Chapter Twenty-Seven Five Hundred Gravity! Kahn’s cultivation plan

Since then, Bulma has stopped locking herself in her lab to study a time machine, as she has done for months.


Bulma’s research on the time machine has never stopped.

Although Bulma also knows that it is difficult to create a time machine that can travel through time and space, it is precisely this that arouses Bulma’s desire to challenge.

Only this time, she wasn’t as crazy as before

Only occasionally when I have time to think about it, I will go into the laboratory to tinker with it.

After letting Bulma come out of the major blow, Kahn was finally able to calm down and start cultivating.

“The Monkey King with 180,000 combat power can withstand a hundred times the gravity, and if I have more than two million combat power…”

Standing in front of the control console of the gravity cultivation room, Kahn muttered in his heart, and then directly entered the number of five hundred on the gravity multiplier.


As soon as Kahn’s finger pressed the button to activate the five hundred times gravity, an unparalleled terrifying gravity struck instantly.

Kahn’s body was bent by five hundred times the terrifying gravity for a while.


With his own combat power of more than two million, Kahn resisted five hundred times the terrifying gravity.


Being in an environment of five hundred times gravity for the first time made Kahn a little difficult to adapt to for a while.

But this feeling of energy rolling in the body also made Kahn’s blood boil and his desire to cultivate was unprecedentedly high!

“Sure enough… Women play more, but they still feel strong in cultivation. ”

Although a man’s desire is at his highest in his twenties, he has indeed been a little overindulged in the past two and a half years.

If it weren’t for the top medical team recuperating his body, it would really be a bit unbearable.

Desires are individual, but you have to find something else to neutralize.

And for Saiyans, cultivation becoming stronger is undoubtedly the best.

Warming up a little, Kahn’s body is gradually adapting to five hundred times the gravity.

Although I can’t move freely yet, it’s much better than it was at the beginning.

Immediately, Kahn mobilized the energy in his body, directly supported the ground with one hand, and did a one-handed push-up.

“One, two, three…”

“Nine hundred and ninety-nine… A thousand…”

At this moment, Kahn was sweating like rain, and the training clothes on his body had long been wet with sweat, and there was a burning sensation in his abdomen and even his whole body.

But at the same time, the energy in Kahn’s body has also increased significantly.

“Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine… Ten thousand! ”

When the one-handed push-ups came to 10,000, Kahn’s trembling arms finally couldn’t hold on, and the whole person lay on the floor of the gravity cultivation room.

“Hah… Hah…”


Kahn lay on the ground, gasping for air, this soreness and the increase in energy in his body made Kahn feel a pleasure that he had never felt before.

After a short rest, Kahn couldn’t wait to say in his heart: “System, open the properties panel.” ”

[Host: Kahn. 】

[Race: Saiyan royal bloodline.] 】

[Age: 21 years old.] 】

[Combat effectiveness: 2.55 million. 】

[Skills: Dancing Void Technique, Breath Control, Qi Yuan Slash, Magic Light Killing Cannon, Ten Times Realm King Fist without Side Effects, Unlimited Teleportation…].

“Two and a half million…”

“In other words, my cultivation this time has increased my combat strength by about 200,000.”

And only 10,000 simple one-handed push-ups.

That’s it.

There are still 200,000 combat power improvements!

“Cultivating under five hundred times gravity, the effect is really remarkable!”

Kahn said excitedly.

At this rate, he can break through three million normal combat power in a few more times.

At that time, he can try to transform into a super one form.

If you want to transform into Super One, three million normal combat power is the foundation, as long as you reach three million normal combat power, then there are two ways to complete the first transformation of Super Saiyan.

One of them is naturally that there are enough S cells in the body.

While S cells can only grow in the body in a peaceful environment, Kahn spent more than two years on Earth, plus more than a dozen years of exile at the border as a child.

The S cells in his body should be enough!

The second is the source of Saiyan power to break through the limit, anger!

Obviously, if Kahn wants to transform into Super One, he can only choose the former.

Because at the moment, there is basically nothing that makes him extremely angry, unless Frieza comes to make trouble and kills Sophia and Geine.

“Made, my current strength is indeed good, but my physical strength is too weak.”

Feeling the little physical strength left in his body, Kahn cursed.

The reason for his poor physical strength is that he was overindulged in the previous two years, and there was no training and exercise during the period, and his poor physical strength was basically expected.

“It seems that I have been practicing for a while, and when I exercise my physical strength, I can not only fight for a long time, but Sophia and them can also be more sexually blessed.”

With a plan in mind, Kahn stood up with his tired body and turned off five hundred times the gravity, and the originally tired body felt a lot better.

“If only there was any way to solve the problem that my physical strength is too poor now.”

Kahn sat on the ground, thinking that it was not a problem to do only 10,000 one-handed push-ups in a short period of time at a time.


Kahn’s light flashed, “There you go, Sendou!” ”

Yes, yes!

Although his current physical strength is weak, he doesn’t still have invincible immortal beans.

It can both recover from injuries and restore physical strength.

Moreover, the production of fairy beans in this time period is also large.

How big is it? So big that the Karin immortals are all handfuls of immortal beans.

It’s like the Monkey King in the original book, every time they fight, there are only a few pitiful fairy beans.

“Hey, that’s you!”

Kahn grinned, then glanced up at the time on the wall.

It’s not early at this time, wait for tomorrow morning to go to Karin Pagoda, find the Karin immortal to ask for 1,800 immortal beans, and then come back to continue cultivation.


ps: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!

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