Revival of the Gods

Chapter 719: Metamorphosis

“Haha...” Xiao Hua laughed and said, “I’m the old man who used the alchemy, and it’s also recorded in the refining of the axe.” It’s useful for you to sacrifice swords. Look at it yourself. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the old man!"

"Thank you, Master!" Zhao Ting was really ecstatic, and she rushed to take it.

"Well, you are going to practice!" Xiao Hua waved to let Zhao Ting inside.

Zhao Tingfei went to the door of the quiet room and suddenly turned back. He whispered: "Master, sorry... sorry!"

"Go, go!" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "You are the famous disciple of the old man. This is what the old man should give you."

Zhao Ting bit her lip, and her eyes are slightly moist. She is not a person who is easily moved, but Xiao Hua’s kindness and kindness make her think of her mother who raised her.

Looking at Zhao Ting, Xiao Hua smiled and shook his head: "This child is really stubborn!"

Afterwards, Xiao Hua’s eyes and noses looked like five hearts, and the mind had already entered the space to become the shape of Yuhua Xiaohua.

Yuxi Xiaohua’s thoughts have been clear, and the space situation has been clearly seen. More than a hundred scattered infants are still printing in the Star Palace. This is a huge labyrinth. With more than a hundred scattered infants, it has been used so long. The time has not been completed half, Yu Xiao Xiaohua can not believe, if the body to worship, it will take a long time, how much effort.

In addition to the dragon domain is still forming, the other interfaces of the space have not changed in particular, the night of the dark spirits is still sleeping, the small yellow and black in the space of the fairy world are not moving, and the Yumi, which is not controlled by Yuhua Xiaohua, is also quiet. It seems that many devils sleep with the night, but how to see, Yuhua Xiaohua has the feeling of the mountains and rains coming to the wind.

However, Yuxi Xiaohua looked around and there was nothing special about it, which made him extremely rare.

In the end, Yuhua Xiaohua still turned his eyes to the dragon domain that is being formed.

The nine areas of the Dragon Field have been initially contoured. Except for the area where Xiaojin is located, in the other eight areas, the air transports are each gathered on a dragon beast. If the text is Xiaohua, it is the eight dragon ancestors. Xiaojin accounts for 70% of the air in the area, and another dragon is divided into 30%. It looks a lot smaller than the dragons in other areas.

As for the insects scattered in the nine regions, they are beyond the expectation of Yu Xiaohua, they do not seem to grab too much air. However, in the eyes of Yuxi Xiaohua, there are extremely special changes in the body of these insects.

Yuhua Xiaohua raised his hand and fell into a windy area. The worms appeared in front of the jade Xiaohua, and the insects of the worms gradually grew bigger. Yuhua Xiaohua clearly saw There are a lot of inexplicable stains in the granules that make up the worm's body. This plaque is like a very fine rune, but it is particularly vague and not shaped. Yuhua Xiaohua knew that this change had not been completed, so he took his eyes and sent the worms to the same place.

"It's a bit strange!" Yu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, and whispered to see other worms. In the space of heaven, Wenqu Xiaohua appeared in a hurry, and his body fell straight into the space, looking at the red. Gas transpiration does not know what to think.

"Oh, huh..." Yu Xiaoxiao smiled and smiled. The figure fell to the side of the Yuxi Wenqu and asked, "What do Daoyou think?"

"The space for Xiaosheng is a bit strange!" asked the Yuwen Wenqu. "All the changes in the it related to the cultivation of Xiaosheng, or the growth?"

“Well...” Yuhua Xiaohua nodded slightly. “The Taoist thoughts are right. Everything in this space is a process of growing up, but the growth of your body and my body has a great impact on it!”

“It seems that Daoyou already knows?” Yu Yuwen’s Wenqu looked at Yuhua’s Xiaohua and asked, “Why don’t you tell me?”

"If the poor road tells the Taoist friend, how can the friend discover it?" Yu Xiaoxiao laughed and explained, "Other friends don't know, you still don't know? It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. Friends themselves discovered the subtle changes in their space, and this discovery is a hundred times more important than the poor road to inform the friends!"

"Haha, Xiaosheng understands!" Yushu Wenqu suddenly gave birth to a slight temper, and he shot his forehead. "Thank you for your help! Xiaosheng always feels that there is something wrong with cultivation. It is here! Words in the book It is dead, only the essence is alive, and the words are much more... will kill people!"

"Congratulations to the Taoist friends who have entered the country..." Yuhua Xiaohua arched his hand and took out the ink fairy. "This is a poor road gift, please accept it!"

"What do you mean? A little bit of understanding and gift?" The jade essays were a bit screaming. He took over the ink fairy, and his eyes swept over. The body shook and shouted, "Qingxue Qiqi"? False?? This... Is this thing really found by you?"

"Yeah!" Yuhua Xiaohua proudly said, "There are all the air traffic in the Dragon Field in the space of the poor road. Isn't it a hand to find a clear emptiness?"

"Ha ha..." Yuxi Wenqu laughed and said, "Daoyou said this is very arrogant, but Xiaosheng likes it! Qingxu is divided into three people, and this clear-cut is a person, since the road If you are friends, then you can do more work, and the land and the Tianxiao are also handed over to the Taoist friends!"

"I am going, don't bring this kind of thing!" Yuhua Xiaohua hurriedly waved his hand. "Although it is more capable, but can't you give such important things to the poor road?"

"Qing dynasty lost in the Taoist world, the Taoist friends do not look for, who else can be ..." Speaking of this, the sound of the Yushu literary song is slightly reduced, looking at the space fairyland.

"This is not right!" Yu Xiao Xiao Hua Le, "Dao Xianjie and Thunder real people!"

"The problem is..." The jade literary genre just had to talk. The jade 牒 牒 华 身 , , , , , 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒He is!"

After the return of her heart, Xiao Hua regretted it and gave the Wenqu an important heavenly exercise, but did not get the benefits from his hand. It was really a cheap song.

Of course, this thought is just a fleeting moment. When Xiao Hua closed his eyes and quieted for half an hour, he took out the technique of the sacred sorcerer Ji Lingyu and began to learn. He is not suitable for practicing exercises now. Can use the road, Dandao and other exercises to pass the time.

This enlightenment is nearly half of the Yanyue. On this Yuan, Xiao Hua is holding the fairy singer and trying to get the almost complete rune into the good jade, and the sound of Li Moi is heard outside. : "Master, my family ancestors have please!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua should have a voice, and Xian Yu hit it out. "咔" Yufu was a loud crack, and the rune was condensed. Seeing that Yufu would become, Xiaohua suddenly became a change of fairy, "Zi Lala... "Yu Fu's faint flame was born, and Yu Fu actually melted again!

However, it is only a few breaths, the jade is shaped, the flame disappears, the flame is only burned by 70% of the jade, and there are still 30% of the jade in the air.

"Well, it's already good!" Xiao Hua was very satisfied with his cultivation. "In the past, when Liu Bize was in the stream, this unnamed jade still had 60% of the remains. Now it melts to 30%, and Xiaomou is spared. Then completely erase these three, then this unnamed rune is a success, Xiaomou can withstand the inspection of Fu Dao Meng, and is worthy of the support of Master Ji Lingyu."

Of course, Xiao Hua also knows that the more it is in the final stage, the more difficult it is, but Ji Lingyu makes it clear that as long as the cultivation is good in the third and fifth years, this confidence Xiaohua still has.

Out of the quiet room, Li Moi and Bai Xiaotu stood on the side and asked Zhao Ting, saying that he was retreating. Xiao Hua knew that she was practicing the technique of Feijian, and she just nodded until the fairy boat.

At this time, the fairy boat flies strangely. Under the fairy boat, there are mountains and mountains. The blue waves are flowing over the fairy boat. Looking far away, a huge iridescent color in front of the fairy boat head crosses the sky!

"Hanghong Island!" Xiao Hua understands that the head should be the Hanghong Island of the Kuiyangshan disciple.

"Xiao's predecessor..." Fei Fei, who hasn't seen him for a long time, will come over. The respectful Shi Lidao said: "I am bothering you to retreat. The front is Hanghong Island."

The injury of the cockroach has long been good. At this time, it looks like a sigh of relief. Xiao Hua will help him smile and say: "Yes, it seems that your errands are going smoothly, and your ancestors are very satisfied."

"The younger generation is just running errands. The princes of Qiuyangshan are still valued by Xiao’s predecessors..." It seems that he has won the instructions of the court and said the real situation. He did not get up and still bowed his head: Speaking of this, we must also ask the predecessors to forgive the sins. The younger generation used the predecessor’s identity without the consent of the predecessors..."

"Oh?" Xiao Hua smiled. "Are you here to sin?"

"Yes!" He laughed. "How do seniors punish younger generations, and the younger generations are willing!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua nodded ~ ~ suede, "You get up, punish you for the ins and outs of things..."

"Ah?" He stunned, and immediately grateful in his eyes, loudly, "Yes, the younger generation will tell things to the seniors!"

Li Moi, behind Xiao Hua, looked at the sly look. He didn’t feel a bitter smile in his heart. He complained that his lord was too kind, and he wouldn’t come, but he would only launch it. It’s obviously a bitterness. If you have to blackmail yourself, Three to five hundred Xuan Xianjing were formed.

There was no one on the fairy boat. I asked Xiao Hua to start talking about it: " don’t know, the younger generation went to the welcome dock in front of the head. The immortals inside did not let the younger generation go forward. They only said that they would come first. Waiting, the younger generation did not dare to say anything and waited for nearly ten yuan days here. Waiting for a disciple to come out, the younger generation will hand over the tokens of the business association. After the disciple went, it was only half an hour. Turning around, saying no, returning the tokens of the company to the younger generation..."

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In the process of forming the Dragon Field, there are quite a few opportunities. Xiao Jin and Jiang Meihua don’t say it. Now, even the worms have changed, what effect does this change have?

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