Chapter 11 Bulma: Dragon Ball Radar, I’ll do it for you

After several seconds, the four kidnappers in the car recovered from the huge inertia.

They cast their eyes straight ahead in unison.

I saw that at the front of the car, there was a young man wearing casual clothes, who looked quite handsome, and had a strong tendon flesh.

At this time, his right foot was on the front of the car, and he was looking at the four of them with a weird smile on his lips.

In a flash.

The four kidnappers showed fierce eyes one after another, and murderously opened the car door and got out: “Boy, you are looking for death!” ”

“It’s big brother…”

At this time, Bulma, who was left alone in the car, also stopped crying.

When she saw that the person who came to her rescue was Kahn, Bulma was both surprised and worried.

“Boy, dare to block our way of wealth, Lao Tzu will send you to see King Yan!”

The fierce voice fell, and the four kidnappers took out their pistols one after another, and pulled the trigger continuously at Kahn.

Bang bang!

A dozen bullets carried a huge volley of impact and lethality towards Kahn.

Yet the next second.

The kidnappers, who were still murderous just now, were stunned in place.

I saw Kahn standing still, his right hand leaning forward, and one after another afterimages flashed.

When Kahn opened his right hand again, the dozen bullets they fired at Kahn suddenly appeared in Kahn’s palm.

Kahn himself, on the other hand, was unscathed.

“I’ve killed more people than you’ve ever eaten salt.”

In Kahn’s dark and deep eyes, a touch of cold killing intent suddenly burst out.

A coolness rushed straight from the soles of the four kidnappers’ feet to the heavenly spirit cover.

The fierce light on their faces was gone, replaced by endless fear!


The four kidnappers abandoned their armor and prepared to get into the car to bypass Kahn and escape.

Kahn obviously wouldn’t give them any chance.

With an immediate wave of his right hand, more than a dozen bullets returned to the same path.

The sound of skin and flesh blooming mixed with screams resounded, and the hands of the four kidnappers just held the car door when they were pierced by bullets one after another, and they fell in a pool of blood.

“Big brother is so good!”

Inside the car, Bulma, who was still a little worried, exclaimed excitedly.

After solving the four kidnappers, Kahn didn’t look at them any more, and then took Bulma out of the car.

When he took her out of the car, Kahn did not forget to cover Bulma’s eyes so as not to let her see the bloody scene.

“It’s okay, pay attention next time you go to school.”

Kahn gently pinched Bulma’s cute little face and smiled.

“Big brother, you were so handsome just now.” The crisis was lifted, Bulma obviously completely forgot what happened just now, and now her mind was full of Kahn’s mighty and domineering appearance just now.


At this time, the private car that Dr. and Mrs. Brive were riding in was finally belated.

When he saw the four kidnappers who fell in a pool of blood, and Bulma, who was held by Kahn in his arms and smiled brightly, the hearts of Dr. and Mrs. Brive were originally hanging, and this was released.

No need to ask, they all know what just happened.

“Mom and Dad, big brother was so powerful just now, one look scared those bad guys to the point of urine!”

Bulma’s small hand kept gesturing, describing what had just happened to Dr. and Mrs. Brive.

Seeing that Bulma was okay, Dr. and Mrs. Brive smiled with relief.

“Mr. Kahn, thank you so much for saving my Bulma.” Mrs. Brive thanked her heartily.

“Thanks to Mr. Kahn today, otherwise Bulma would not have been rescued so easily.”

Dr. Brive is also very grateful.

As president of Universal Capsules, Dr. Briff is well aware of these outlaws.

If Kahn had not rescued Bulma in time, they would have been unable to get Bulma back, even if they paid the ransom demanded by the gang of kidnappers.

In short, Kahn helped them a lot.

Now that Bulma had been rescued and Kahn and the others did not stay here too long, Dr. Brive called the Metropolitan Police Department to let them handle the scene.

After that, he left.

Universal capsule company living room.

After what happened just now, Dr. Brive did not dare to let Bulma go to school for the time being, and he applied for a period of vacation with the school to let Bulma rest at home for a while.

At most, it’s just a matter of hiring a tutor for Bulma.

“Mr. Kahn, you saved Bulma, I really don’t know how to thank you.” Dr. Brive was rarely serious, and the right way was right.

Their eldest daughter, Tais, has not been interested in the family business since she was a child, so Dr. Brive is pinning all her hopes on Bulma.

If something went wrong with Bulma, it would undoubtedly be a huge blow to Dr. and Mrs. Brive.

Fortunately, Kahn came forward in time today, otherwise they really didn’t know what to do.

Kahn smiled, then took out the four planets borrowed from Son Gohan and placed them on the table, “Dr. Brive only needs to help me make a radar that can detect this dragon ball.” ”



Dr. and Mrs. Brive were stunned.

Is it that simple?

In their opinion, Bulma’s life is not comparable to a radar instrument.

“Mr. Kahn is really a big-hearted person, what kind of Dragon Ball radar you said I will help you make, in addition, we owe you a favor, if Mr. Kahn needs any help in the future, just open your mouth.”

After a pause, Dr. Brive added, “But Mr. Kahn, you may need to wait a while, my spacecraft is currently at a critical research moment, and this is not the time to distract from other research.” ”

“How much longer?” Kahn doesn’t care much about human favors, he only cares about when the Dragon Ball radar will be done.

“Three months if it’s fast, half a year if it’s slow.”

After a little thought, Dr. Brive gave a more conservative answer.

“Mr. Kahn, are you in a hurry to use this Dragon Ball radar?”

“It’s a bit urgent, but since Dr. Briff is not available, it doesn’t matter if I wait for a while.” If you wait for half a year, it doesn’t hurt to wait for yourself.

After all, he still has a lot now, but it would be better if he could be faster.

Find the Dragon Ball as soon as possible to resurrect some female Saiyans, and your strength will become stronger as soon as possible.

Although in Kahn’s memory, there will be no major problems on Earth for the next twenty years, but because of his own existence, it is difficult to ensure that Frieza’s side will not be suspicious.

In case Frieza finds Earth before he grows up, it will be tragic.

“Big brother, this Dragon Ball radar, I’ll help you do it!”

At this moment, Bulma’s childish voice like a silver bell came.

Kahn and Dr. Brive followed the source of the voice and saw Bulma looking at Kahn with a confident expression.


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