Chapter 15 is really embarrassing, Mr. Qiu Yi. Show one’s true colors in the end!

Di Di Di!

“Two… Twenty-seven thousand! ”

When the combat effectiveness value on the combat effectiveness detector stopped at 27,000, Qiu Yi stepped back a few steps.

His pupils constricted, and his tone trembled.

How did he not think about it.

Kahn, who was still 3,000 combat strength more than a year ago, can actually reach the height of 27,000 today!

To know.

Under the rule of the Kurdish king and Frieza, the Saiyan nation has never had a Saiyan warrior with a combat power of more than 20,000.

Not to mention that Kahn’s combat power has reached twenty-seven thousand, close to thirty thousand!

This has completely subverted Qiu Yi’s cognition of Saiyans.

“This can’t be! Your combat power can’t be twenty-seven thousand! The detector must be faulty! ”

Qiu Yi could not accept this fact, so he could only blame the problem on the combat effectiveness detector.

“It’s okay to lie to everyone, don’t lie to yourself.”

The corner of Kahn’s mouth lifted an indescribable smile, and said lightly: “The one you are wearing is the latest research of the Frieza Army new detector, what do you think is the probability of failure?” ”

“Wait… Wait a minute, Kahn! ”

Seeing Kahn’s fist ready to move, Qiu Yi suddenly confessed, “That… Today I am here to ask King Frieza if you would like to go back and continue to serve King Frieza. ”

“You should know, with your current combat power of 20,000 seven, King Frieza will definitely use you, maybe you will have a chance to join the Kinut team in the future.”

Kahn smiled noncommittally.

He did not deny that Qiu Yi said that Frieza would reuse himself.

Although Frieza is a famous emperor of cosmic evil, he is also a talented person.

And yet

“There is no need to say more about this, Mr. Qiu Yi, you can treat yourself as a fool, don’t treat me as a fool.”

Huh, playing for Frieza?

See what happened to the former Saiyan peoples now? Kahn dared to pat his chest and promise that if he chose to go back and continue playing for Frieza.

He may be fine in a short time, but his final end is definitely not much better.

Perhaps Vegeta of the Nami Buster chapter is a lesson for him!

Besides, with Kahn as a traverser’s vision, Frieza can’t enter his eyes.

Even if he is still weak now, this does not mean that he will always be weak.

Kahn’s eyes were grim, and a flash of essence flashed: “One day, my Saiyan nation will make a comeback, and then I will make Frieza kneel at my feet and bow down.” ”

“It’s a pity that you can’t see this day.”

The words fell.

Kahn’s figure moved, and a punch that was as fast as lightning plunged deep into Qiu Yi’s chest.

Hit hard by this, Qiu Yi’s mouthful of blood immediately spurted out.

The body is bent down like a cooked prawn.

Followed by.

Kahn kept moving, soaring into the air and spinning 360 degrees, and with an upside-down golden hook-like kick, he slammed on Qiu Yi’s Heavenly Spirit Cover.

Qiu Yi immediately smashed a big crater on the ground like a falling meteorite.

The smoke and dust raised even formed a cloud of smoke and dust mushrooms rising into the sky.

It can be seen how much damage Kahn’s kick caused to Qiu Yi.


The smoke and dust finally slowly dispersed, and the already dying Qiu Yi appeared at the bottom of the big pit.

“It’s really embarrassing, Mr. Qiu Yi, for your sake, it’s better for me to give you a relief.”

Kahn fell to the edge of the big pit, and his right hand poked out and aimed at Qiu Yi in the big pit, and a qigong bomb containing the breath of death quietly condensed.

“In addition to Vegeta, Naba, and Raditz, the other Saiyan warriors should also be killed by you, although I don’t have a deep relationship with them, this does not prevent me from killing you today to avenge their little avenge.”

“Wait… Wait a minute! ”

Seeing that Kahn really moved the killing intent, Qiu Yi was completely panicked, and repeatedly begged for mercy: “Kahn, put… Let me go, today when I haven’t come, I will definitely not mention it to King Frieza after I go back, how about it! ”

If he had known that Kahn’s current combat strength was twenty-seven thousand, Qiu Yi’s death today would not be used for this trip to the earth.

Here it goes.

Whether he can leave the earth alive today still has to put a big question mark.

“Not great.”

Kahn looked indifferent and said: “When you find the earth today, you should be mentally prepared to be killed by me, and even if you are killed, your kind of goods are not enough to attract Frieza’s attention.” ”

Team Kityut, Dotoria and Saab are Frieza’s henchmen.

Qiu Yi’s combat power is only in the early 10,000s, but he is just a dispensable character, even if he dies, Frieza will not care anything.

You may not even know that such a person died.


“Kahn, even if I die, I won’t let you have a good time!”

Realizing that Kahn would not let himself go today no matter what, Qiu Yi saw on the spot, and he pressed the communication button of the combat power detector, “King Frieza!” King Frieza! ”

“I’m Qiu Yi, and I found a Saiyan remnant named Kahn, he has an amazing combat power of 27,000, and his position is…”


Before Qiu Yi finished speaking, Kahn’s qigong bomb had already arrived.

A violent explosion sounded, and Qiu Yi was blasted into powder on the spot!

The aftermath of the explosion of the qigong bomb gradually dissipated, and Kahn fell with one foot, stepping on the remaining combat effectiveness detector here to smithereens.

“What an unreassuring bastard…”

Looking at the humanoid coke in the big pit, Kahn’s eyelids jumped wildly.

I already knew that Qiu Yi, this dog thing, would report to Frieza, and I shouldn’t have talked so much nonsense with him just now.

But fortunately, even if Frieza knew of his existence, he did not know his specific location.

“It seems that improving strength is imminent…”

In any case, Kahn now has to at least ensure that he has the strength to compete with Frieza in order to continue to develop on Earth.

If you want to quickly improve your strength, the first prerequisite is naturally to resurrect female Saiyans.

Otherwise, with normal cultivation, with Kahn’s current talent and potential, it would be impossible to surpass Frieza in a short period of time.

But for now.

Let’s do it.

Even if Qiu Yi reported to Frieza, Frieza’s desire to find the earth was not an overnight thing.

After all, the earth is far outside the sphere of influence of the Frieza Army, and the combat effectiveness and technological level of the earthlings are too low compared to the Frieza Army.

So for so many years, the forces of the Frieza Army have not touched this side of the earth.


Kahn performed his aerial trick again and returned to his estate.

“Good sisters, I’m back, are your nurse uniforms and cat lady uniforms ready?” Let’s get the horse on the horse. ”


Frieza NO. 79 planet.

Just now, the news that Qiu Yi transmitted back through the combat effectiveness detector, Frieza has already received it.

So he called Vegeta, Raditz and Naba in the first place.

“Vegeta, King Ben will ask you again, are there any other Saiyans besides the three of you?”


ps: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!

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