Chapter 13 The Frieza Army is coming?! A carefully chosen grave for you

“Have you ever seen this person?”

On the streets of Xidu, several men wearing combat uniforms of the Frieza Army held a photo in their hands and questioned people passing by.

The person in the photo is none other than Kahn wearing the combat uniform of the Frieza Army!

“It seems a little familiar, but I can’t remember.”

“Get out!”

“Have you ever seen this person?”

“I haven’t seen it.”


Kahn’s face in the photo is indeed somewhat familiar to the citizens of the Western Capital.

But it has been a year since Kahn publicly took a concubine, and the heat of this matter has also dropped a lot.

So as time passed, not too many people deliberately remembered Kahn’s face.

So when they saw Kahn’s face in the photo, many people just felt a little familiar, but if you asked him to say exactly who it was, they couldn’t remember it at all.

“Have you ever seen this person?”

Alice, who was on vacation, was also caught and questioned by a Frieza soldier.

She had been with Kahn for so long as a housekeeper, and of course she could recognize at a glance that the person in this photo was none other than her boss, Kahn.


Intuition told Alice that the people who went around asking about Kahn were definitely not good people.

“I’m sorry, I haven’t seen it.”

Alice gave an awkward but polite smile and hurried away.

In the living room of the manor.

Kahn is getting tired of being with Sophia and Xuefang’s five girls who chose to stay, enjoying the happiness of nature.

“Brother Kahn, come and eat a grape.”

“Brother Kahn, I specially prepared the nurse’s uniform set you told me about last time today, do you want to experience it tonight?”

“I also prepared a cat lady uniform, brother Kahn spoil me tonight~”



Looking at these girls who were lying on their bodies and hooking up with themselves like kittens, Kahn couldn’t help sighing secretly.

Needless to say, it’s really a chore.


Just as Kahn was enjoying the joy of heaven, a rush of footsteps came.

The visitor was none other than Alice, who was originally on vacation.

Looking at this scene in the living room that looked like a living spring palace, Alice’s pretty face immediately flew a red glow.

Although Alice didn’t want to disturb her boss’s good interest, the matter was very important, and she could only bite the bullet and say to Kahn: “Mr. Kahn, I’m sorry to disturb you, but there is something I have to tell you.” ”


Kahn moved the girls away from him and sat up straight, “It’s Alice, aren’t you on vacation?” What is so urgent. ”

“That’s right, Mr. Kahn…”

Alice recounted in detail what she had just witnessed and experienced on the street.

“Mr. Kahn, look…”

“I know, you go on vacation, you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Is it the Frieza Army?” After Alice left, Sophia’s face gradually became solemn.

“One hundred percent.”

Kahn’s eyes narrowed dangerously, the Frieza army could find the earth, it seemed that Frieza was still suspicious.

What I was worried about happened.

“If I could sense qi, I wouldn’t need Alice to remind me.”

In the more than a year since he came to Earth, Kahn’s energy has been focused on the grand plan of reviving the Saiyan nation, and he can’t spare time to practice the way of sensing qi.

Now it seems that the method of sensing qi must still be mastered.

In the past, it relied on the combat effectiveness detector, but since coming to Earth, Kahn could not wear the combat effectiveness detector on his body all the time.

The skill of sensing qi is not only more accurate than the positioning of the combat effectiveness detector, but also can sense the strength of the opponent’s breath.

“Brother Kahn, are we going to leave now?”

Sophia looked worried.

If Kahn could take on the Frieza army head-on, they wouldn’t have to hide on Earth.

“Can’t go.”

Kahn glanced at a few girls around him and shook his head: “And it’s too late.” ”

Since the Frieza army can find the earth, it will not take long to find this place.

I don’t have a spaceship anymore, I can’t run at all.

Now he had to face the Frieza army.

“So what do we do?” Sophia was also a little overwhelmed for a while.

The name Frieza Jun was too oppressive for her!

“I only hope that the leader among them is not Saab or Doria, and one of the Kiniu special combat team.”

A chill flashed in Kahn’s eyes.

Since there is no way to avoid it, then you can only deal with it head-on!

With his current strength, as long as it is not Saab and Doria to come, others will not be afraid!

As for Team Kinut? They don’t need to do this kind of thing.

Having made a decision, Kahn immediately got up and walked quickly towards the gate.

“Brother Kahn, what happened?”

Seeing that Kahn was suddenly leaving, the girls asked with a confused look.

The conversation between Kahn and Sophia just now, they were completely confused.

Kahn smiled back, “It’s okay, I’ll go out, you guys just stay at home and don’t go anywhere.” ”

“By the way, the nurse’s uniform and the cat lady’s uniform you just mentioned are all prepared for me, and I want to experience it together tonight.”

Say it.

The air dance technique unfolded, and Kahn flew away under the shocked gazes of the girls.

“Brother Kahn, flew away…?”

“Am I blinded?”

“He can actually fly… It’s incredible! ”


It has been more than a year since I came here, and except for Sophia, the other five girls have seen Kahn perform air dancing for the first time.


As soon as Kahn’s front foot flew out of the manor, he immediately saw several Frieza soldiers flying towards this side.

Kahn immediately made a U-turn and swept towards the outskirts of Xidu.

“It’s him, the remnant of the Saiyan, chase me!”

Seeing Kahn ‘slipping away’, several Frieza soldiers hurriedly chased after him.

At the same time, they also notified the leader of their operation, Qiu Yi, through the communication system of the combat effectiveness detector.

A few minutes later.

After you chased me, the soldiers of the Frieza Army were led by Kahn to a large plain thousands of miles away from the western capital

“That’s about the same distance.”

Kahn then stopped, followed by the Frieza soldiers.

“Sure enough, it’s the remnants of the Saiyans who are hiding here and stealing their lives, why didn’t they run away? Give Lao Tzu another run? ”

A Frieza military thief sneered.


Kahn grinned, “How about I have carefully selected a few graves for you here?” The place is big and wide enough, it should be more than enough to bury a few of you. ”


ps: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!

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