Chapter 3 He can’t be a woman alone! Revival Saiyans on Earth

The rabbit-eared girl carried a light fragrance, and her eyes threw herself into Kahn’s arms with tears.

“Lord Kahn, it’s great to see that you’re okay!”

Feeling the soft touch of the beautiful child in his arms, Kahn was startled, “Sophia, why are you here.” ”

“I received the news that Planet Vegeta had been destroyed by a meteorite impact, and I thought that Lord Kahn had also returned…” Sophia’s bright bright eyes looked at Kahn who was close at hand, relieved.

Her soft tone was full of love.

Fortunately, Kahn told her which planet to go to before coming out to fight this time, otherwise Sophia really didn’t know where to find Kahn.

“Don’t worry, I’m not okay.” Kahn smiled gently.

“Kahn, who is this woman, she looks pretty good.”

At this time, a Saiyan warrior asked.

Looking at the cute furry rabbit ears on her head, you can see that this woman must not be from the Saiyan nation.

“A rabbit tribe I accidentally rescued when I was exiled to the border a few years ago.”

Kahn put it succinctly.

Before the destruction of planet Vegeta, there was a rule among the Saiyan races that Saiyans from low-level warriors and low combat talents would be exiled to the border planet when they grew up a little.

Kahn rescued Sophia from one of the planet’s landowners during her exile to the border planet.

In order to repay Kahn’s life-saving grace, Sophia volunteered to be Kahn’s maid during that time.

Of course.

In more than ten years of getting along, it would be false to say that Kahn and Sophia did not have mutual affection.

It’s just that the two of them have a tacit understanding, and they didn’t break this thin layer of relationship window paper before this.

It wasn’t until two years ago, when Kahn appeared and became combative, that he was allowed to return to planet Vegeta as an honorable warrior.

And not an exiled junior fighter.

In general, lower-level fighters are not without a place to turn over.

As long as the acquired performance is excellent, the combat effectiveness can return to the Saiyan nation, and there is no need to be exiled again.

Models like Kahn and Bardock are standard examples.

It’s just that Bakar has already followed Planet Vegeta into cosmic dust at this time.

But Kahn, a traverser, knows that Bardock is not really dead, and he has probably traveled back a thousand years.

It is precisely because of Bardock’s crossing that there is the legend of the Saiyan nation about the Golden Warrior Super Saiyan.

Then again.

Although Kahn left the border planet where he was exiled two years ago, he and Sophia have always maintained contact, otherwise Sophia would not have been able to find this place today in the first place when something happened to Planet Vegeta.


Those Saiyan warriors understood at a glance.

Immediately coaxed: “Hey, your name is Sophia? The great task of reviving the Saiyan nation is entrusted to you. ”


Sophia hadn’t reacted yet.

Vegeta gave a look, and she was carried by several Saiyan warriors, like a duck, and stuffed into the spaceship with Kahn.

Until this moment, Sophia was still confused.

“Lord Kahn, what are they doing?” Sophia asked with a blank look.

Kahn smiled, and then explained the plan he had discussed with Vegeta and the others to revive the Saiyan nation.

Listening to this, Sophia suddenly realized.

The little hand clutched the corner of the clothes, Sophia’s eyelashes drooped slightly, and said shyly: “Lord Kahn, if you don’t dislike my identity, Sophia is willing…”

From the time Kahn saved her from the landlord, Sophia identified Kahn.

Even if it was just a maid, she was willing to follow Kahn for the rest of her life.

Therefore, at the current moment when the Saiyan nation is almost extinct, she is naturally willing to give everything she has for Kahn.


In Sophia’s subconscious, the rabbit people to which she belonged were born cows and horses, and were used to serve those adults who were high and powerful.

Although since Kahn rescued her, he gave her enough respect and dignity.

But the genes accumulated by a race over the years are difficult to change.

“What identity?”

Kahn gently stroked Sophia’s little face and said, “I have never regarded you as a maid, and in my eyes, people have never been noble. ”

“It is not race and blood or identity that is valuable, but character and soul.”

“Lord Kahn…”

At this moment, Sophia truly let go of the innate humility and estrangement in her heart and opened her heart to Kahn.

For more than ten years, she has been deeply in love with this man who saved her from the landlord.

It’s just that because of her own ethnic blood and identity, Sophia has always buried this emotion deep in her heart and dare not show it.

But right now.

Hearing Kahn’s words, she didn’t have any worries.

The opportunity is in front of her and she won’t miss it!

This night.

Kahn and Sophia became real men and women.

After a night of fighting, Sophia was very tired.

It wasn’t until noon the next day that I woke up from sleep.


Vegeta and the others have already repaired and prepared to return to Frieza No. 79.

Seeing Kahn and Sophia disembark from their spaceship, Vegeta stepped forward and said to Sophia without hesitation: “Hey, Kahn has the heavy responsibility of reviving the Saiyan nation, he can’t be a woman alone, that speed is too slow.” ”

“I… I know, His Highness Vegeta. ”

Sophia was a little timid, but said with a happy face: “I am already very satisfied to be a woman of Lord Kahn, no matter how many women Lord Kahn has in the future, it doesn’t matter to me.” ”

“It’s pretty interesting.” A Saiyan warrior chuckled.

Vegeta also nodded, then looked at Kahn and asked, “Kahn, which planet are you going to go to?” ”


Kahn blurted out, “Earth is located outside the sphere of influence of the Frieza Army, and the human combat effectiveness of the Earth is generally low, and the technology is average, going there is the best choice.” ”


Earth is indeed Kahn’s best choice.

Not only because the earthlings are not high in combat effectiveness and low in science and technology, but more importantly, as a traverser, the appearance of the earthlings is more in line with Kahn’s aesthetics.

Kahn knows the dangers of the Dragon Ball world, so he has to hide on Earth.

Then become stronger with the help of its own multi-son and multi-blessing system, so that you can take your life and destiny into your own hands.

“Mom seems to have told me that Dad also sent Kakarot to a planet called Earth.”

Hearing the name Earth, Raditz, who held the back of his head in his hands, thought thoughtfully.

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