Chapter Thirty-Five Vegeta, whose strength skyrocketed, and Raditz, who regretted it

Di Di Di!

On the combat effectiveness detectors of Naba and Raditz, Vegeta’s combat strength value finally stopped at fifteen thousand.

“Hard… Unbelievable! ”

“His Highness Vegeta’s combat strength has actually increased directly by five thousand!”

Almost instantly, he increased his combat power by half, directly stunned Naba and Raditz.

What kind of method is this, they have never seen it before!

As the party concerned, Vegeta was also shocked, and this feeling of instant improvement in strength was really wonderful.

It’s just that

Vegeta still didn’t understand, how could his combat effectiveness suddenly increase by as much as half?

“This… How does this work? ”

Vegeta asked with a look of surprise and excitement.

Five thousand combat strength.

It is directly equivalent to the increase in combat effectiveness brought about by his fighting in the past few years.

How is Vegeta not excited?

Although he had just been pierced through the heart by Kahn’s energy beam, he had already stepped into the ghost door with half a foot.

But he’s not okay now.

And the combat effectiveness has also increased by five thousand.

Vegeta was not only uncalculating, he was even grateful.

“It’s simple.”

Kahn said lightly: “We Saiyans are born with a characteristic that other races do not have, that is, every time after recovering from death, the combat effectiveness will get a qualitative leap. ”

“And the stronger your own strength, the greater the increase in strength brought by each near-death recovery.”

“However, this characteristic is not always applicable, and it is no longer effective when the combat effectiveness reaches a certain level.”

Listen up.

The three of Vegeta call it magical!

Do they Saiyans even have this kind of strength increase after near-death recovery? If Kahn hadn’t told him, they would have been kept in the dark for the rest of their lives.

“There is even such a secret, we don’t even know it at all!” Naba exclaimed.

“Don’t talk about you, few people know about Planet Vegeta before it was destroyed.”

“Brother Kaen, let’s stop talking nonsense, go ahead!”

In order to continue to improve his combat effectiveness, Vegeta also temporarily put aside his arrogant self-esteem as a Saiyan prince and willingly called Kahn brother.

After all, this combat effectiveness is far from enough.

Don’t talk about Frieza.

Fifteen thousand combat power, in front of Dodoria and Saab, is a second-killed existence.

Therefore, he still has to continue to let Kahn help him improve his combat effectiveness!

As for the pain of drilling the heart when the heart is pierced, it is not worth mentioning in the face of the improvement of combat effectiveness!

“Haha, Your Highness Vegeta, you are also quite interesting, since you call me brother, then I will continue to help you improve your combat effectiveness.”

Kahn smiled heartily, and then another energy beam pierced straight through Vegeta’s heart!

Blood splattered, and Vegeta fell to the ground again.

Vegeta clutched his chest and said with a blank eye: “Quick… Kahngo… Give me that fairy bean! ”


Another fairy bean belly.

Di Di Di!

This time, Vegeta’s combat power soared directly from 15,000 to 32,000!

That’s more than doubled!

“This power… It’s really intoxicating! ”

Vegeta let out a long sigh of relief, according to this, a few more times, he is afraid that he can directly beat Frieza!

“Brother Kahn, come again!”


“Come again!”

And just like that, after a few back and forth.

Vegeta directly soared from the initial 10,000 combat strength to more than 700,000.


Due to the limited combat effectiveness value that the combat effectiveness detector can detect, Vegeta does not know what his specific combat strength value is now.

He only felt that with his current strength, it was completely enough to crush Frieza and shame on the Saiyan nation!

“Hahahaha, great!”

Vegeta clenched his fists, and there was an unprecedented confidence on his unruly face: “In this way, I can defeat Frieza!” ”

Kahn couldn’t help but shake his head.

Poor Vegeta, with a little power, expands infinitely.

This level of strength to find Frieza to single out is tantamount to shell lang into the toilet and looking for death!

Seeing Vegeta’s power skyrocketing, Naba and Raditz on the side couldn’t sit still, and they asked Kahn to also give them a set of Vegeta’s power enhancement package just now.

“My immortal bean is precious, you two will forget it.”

Kahn declined Naba and Raditz’s request.

The altar of immortal beans that he had asked for from the Karin Immortals was now left with a measly eight hundred, and he had to save some use.

“For… Why! ”

Naba said unwillingly: “Brother Kaen, although I am not as good as His Highness Vegeta, I am also an elite warrior!” ”

“How? Are you trying to steal the limelight from His Highness Vegeta? ”

Kahn’s words directly blocked Naba speechless.

It also made Vegeta float even more.

“Naba, I can defeat Frieza now, I don’t need you to improve my combat power as well!” Vegeta said confidently.

From a personal point of view.

Vegeta certainly wasn’t happy that Naba and Raditz had also raised their combat power to a level with him.

Otherwise, what majesty will he have in the future?


Raditz still expressed his dissatisfaction, “It stands to reason that you should improve my combat effectiveness as well, my mother but…”

Raditz’s current combat power is less than a thousand, and he was almost equivalent to a small transparent among the three of Vegeta and Naba.

Right now, Vegeta’s combat power has risen to a height that he can’t reach.

If he is still standing still, then he is really just a dispensable character.

“Raditz, compared to Naba, you are less qualified to waste my fairy beans.”

Kahn’s eyelids lifted lightly, and he said sarcastically: “You are from a superior warrior, how old is this year?” Has the combat effectiveness broken a thousand? And take your mother for something? I didn’t force you not to recognize me as a stepfather, it was your own choice, and I respect you. ”

“So now, you are not qualified to take your mother to negotiate terms with me.”

“Also, your younger brother Kakarot, who was born as a low-level warrior, his current combat effectiveness is only a pitifully low ten, but I am not afraid to tell you that his combat power will soon far surpass you.”

“You… I…! ”


The corners of Raditz’s mouth twitched slightly, and not a word popped out of his mouth.

Although but.

He actually regretted it a little now, if he had chosen to recognize Kahn as his stepfather, then his current situation would be completely different.

It’s a pity that life has not started again.

And even if he did it all over again, in the same situation back then, he still wouldn’t recognize Kahn, his stepfather.

“Admit it, Raditz.”

Naba comforted: “Don’t worry, isn’t there still me with you now?” Hahaha. ”

But unlike Raditz.

At least Naba wasn’t that uncomfortable, and Raditz was really uncomfortable.

Of course, all this is his own choice, and no one can complain.

If he had recognized Kahn as his stepfather, then Kahn would at least help him improve his combat effectiveness no matter what he said now.


ps: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!

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