Chapter 31 Future time and space, you must catch him!

Future Time and Space, Ai Ji 759.

Above the western capital, an octopus-type time machine flashed out from the courtyard of the Universal Capsule Company.

Future Bulma, who was sitting on the second floor platform drinking ice and enjoying the sunshine, noticed this time machine for the first time.

“Time machine??”

Future Bulma seemed to realize something, and she quickly put down the ice drink in her hand and ran downstairs.


Bulma also came down from the time machine.


“Why is it still smoking.”

After coming down from the time machine, Bulma gasped for a while before relenting.

And as soon as Bulma looked up, she saw at a glance the future Bulma standing opposite her.

Compared to her, Bulma will obviously be more mature in the future.

“You… Is it another me?? ”

Bulma froze in place and muttered.

Although the future Bulma on the opposite side looked exactly like her, Bulma felt a relatively strange aura from her.

Future Bulma bowed her head and asked, “How old are you?” ”

“Sixteen, what’s wrong?” Bulma replied subconsciously.

“Then for you, it’s ten years now.”

“Huh? Didn’t I travel back in time? How is it to the future! ”

Bulma was dumbfounded.

She quickly boarded the time machine, and wanted to start the time machine again to travel through time.

“It’s useless.”

At this moment, the future Bulma on the ground said: “You are the first time to shuttle time after creating a time machine, then its function of shuttling time is not perfect, so there will be a disorder in the time you travel.” ”

“If you rush to shuttle time again, you don’t know when the shuttle will go next time, and when you run out of fuel, you won’t be able to go back.”

But even so.

The time machine created by Bulma has indeed traveled through time and space.


Bulma calmed down a little.

She said, why did there suddenly smoke in the cab just now, it turned out that the time she was shuttling was disordered.


Second floor platform.

Bulma also placed a cup of ice drink in front of her, listening to the future she said the current situation of future time and space, Bulma was stunned at once.

“Wouldn’t you? You in this time and space, there is no brother Kahn? ”

From the mouth of the future Bulma, there is no Kahn in the future time and space?

Speaking of Kahn, a flash of sadness flashed in the beautiful eyes of the future Bulma: “It’s not that there is nothing, but it suddenly disappeared, and I don’t know where to go.” ”

“How is it possible…”

Bulma blinked in disbelief.

How could a good big living person suddenly disappear out of thin air?

And then.

Future Bulma takes Bulma to the estate next door to the Universal Capsule Company.

This was the estate where Kahn lived.

Compared with the main time and space, the manor of the future time and space is empty and empty.

“A few years ago, Brother Kahn said that he went out and never came back, and then the women who lived here also left one after another.”

“Then I bought it.”

“I’m waiting, when Brother Kahn can come back, he can continue to live here.”

Speaking of which.

Future Bulma couldn’t help but blush.

She still vividly remembers the first time she came here to summon the dragon with Kahn when she was six years old.

That scene seemed to be vividly remembered.

Not to mention the future Bulma, Bulma herself is also a little touched.

It is not difficult for her to imagine the mood of Bulma in the future, if Kahn of one god’s time and space suddenly leaves, and then there is no news.

She will probably be like the future of her now.

“So, if you still like Brother Kahn, be sure to hold on to him while he is still there, and don’t repeat my mistakes.”

“I… I know! ”

Bulma nodded solemnly.

Looking at the future Bulma, who has already brought rain to the rain, Bulma’s mood at the moment is complicated.

She is both sad for her future and happy for herself.

Fortunately, Kahn, who is in the main space-time, is still on Earth.

The next moment, a look of determination flashed in Bulma’s blue-green eyes, “Then I… I’ll go back first! ”



Master space-time.

Bulma returned shortly after leaving in a time machine.

Compared to before leaving, Bulma’s mood was completely different at this time.

After parking the time machine, she was not in the mood to perfect the function of the time machine to travel through time, but rummaged through the entire laboratory and finally turned over the Dragon Ball radar that had been sealed for a long time.

After a little repair, the search function of the Dragon Ball radar was restored.

And then.

Taking advantage of the summer vacation, Bulma said hello to Dr. and Mrs. Brive and then rode her own maglev motorcycle to find the Dragon Ball.

“Bulma went out, she seems to have gone to find some Dragon Ball, and she doesn’t know when she will return.”

“Mr. Kahn, if you see her, be sure to tell her to be safe outside, and then go home early.”

A few days later, when Kahn visited Universal Capsules.

However, Mrs. Brive tells Bulma to go looking for the Dragon Balls.

“I see, Mrs. Brive, then I’ll go first.”

Coming out of the Universal Capsule Company, Kahn muttered, “Bulma actually went to find Dragon Ball, it seems that even with my interference factor, what should have happened will still happen.” ”

In other words, in the underworld, the plot of Dragon Ball is back on track.


What Kahn doesn’t know is that it is because of him that Bulma will go in search of Dragon Ball.

Many things on Earth have changed because of Him, but they have also returned to their original track because of Him.

Just thinking that in the original book Bulma will be taken advantage of by the old color of the turtle immortals on the way to find the Dragon Ball for the first time, Kahn can’t accept it.

However, Bulma’s breath is too weak, and it is also difficult to accurately find Bulma’s breath in the vast sea of people and many large creatures.

“Bun Mountain!”

After a little thought, Kahn had a clear direction.

That’s Bun Mountain!

After he summoned the divine dragon to make a wish, he found out the four planets afterwards and returned it to Sun Gohan.

After all, the four planets were borrowed by him from Sun Gohan, and he naturally had to return them after using them.

And if you follow the plot of the original book, Bulma first met the Monkey King and then the Turtle Immortal.

“Hopefully I’ll have time.”

A cold light flashed in Kahn’s eyes, if Bulma had been seen by the turtle immortal at this moment, he would have to tear the turtle immortal to pieces!



Kahn no longer dragged, and the Dancing Void Technique unfolded, sweeping towards Bun Mountain as fast as he could.


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