's right~"

Patriarch Gan Yun nodded, "If Chen restores his memory, he should know me. Even if he doesn't restore his memory, I can show up to wake him up and attract his attention, so that adults have a chance to take action."

"The problem is~"

Xiao Hua frowned, "Since Xiao Hua is your junior disciple of the mortal world, why did you kill him?"

"He is the reincarnation of a dragon beast..."

Ancestor Gan Yun said "ruthlessly", "He has ruined the inheritance of my human race, not to mention that I am punishing the avatar of the Heavenly Venerate. This... This is a great stain on my family!"


Xiao Hua coldly snorted, "What happened to the dragon beast? Could it be that the Seven Realms are the most noble of your human race??"

"No, no~"

Ancestor Gan Yun hurriedly explained with a smile, "I don't mean to despise the dragon clan, I just say that Xiao Hua, the reincarnation of a dragon beast, has defiled the Taoism of Lord Tianzun, and he must be killed, and if the Lord can help I'm busy, my family will remember your kindness."

Xiao Hua's heart suddenly became cold, he didn't know how to answer, whether to agree or not.

Although Patriarch Ganyun is a avatar of the Heavenly Venerate, he is like the ordinary human race, and it is difficult to distinguish the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the dragon family, and even the appearance of the dragon, so he did not see the strangeness of Xiao Hua, and he still cautiously waited for Xiao Hua's answer.


Xiao Hua's tone was full of ridicule, and he said, "I will help you kill Xiao Hua, this shameful teacher and defeated ancestor, but, what benefits can you give me?"


Ancestor Gan Yun was stunned for a moment, and he didn't react for a while. After a long while, he asked, "Sir, you... aren't you here to kill the three dragon beasts? I...I help you...isn't it a benefit?"


Xiao Hua laughed and said, "You said it so sanely, I thought you were here to kill Xiao Hua! I forgot, you came to find Xuanzhaoyuan, but you are good, kill Xiao Hua, and then kill Xiao Hua again. To be able to get Xuanzhaoyuan is to kill two birds with one stone!"

"Isn't this still taking off the blessing of adults?"

Ancestor Gan Yun laughed even more. He knew that whether he could reach the top of the snow-capped mountains and see Chen, he would have to rely on this Saint Dragon Ancestor who saved him.

"The punishment Tianzun owes Lao Tzu how much dragon love~"

Xiao Hua muttered, and secretly said in his heart, "nnd, I still want to kill me!"

After speaking, Xiao Hua grabbed his dragon claw and said, "Let's go, let's kill Xiao Hua."


Patriarch Gan Yun felt a roar all around him, and he could no longer see the snow-capped mountains, and he couldn't even sense the ordinary dragon.

"The strength of this Holy Dragon Ancestor is comparable to that of adults~"

Patriarch Ganyun smashes his mouth, and secretly said in his heart, but in fact, Patriarch Ganyun himself knows that the strength of this holy dragon ancestor is probably a little higher than that of punishing Tianzun. After all, this silent Ming Shatian is not a dragon. Domain interface, and Punishment Tianzun is the strongest in Dao Xianjie.

Xiao Hua doesn't know what Patriarch Gan Yun thinks, let alone the real meaning of Patriarch Gan Yun's words. This is the case with everyone. Xiao Hua has been able to put himself in the shoes of others, but it really involves himself, especially his admiration. Or when someone close to me talks about me, I often lose judgment.

So Xiao Hua rushed to the top of the snow mountain with a little resentment in his heart.

Xiao Hua's strength was comparable to that of Hao at this time, so he was not immune to the danger that Chen and Ziluo encountered, so when he reached the top of the snowy mountain, he was equally exhausted and even scarred.

At the top of the snow-capped mountain at this time, the faint tripod-shaped outline was still flashing with rays of light, and there was no situation that Ziluo was worried about. UU reading

Xiao Hua wanted to let Patriarch Ganyun go, but after thinking about it, he sneered: "Patriarch, don't come out, it's dangerous here, with your ability to die, you don't want to kill Xiao Hua, you want to get Xuan Zhuoyuan? When I find Xiao Hua, you won't be too late to kill him."

Immediately, Xiao Hua, like Ziluo and Chen, first inspected the top of the snow-capped mountain and found nothing unusual, and then approached Longding, secretly said in his heart: "I can get here, Chen and Ziluo should also be able to, two Although the dragon beasts are in harmony with each other, they will never turn their eyes away until they see Xuan Yanyuan, so they should have already entered the dragon cauldron..."

"Ouch, Long Ding??"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly came to his senses, looked at the outline of the cauldron, and said in surprise, " this Tianding? It's Long Hao..."


Without waiting for Xiao Hua's thoughts to fall, or to take out the fragments of the cauldron, "Boom~" three hundred and sixty black sands fell again, and the poem with "Drinking Fire Order" appeared again.

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