Chapter Twenty-Nine Not Thirst, but Hungry

“Okay, Kairun.”

As for trying to transform into a super one or something, you don’t have to.

There is no need to cause unnecessary trouble and movement, just know it yourself.

As for this gravity cultivation room with five hundred times gravity, it has no effect, and even if you want to continue cultivating in the future, it must at least be a gravity cultivation room with an upper limit of ten thousand times or more.

Or maybe it’s guided by a famous teacher.

Otherwise, it is really better to spend time on the ten Saiyan girls in Ji Nei, the children of a genius warrior for a lifetime, and reward what kind of super-bloodline or ancient Saiyan bloodline or something.

Then take off directly!

After all, Kahn’s original purpose in cultivating this time was to cultivate to the point where he could compete with Frieza.

And the result of cultivation is that even if he does not change his body and super one form, with his current normal combat power of 18 million and 700,000, plus ten times the Realm King Fist, it is enough to hang Frieza and fight.

Right now.

The purpose of strength has been achieved, and the physical strength has been exercised, and the plan to revive the Saiyans can be continued.


When Kahn went to Bun Mountain and took Ji Nei, who still lived in Bun Mountain, back to the manor, the night was getting darker.


When Kahn turned on the light in his and Sophia’s room, he found that Sophia had fallen asleep.

Hearing the movement, Sophia on the bed turned over, “Brother Kahn, you’re back.” ”

“Hey, sister Himeuchi is here too.”

Sophia thought that Kahn was also returning alone today as usual, and when she looked at it, she found that there was a Ji Nei next to Kahn.

“Did you rest?” Kahn asked.

“Nope.” Sophia’s eyes were a little aggrieved, “I’m not asleep, I’m waiting for you to come back.” ”

“Hey, let’s get started.”

Kahn also knew that she had not given Sophia any manna in the past two months due to cultivation, and she was uncomfortable.

It just so happened that I had been banned for two months, and I was holding back a little bit.

Taking Ji Nai with him tonight is to vent his bestial desires.

This time.

It’s different.

Kahn, who had returned from cultivation for two months, was so powerful that both Ji Nei and Sophia knelt down and begged for mercy.

It wasn’t until they were really tired that Kahn let them go and let them rest.

When Sophia and Gene were both asleep, Kahn tiptoed up and dressed and went out.

“Made, it’s a little bit unfinished.”

Standing in the doorway of the room, Kahn hesitated in place for a moment.

The effect of the Devil’s cultivation in the past two months was a bit unexpected for Kahn, and he was now an invincible God of War in bed.

He was hesitating now to spoil who would be better tonight.

In terms of body shape and appearance, it is definitely the high-quality girls of the earth who choose to stay.

But it.

The children born to those Saiyan girls were of higher quality.

So for a while, Kahn made a difficulty.

Too many girls are sometimes a trouble.

Just as Kahn hesitated, a strange sound suddenly came from the room opposite the door.


Kahn scratched his head, wasn’t it Alice the housekeeper who lived across the door from him and Sophia’s room?

The reason why Alice was arranged to live at the opposite door was because Sophia had something to do at night, and it was convenient to find Alice.

With a slight groan, Kahn knocked softly on Alice’s door.

“Who… Who!? ”

Inside, Alice’s somewhat flustered voice came.

“It’s me, Kahn.”

“Card… Mr. Kahn? You wait for me, I’ll come out right away! ”

Two minutes later.

Alice belatedly opened the door, and although it had been tidied up, Kahn could still see that her hair and collar were still a little messy.

And there is a red glow on his face that has not yet faded.

“Card… Mr. Kahn, why haven’t you rested, is there anything else you have to tell you at this late hour? ”

As she spoke, Alice tidied her somewhat messy collar and hair without a trace.

As if he didn’t want Kahn to see her abnormality.

Kahn smiled and said, “There’s nothing to order, just no sleep, can you invite me in and sit down?” ”

“But… My room was a bit messy, Mr. Kahn…”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.”

“That… All right. ”

After coming in, Kahn noticed that the quilt on Alice’s bed was a little messy.

After more than two years of getting along, Kahn also understands that Alice is a little obsessive-compulsive, and she pursues perfection in her work, and the quilt is a little messy for her.

“Mr. Kahn, sit down, I’ll go and pour you a cup of tea.”

“Give me tea, you’re really afraid I’ll be able to sleep.” Kahn couldn’t help but say a little helplessly.

After Kahn’s reminder, Alice remembered that tea had a refreshing effect, and said awkwardly but politely: “Sorry Mr. Kahn, maybe it’s too late and a little confused, or I’ll pour you a glass of water.” ”

“No thanks, I’m not thirsty.” Kahn waved his hand and stopped Alice.

Not thirsty, but hungry.

“Huh? Good… All right. ”

Alice had to sit down on the edge of the bed, her little hands clasped together nervously.

“I heard some movement from you outside just now, what were you doing just now…?”

They were all adults, and they were lonely men and widows in the middle of the night, and Kahn didn’t bother to beat around the bush.

Ask yourself, he didn’t eat Alice’s body for a day or two.

As soon as Kahn’s words came out, Alice’s pretty face turned red.

“Ahhh… Yes? Mr. Kahn, you… Did you hear that?? ”

At this time, Alice was so ashamed that she couldn’t wait to find a hole to get into.

It’s definitely a shame to be heard doing this kind of thing by others in the middle of the night, right?

And Alice also knew that Kahn definitely didn’t mean it.

She has known Kahn for more than two years and knows Kahn more or less as a person.

No more.

There are so many girls in Kahn’s room, whether it is body appearance or temperament, they are better than her, and Kahn does not need to stare at her specifically.

And so it is.

“It’s all adults, I know.” Kahn smiled, indicating that there was nothing to be ashamed of.

People, after all, have desires.

And Alice has worked here for more than two years, and basically has not rested well, so when she is alone at night, she will inevitably feel empty and lonely.

Alice covered her face and said coquettishly, “Yes… It’s Mr. Kahn, you guys were too loud just now, so I… I didn’t hold back…”


PS: I’m ready to close the little black room at any time for this chapter, and read and cherish it.

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