Chapter 20 Add population, I can help a little

This day.

Kahn did not leave, but chose to stay in Bunzishan to accompany Ji Nei and Sun Wukong.

No matter how he says it now, he can be regarded as Sun Wukong’s godfather.

He had to get used to his godfather since he was a child.

In addition, Kahn has also come to Bun Mountain several times before this, so Sun Wukong is still relatively familiar with Kahn, and he is willing to play with Kahn.

Gradually, the sun set in the west.

Twinkling stars dot the night sky.

The night of Bunzishan is exceptionally quiet, not as noisy as the night in the Western Capital.

Sun Wuhan took Sun Wukong to sleep early.

Under the tree in front of the wooden house, Kahn and Himei sat in the moonlight and talked about the past of the Saiyan people.

“It is a joke that we, the Saiyans, as a fighting people, are enslaved by the Kurdish king and Frieza in turn using force.”

Himeuchi looked up at the crescent moon in the night sky, with a self-deprecating wry smile on his lips: “I don’t know how the Saiyan nation was in the past, but I know that the Saiyan nation in this era I was born in was humiliating.” ”

As a member of the Saiyan nation, Himeuchi may not say anything usually, but her heart must be dissatisfied with the current situation of the Saiyan nation.

But there is no way around that.

The Saiyan nation has not resisted the Kurdish king and Frieza, but their strength is too strong to crush the entire Saiyan nation.

“In the end, it is King Vegeta who is incompetent.”

Kahn also talked about his views on the Saiyan nation, “The Saiyans are a fighting people, not warmongers, let alone an invading nation, and the policy of governing the country implemented by King Vegeta is not right in the first place.” ”

“If I were King Vegeta, the Saiyan nation would never have ended up in the fields it is today.”

It’s just a pity.

Because of his own strength, in the past nineteen years, Kahn can only follow the flow of the Saiyan nation to survive.

“Kahn, then how do you think governing the Saiyans is the right path.”

Himeuchi didn’t understand that.

But she could also see that King Vegeta was indeed incompetent.

If it weren’t for his royal blood, King Vegeta would not have become the king of the Saiyans at all.

“For a nation to be strong, it must have a powerful and skillful king, and obviously King Vegeta does not meet any of them.”

“He is only willing to make promises to the outside world, and he will only defend his own interests when he strikes hard internally, and in his eyes, his own interests are higher than the national interests of the Saiyans, and such a person is not worthy of being a king at all.”

“Secondly, let’s talk about his policy of governing the country.”

“We Saiyans on planet Vegeta, originally just a minority living in a corner, the original owner of planet Vegeta was the Zufru, and you should also know that on a full moon night, we Saiyans slaughtered the Zuflu and became the new ruler of this planet.”

“But that group of Saiyan predecessors, after slaughtering the Zufrus, only inherited a small number of Zufru’s original technology, and then in order to survive, that group of Saiyan predecessors chose to invade other planets and sell them at a high price to make a living.”

“This survival model continues to this day.”

“This mode of survival is inherently wrong, it is indeed possible to make a living by invading other planets and selling them, but in this way, the entire nation will never progress, which is why we Saiyans are always said to be an uncivilized barbarian race.”

“After Vegeta III succeeded to the throne, he did not carry out any reforms to the way the Saiyan people lived, but chose to maintain the status quo.”

Ji Nei nodded his head as if he understood and asked, “Kahn, if it were you, what would you do?” ”

Himeuchi did not understand how to govern the country and how to lead the Saiyan nation to glory.

But she wanted to hear Kahn’s thoughts on the future of the Saiyan nation.

See if Kahn and Vegeta’s planned plan to revive the Saiyan nation is sound.

“Oh, if it’s me…”

Kahn smiled lightly, and then said his thoughts: “I will give up the Saiyan nation’s way of making a living for so many years and carry out drastic reform of the entire Saiyan nation.” ”

“The first is to promote education and develop science and technology, so that the Saiyan nation can get rid of the title of barbarian and move towards civilization.”

“After that, the idea of cultivation becoming stronger will be implemented, so that the warrior strength of the entire Saiyan nation will be greatly improved, so that what Kurdish king and what Frieza are just ants in front of us Saiyans.”

“In this world, strength is paramount, but if a nation wants to progress, cultural education and scientific and technological development are also indispensable.”

“That’s what I thought, and I plan to do it in the future.”

Even Frieza and the Kurdish kings knew to develop technology, why didn’t the former kings of the Saiyan peoples understand?

Even personally, even if you have strong strength, without cultural education, you are just a barbarian or a beast.

Broly, for example.

Why are humans called humans? It is because there is civilization and culture that it can be called human, otherwise it can only be called barbarians or beasts.

“I didn’t expect you to understand so well, Kahn.”

After listening to Kahn’s views on the Saiyan nation, Ji Nei was shocked.

Originally, she didn’t understand very well, but after listening to Kahn’s opinion on the Saiyan nation, she instantly became enlightened.


Kahn had a point.

For years, Saiyans have been called uncivilized barbarians, not for nothing.

And what Kahn just said is undoubtedly all to the point.

If the Saiyan nation wants to progress, it must abandon the old way of making a living.

Although Kahn is only twenty years old this year, his view and overall view of the Saiyan nation is far beyond that of everyone in the entire Saiyan nation!

If someone like Kahn leads the Saiyan nation, why not be happy?

Right now.

Himeuchi also became confident in the Saiyan national revival plan.

Kahn smiled humbly: “It’s just some superficial opinions, I can’t talk about understanding much, and the revival of the Saiyan nation is not something that can be completed overnight.” ”

“Now our main task is to raise the small number of Saiyans today.”

Although Kahn had already had eight children with Sophia’s sisters before this, it was far from enough.

The reason why Kahn is looking for the ten female Saiyans in Dragon Ball Resurrection Himei is not only quantity, but also quality!


“I don’t have much combat power, and I can’t help much in this regard, but I should be able to help a little in terms of increasing the number of Saiyan ethnic populations.”

Speaking of which.

Ji Nei’s delicate and beautiful face, under the moonlight, gradually flew up a red glow.

Although she already had experience in this area, it was her first time with Kahn, and she was still a little shy.

Kahn immediately understood what Himei meant.

In order not to disturb Son Gohan and Kakarot, who are sleeping.

Kahn chose to do things on the spot.


ps: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!

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