Chapter 50 seems to have been bitten by a mosquito? Frieza Dao’s heart is broken!

Even sitting on a small island thousands of miles away from the western capital, the turtle immortals could still clearly sense Kahn’s terrifying aura that seemed to have no limits.

The feeling as if Kahn was right next to him was chilling.

“It’s good that I didn’t provoke him back then, otherwise my old life would have been unsafeguarded a long time ago.”

Now remembering the time when he fought with Kahn for a three-planet relationship, the turtle immortals still felt palpitations.


“Oh hehe, this is the legendary Super Saiyan who defeated the ancestor of this king?”

In the sky, Frieza smiled devilishly and said disdainfully: “It doesn’t look good.” ”

Although but.

Frieza’s heart is still relatively vigilant.

After all, he could detect an unprecedented dangerous aura from Kahn now, but it was not out of nowhere.

In this way, this so-called Super Saiyan who defeated his ancestor Zild does have some strength.


Kahn smiled and said, “I used this power against you, it belongs to killing chickens with a cow knife, but it doesn’t matter anymore, you destroyed Planet Vegeta on the grounds of Super Saiyans back then, and almost exterminated Saiyans.” ”

“Now, I will use Super Saiyans to avenge you with my own hands on behalf of the Saiyan nation.”

“Hmph, speak loudly!”

“Super Saiyan, this king has never been afraid!”

Frieza’s face suddenly became fierce.


Kahn sits firmly on a fish platform, and the wind is light.

Then he hooked his finger at Frieza and said defiantly: “Then you let the horse come, I frown and count me as losing.” ”

More than 80 million basic combat strength, after transforming into super one.

If calculated according to combat strength, Kahn’s current combat power has reached more than four billion, which is more than thirty of Frieza’s combat strength.

Not to mention Frieza, even if it is a complete body Sharu in the artificial man period, Kahn has the power of a war!


And that’s just super-one.

If trained, Kahn’s transformation into Super Two is only a matter of time.

In terms of talent and potential, he can definitely easily transform into a super second form.

Well… When Frieza’s solution was solved, Kahn was ready to impact the Super Two form.

After all, in the Dragon Ball world, the stronger the strength, the stronger the self-preservation ability.

“Arrogant and stupid wild monkey, this king will make you regret it.”

Perhaps for intuitive reasons, Frieza did not rush forward to attack.

I saw him sweeping higher in the air, his right hand raised high above his head.

A supernova bomb like the sun, burning with a roaring flame, instantly condensed and formed.

With the continuous infusion of Frieza’s energy, the volume of supernova bombs is also constantly rising to the storm.

In the blink of an eye, it skyrocketed to a diameter of 100 meters.

From the ground, it looks like a small sun, which makes the scalp numb.

After the supernova bomb condensation was completed, Frieza’s scarlet eyes flashed with coldness, and said coldly: “Mr. Kahn, this is the all-out blow of King Ben, I hope you don’t regret what you just said.” ”


Next moment.

Frieza swung his right hand violently, and the supernova bomb containing a huge amount of energy capable of easily destroying the earth fell like an asteroid!

That’s it.

Under the gaze of Frieza and Bulma and others on the ground, the entire wave of supernova bombs swallowed Kahn.

After a delay of a few seconds.


The supernova bomb exploded like an exploding nuclear bomb!

At the moment of the explosion, an indescribably terrifying shock wave swept out.

Under this shock wave, all the clouds in the sky were dispersed.

Even everything on the ground was greatly affected.

Buildings collapsed, mountain peaks were cut off, and towering trees in the forest were put down like wheat.

This was followed by a storm of energy like a sea of fire.

As the energy storm slowly rotated, even the space was in an extremely distorted state.

All this.

All highlight the terrifying power of Frieza’s supernova bomb.

Woo hoo~

The storm of energy generated by the supernova bomb lasted for a long time before gradually disappearing.

“Hmph, ignorant idiot.”

Frieza didn’t have to look, Kahn must have been bombed to the point where there was no slag left.

However, when Frieza’s gaze turned to Kahn’s position, ready to confirm Kahn’s situation.

“Nope… No way!! ”

Frieza’s pupils contracted abruptly, and his heart was shocked!

Because under the bombardment of his supernova bomb, which condensed all his strength, Kahn was still standing in mid-air, and he was undamaged!

Kahn patted the dust on his body and said, “It seems to have been bitten by a mosquito.” ”

It is not very hurtful and very insulting.


Frieza took a few steps back.

At this moment, Frieza could no longer hide the fear in his heart and stared at Kahn as if he were looking at a monster.

His all-out blow fell on Kahn, and it was only equivalent to being bitten by a mosquito ??

This moment.

Friesana’s self-confidence, which came from his own strength, was completely shattered!

Or rather.

His heart was broken.

His grand universe emperor Frieza, in front of Kahn, who is a Saiyan, is so vulnerable!?

“Well, that’s not the expression you should have, Frieza.”

Kahn sighed, “Where did your confidence go just now?” I still like the unruly look you just had. ”

“Nope! That’s impossible! ”

“How could King Ben lose to a wild monkey!”

Frieza couldn’t accept this cruel truth, his scarlet eyes were bloodshot, and he lost his mind for a while.

He swooped out and attacked Kahn again.

In a vain attempt to prove that Tafrieza is the strongest in the universe.

And yet….

Kahn wouldn’t give him another chance.


As Frieza rushed in, Kahn’s punch blasted out head-on, and the terrifying power directly penetrated Frieza’s body, forming a golden energy shockwave that pierced out from behind him.


With just one unpretentious punch, Frieza was seriously wounded and completely incapacitated.

“F… King Frieza! ”

See this scene.

The faith of Baileybulu, Kikono and the others on the ground collapsed at this moment, and their entire faces turned extremely white.

The smug expression of the original dog is gone, replaced by endless fear and despair!


Once Frieza is defeated, whether this group of them can leave the earth alive is still unknown.

“One move… It only took one trick! ”

“Is this the power of Super Saiyan? It’s amazing! ”


The three of Vegeta were also stunned.

Although they have absolute confidence, Kahn under Super Saiyan can definitely defeat Frieza.

But what they didn’t expect was that Frieza would be so powerless in the hands of Chaoyi Kahn.

The power of the Super Saiyans is far beyond Vegeta’s expectations.

It’s terrifying!

“One day, I’m going to become a Super Saiyan too!!” Shocked, Vegeta also secretly made up his mind.

With such a powerful Super Saiyan, it’s hard not to be thrilled by it!


ps: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!

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