Chapter 17: Summon the Divine Dragon! Resurrect female Saiyans!

“Bulma, you zoom in on the radar interface.”

If memory serves, Kahn remembers that there is also a Dragon Ball in the warehouse of Bulma’s house.

But now only one yellow dot is displayed on the radar, so it is likely that the two Dragon Balls are too close together, causing the yellow dots showing the Dragon Balls to overlap.

Bulma didn’t think much about it, and kept zooming in on the radar display according to Kahn’s request.

Followed by.

A magical scene appeared.

I saw that two yellow dots appeared on the radar screen that originally displayed a yellow dot.

That is to say, in the universal capsule company, in addition to the four planets brought by Kahn, there is also a dragon ball hidden!

“Huh… Brother Kahn, this shows above… Does it mean that there are two Dragon Balls here? ”

Sophia’s beautiful eyes widened slightly, and said.


Kahn grinned.

His guess was correct, Bulma’s family did hide a dragon ball, but Bulma’s family didn’t know it.

“This… It’s actually the second Dragon Ball! Bulma also exclaimed.

She didn’t even know that she had a dragon ball at home.

“Great, big brother, let’s go find the second Dragon Ball!” Bulma shook Kahn’s hand and couldn’t wait.


Guided by the Dragon Ball radar, Kahn finds Planet Two in a messy warehouse in Bulma’s house.

Together with the four planets borrowed from Son Gohan, Kahn now has two Dragon Balls in his hands.

“Okay, we have two Dragon Balls now!”

“Big brother, let’s go and find the remaining five dragon balls now!”

Bulma’s little pink fist was clenched, and her blue-green eyes were full of excitement.

It seems that she is very enthusiastic about finding Dragon Balls.

“Let’s go!”

Kahn also couldn’t wait.

After all, he doesn’t know if or when Frieza will find Earth.

So before that, it is the primary goal to raise your strength as soon as possible to the point where it can compete with Frieza.


Since Bulma also has to follow to find the Dragon Ball, it is not possible to use Maikujutsu.

Therefore, Kahn can only take Sophia and Bulma and fly a private plane made by Universal Capsule Company to find Dragon Ball.

This journey to find the Dragon Ball lasted half a month.

The Kahn trio first found five planets in Kitanoya.

After that, I had a friendly exchange with the turtle immortals and successfully got the fourth dragon ball, three planets.

As for the remaining three Dragon Balls, it took Kahn and the three of them nearly ten days to find them.

It is worth mentioning that on the way to find the Seven Planets, Kahn and his party met the Bull Demon King and his daughter Kiki, and the two sides also got to know each other for the first time.

After half a month, the seven dragon balls finally came together.

In the courtyard of the Kahn estate.

Seven rounded orange dragon balls are placed on the ground in order of the number of stars.

Kahn, Sophia, and Bulma’s eyes were full of fiery color when they looked at the seven dragon balls on the ground.

“Big brother, the seven dragon balls have come together, why hasn’t the divine dragon appeared yet.”

Bulma asked anxiously.

Now she doesn’t know that even if she has gathered seven dragon balls, she still has to recite a spell to summon the dragon to fulfill her wish.

“Don’t worry.”

Kahn rubbed Bulma’s head, then stepped forward, opened his arms to the sky, and shouted breathlessly: “Come out Shenlong, fulfill my wish!” ”


Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, Sophia asked: “Brother Kahn, why hasn’t there been movement.” ”

“We won’t find fake Dragon Balls.” Bulma also scratched her head.

“No rush, let the bullets fly for a while.”

As Kahn’s words fell, the wind suddenly broke out between heaven and earth!

The clear sky, which was originally high in the sun, suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the sky and the earth were dark, as if from day to day and night in an instant!

Followed by.

Under the gaze of the three of Kahn, the seven dragon balls on the ground suddenly bloomed with a dazzling golden light.


A golden light in the form of an oriental dragon rose up into the sky and disappeared straight into the dark clouds above the sky.


Sophia and Bulma exclaimed in unison.

“What’s that!”

The movement in the courtyard, as well as the world that suddenly became dark, also attracted the attention of dozens of beautiful women in the manor.

They came outside the house, or stood in front of the window of the room, looking at the dragon-shaped golden light hovering in the sky and among the dark clouds.

Immediately, under the gaze of Kahn, Sophia, Bulma, and dozens of beautiful women.

The golden light under the dark night gradually dissipated, and a dragon hovering above the sky, as if the boundless divine dragon appeared in everyone’s sight.

When I saw the dragon appear.

Everyone except Kahn was shocked.

“This is the Divine Dragon…”

Looking up at the visually oppressive dragon above the sky, Sophia couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit.

I was extremely shocked inside.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the dragon head of the divine dragon slowly fell into the air not far in front of Kahn, the dragon’s mouth opened slightly, and a deep and ethereal dragon groan came out: “You summoned me out?” ”

“Yes.” Looking at the dragon’s huge dragon head, Kahn nodded.

“Name your wishes, whatever wishes I will grant for you, but only one.”

“There’s only one.”

Kahn held his chin and thought about it as if it really was.

The Shenlong in this period has not yet been upgraded and transformed, and can only fulfill one wish at a time.

“It’s too petty to only fulfill one wish!”

Bulma crossed her waist with one hand and pointed at the dragon and complained.

She also wanted to fulfill a wish, but now it seems that this only wish can only be given to Kahn.

A cold sweat slipped down Shenlong’s forehead, and he didn’t bother to take Bulma, and said to Kahn: “Have you thought of your wish?” ”

“Think about it.”

After a slight hesitation, Kahn looked up again and said his wish in a loud voice: “Please resurrect the female Saiyan who died with Planet Vegeta more than a year ago, to be beautiful, and then the kind with big breasts and asses, don’t resurrect me all, I can’t eat it.” ”

“It’s best to keep the number to about ten.”


Hearing Kahn’s wish, Bulma suddenly had black lines all over her head.

The young mind was greatly affected.

What a wish.

Big chest and buttocks up

Bulma glanced at her own Ichima Pingchuan and stuck out her little tongue wordlessly.

Now she is at most good-looking, and she doesn’t match her big chest and ass at all.

Listening to Kahn’s wish, Shenlong’s eyelids also jumped wildly.

But since Kahn made a wish, he had to grant it for Kahn as well.



The crimson dragon’s eyes bloomed red, and a golden light converged not far from Kahn and the others.

In the golden light.

Nearly ten graceful figures can be faintly seen.


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