Chapter 1: Revive the Saiyans and create another planet Vegeta!

Ai Ji 737.

A planet in the North Milky Way.

The planet has just been invaded by Saiyans, and life has been almost slaughtered.

And the person led by this Saiyan team is the five-year-old Saiyan prince, His Royal Highness Vegeta.

“It’s almost time.”

Next to Vegeta, Naba, and Raditz, Kahn chewed a not-so-delicious fruit in his mouth and looked up at the sky.


At this moment, the combat effectiveness detector on Kahn’s left eye rang.

Getting the news from the combat effectiveness detector, Kahn sighed secretly.

That’s right.

The Combat Power Detector came with the news that Planet Vegeta had been destroyed by a meteorite impact.

In fact, Kahn knew very well that the planet Vegeta was not destroyed by some meteorite impact, but by the Cosmic Emperor Frieza.

Over the years, the Saiyans have worked diligently and diligently for Frieza, but in the end they ended up like this.

Perhaps, this is the destiny of the Saiyans.

Why did Kahn know that Planet Vegeta was not destroyed by a meteorite impact, but by Frieza himself?

Because he is


Eighteen years ago, Kahn crossed over and became a member of the Saiyan nation, but he was not very talented, and he was rated as a junior warrior when he was born.

After more than ten years of hard cultivation, coupled with fighting everywhere, Kahn’s current combat strength has just broken through the three thousand mark.

This bit of combat power, in front of Frieza, is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

So, to save your life.

Kahn had to avoid the critical node of the destruction of Vegeta’s planet, ignoring the summoning order of the Frieza army, and instead went out with Vegeta to conquer the planet.

This was the way to avoid it.

After collecting his thoughts, Kahn came to Vegeta and said, “Your Highness Vegeta, there is not very good news from the Frieza army. ”


Vegeta was sitting on the grass, nibbling on the fruit in his hand, and did not look up at Kahn.

“Planet Vegeta was destroyed by a meteorite impact, and there should be only a few of us left in the Saiyan nation.”

“What did you say?”

As soon as Kahn’s words came out, several Saiyan warriors next to him showed shocked expressions.


The young Raditz pouted and rejoiced, “Fortunately, we didn’t follow Frieza’s summoning order to go back and assemble.” ”


Vegeta also pouted: “Only a little, I can become the king of Vegeta.” ”

It seems that they do not have the slightest concern and sadness for the destruction of planet Vegeta and the death of their own family.

Kahn understood their personalities, so he didn’t say anything, just said: “Don’t you think it’s strange that Your Highness Vegeta?” ”


A big question mark popped up on Vegeta’s face.

“Kahn, what do you mean?” The Saiyan warriors on the side were anxious.

“I mean, why didn’t Planet Vegeta get hit by a meteorite earlier, not by a meteorite late, but by a meteorite when everyone went back to assemble.”

“Is this a coincidence?”


Vegeta and the others were startled.

“Kahn, you mean Frieza did it?”

A Saiyan warrior suddenly realized and blurted out.

When they realized this, the other Saiyan warriors broke out in a cold sweat.

If the planet Vegeta is destroyed, and the Saiyan extinction is really Frieza’s, it will be too terrible!

“In my opinion, maybe that’s it.”

Kahn said, “Haven’t you heard? This time, Frieza summoned everyone back to planet Vegeta and kept inquiring about the Super Saiyan. ”

Super Saiyan!

There is not a single Saiyan who does not know this legend.

Legend has it that a thousand years ago a golden warrior Super Saiyan emerged among the Saiyan peoples and defeated King Kurdish and Frieza’s ancestor Zild.

The Kurdish king may not have taken this legend to heart, but Frieza has always cared about it.

This is well known within the Saiyan nation.

And according to Kahn, then probably Frieza was really afraid of the existence of Super Saiyans and chose to exterminate the Saiyans.

This, in everyone’s opinion, is not impossible.

It’s quite likely!

“But isn’t that a legend?” Raditz held his head in his hands.

“It is precisely because it is a legend that Frieza has an excuse, if Super Saiyans really exist, how can we Saiyan peoples have fallen to where we are today?”

Then, Kahn’s eyes were cold, “It’s good that we Saiyans are also a fighting nation, and we have the dignity of belonging to a fighting nation. ”

“The eldest husband was born in heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and dwell under people for a long time!”

“Your Highness Vegeta, you are a Saiyan prince and should bear the responsibility of reviving the Saiyan nation, we Saiyans are an arrogant fighting people, and we cannot always be ruled by the frozen demon races such as Frieza and King Kurd!”

Kahn’s words tuned the bloodiness of the other Saiyan warriors.

They echoed:

“Kahn is right, Your Highness Vegeta, our Saiyan nation wants to revive and rise!”

“Yes, down with Frieza and regain the pride and dignity that belongs to us Saiyans!”



Vegeta pouted, “It’s easy to say, my father is dead, even if I declare myself king, how can I defeat Frieza with a few of us?” ”

It’s not that Vegeta doesn’t want to turn over the serfs and sing, but he really doesn’t have this strength!

As a Saiyan prince, Vegeta is more proud than anyone.

But now it is people under the eaves who have to bow their heads.

Kahn said: “I don’t think the primary goal is to bring down Frieza at the moment, and it will be a little more difficult to bring down Frieza with our strength. ”

“So, our primary goal now is to revive the Saiyan nation.”

“The basic condition for a national rejuvenation is population, so we should start with having children.”

“Since Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, let’s create another planet Vegeta!”


Vegeta was stunned.

Raditz, Naba, and other Saiyan warriors were also stunned.

Although the Saiyans are a fighting people, they are also a minority.

Why hasn’t the population of the Saiyan nation gone up all these years? It’s because it’s hard to have children.

Coupled with the fact that men have been fighting outside for many years, this has led to the extremely low birth rate of the Saiyan nation.

But this does not prevent them from all having a heart to revive the Saiyan nation.

Now Frieza has destroyed the planet Vegeta and exterminated the Saiyans.

These Saiyan remnants of the party are basically a dead lip and a cold relationship.

If there is no unity at this time, then someday in the future, the Saiyans will really be completely extinct from this world.


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