Chapter 135 What about the God of Destruction? I’m fighting the God of Destruction!

“Brother Kaen, look, you can’t leave this kind of thing alone!”

Bulma said angrily.

The gazes of Millie and Kazan also fell on Kahn.

Their strength is not weak, but it also depends on who they compare with, if they compare with the God of Destruction, then their strength is a little stretched.

After all, the God of Destruction is a combat power ceiling in the universe, and each of them is not Kahn.

Therefore, in this matter, if you want to get justice for Charon, you have to come out of Kahn himself.

“Old man…”

Charon also stared at Kahn tightly.

Not to mention killing Mimei, Charon wants to save his woman, he can’t do it with his own strength.

You still have to rely on his old father.


Kahn’s eyelids lifted lightly, and then he said: “I just said, if you are bullied, Dad will get justice for you.” ”

“What about the God of Destruction? The God of Destruction cannot bully Lao Tzu’s son either! ”

Although Charon is playful and rebellious by nature, Kahn’s love for Charon is also unquestionable.

He unreasonably beats Charon to a serious injury, and detains his daughter-in-law in his palace, and if he endures this, then he will not be called Kahn.

The words fell.

With a bang, Kahn instantly disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“Charon, wait…”


Before Milly finished speaking, Charon also teleported and disappeared.


Millie was speechless for a moment.

Originally, she was thinking, and she also followed the past to make a splash, but Kahn and Charon fell well, and left without saying a word.

The eleventh universe, delicious stars.

Kahn flashed out first, followed by Charon.

“Old man, what are you going to do?” Charon asked.

“What to do?”

Kahn smiled coldly, and then reached out with his big hand, and an energy cannon burst out abruptly through the void, directly shaving the delicious Destruction God Palace.

“Get out of here, Clown Destroyer.”

Kahn’s deep voice resounded in the sky, and two figures swept out from the Palace of the God of Destruction.

It is the eleventh universe destroyer, and the angel Macharita.

Originally, he was still wondering who dared to come to his territory so boldly to find trouble, and when he saw Charon next to Kahn, he immediately understood what was going on.

“It turned out that I found a helper.”

Wei Mei smiled eeriely, and said confidently: “Human beings are human beings, and no matter how many helpers you find, it is impossible to be the opponent of destroying God.” ”

Originally, I was in a good mood today, but since you dare to destroy my palace, I can only destroy you.” ”

Say it.

Mimi reached out with one hand and aimed at Kahn from a distance.



In an instant, Charon was shocked to see that Kahn’s body appeared a momentary double shadow, and then the whole person turned into countless purple points of light and dissipated between heaven and earth.

“Old man…”

Just as Charon wondered if Kahn had really been destroyed, he saw the purple point of light that kept dissipating.

Among them, a purple point of light stayed in place, not dissipating with the wind.

Followed by.

Under the gaze of Charon, Weimeid, and Makarita, the faint purple point of light suddenly bloomed!

A moment later.

When the purple light gradually dissipated, Kahn’s tall figure reappeared in the sight of Charon, Weimeid, and Macarita.


Seeing this, the taste was suddenly surprised.

He couldn’t even destroy Kahn?!

“Oh, oh, it looks like the person who came is not good, dear.” Macarita’s beautiful eyes also narrowed slightly.

“God of Destruction?”

Kahn carried his hands behind his back, his eyelids lifted slightly, and in his flat voice, there was a cold killing intent: “What about the God of Destruction?” I’m here today to fight the God of Destruction. ”

“Your high-minded posture can be retracted.”

The words fell.

The deep purple energy aura suddenly burst out from Kahn’s body, accompanied by lightning that kept dancing wildly, and at this time, Kahn looked like a god of death coming from hell!

“That’s awesome, dear.” Macharita’s beautiful eyes widened slightly.

She almost couldn’t believe that Kahn in front of her, even if she didn’t use the true power of angels, she was afraid that she couldn’t help Kahn!

False transcendent destruction god human, gray Gillian. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Humans who truly surpass the God of Destruction, Kahn!

Next breath.

Kahn’s figure disappeared instantly.

With a heavy muffled sound, Kahn reappeared!

At this moment, Wei Mei’s body suddenly froze, and her face gradually became painful and hideous.

Ask for flowers 0

Looking at Kahn’s face that was close at hand and did not have the slightest emotion, his gaze moved down slightly, and he saw that Kahn’s fist had sunk deep into his chest.

The power of fear penetrated his body, forming a deep purple energy shockwave that pierced out from behind.

Followed by.

The taste was as beautiful as a falling meteorite, falling heavily at a forty-five-degree angle, smashing a large hole in the wall of the Palace of the God of Destruction.


He was lying in the ruins, his face was hideous, and his eyes were full of pain.

A bright red dazzling blood stain slipped down the corner of his mouth.

One punch!

With this punch alone, he made the taste of the eleventh universe destroyer so beautiful that he couldn’t take care of himself!


The taste had just eased up a little, and then a dark and deep sword blade containing billions of stars in it touched his heart.

Tastefully looked up, and saw Kahn’s deep purple eyes containing cold killing intent, looking down at him condescendingly.

The strong breath of death, the self-tasting beauty of the soles of the feet straight to the heavenly spirit cover.

The taste that was high and high just now is covered in despair!

What kind of immortal did Charon shake here!

“You… Have something to say…”

The taste was so beautiful that he gritted his teeth, and the previous majesty was gone.

“Well said yes? Okay, let me ask you, my son Charon, where did he provoke you? Kahn looked indifferent and said coldly.

Facing Kahn, who had an extremely powerful aura, he was so frightened that he trembled: “No… No, he didn’t provoke me…”


Kahn directly stepped into the pile of ruins with a kick, and shouted in a deep voice: “Then why did you detain his woman and beat him to death?” ”

“The God of Destruction is not for you to use to bully others for no reason, in the eyes of others, you may be the God of Destruction on top, but in my eyes, you is not.”

“The Pride Squad bunch of trash were defeated by Charon alone, so you took the lead for them, right? You beat my son and detained his woman, and today I will come to show him the head. ”

The words fell.

Kahn slammed another kick on Weimei’s head, and Weimei’s head was directly embedded deep into the ground.

….. Seven..

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