Chapter 57 Legend Super Super Saikahn Explosion! Weiss’s concern


Under the sweep of this energy storm, the surface of Wampa Star was shattered like tofu.

The dark green light that bloomed above the energy storm rendered the entire world a relatively dim dark green. Long.

The energy storm finally slowly dissipated.

Under the gaze of Broly and Paragas, Direct Kahn slowly rose from the large pit left by the energy storm. Although he was slightly embarrassed, his aura was not affected in any way, and there was even an upward trend.

“Good, finally improved a lot.”

“Just a warm-up, the next is the real battle.”

As soon as the words fell, Kahn clenched his fists, and his dark and deep eyes suddenly froze.

“Drink one!”

A majestic sound came from Kahn’s mouth, and his breath began to skyrocket wildly at this moment.


The surrounding space, even the entire Wampa Star, seemed to be afraid of Kahn’s power, and it shook wildly.

Immediately afterwards, the pure white energy flame that originally lingered around Kahn’s body also turned into a dark green energy flame at this moment. As the jetted dark green energy flame rose, Kahn’s face had green tendons blooming, and even his pupils shrank by a point.

This also makes Kahn look a little hideous at this time. That’s right.

Through the fierce battle with Broly in front, Kahn finally entered angry form. That is, the humanoid giant ape form!

“Humanoid Great Ape?!”

Paragas’ pupils shrank again, how familiar he was to the humanoid giant ape!

So even though Kahn’s appearance has hardly changed at all, he can still see at a glance that Kahn has entered the humanoid giant ape 25 form!

In the nearly twenty years of Wampa, Broly was often unable to control his own power because he entered the humanoid giant ape form. If he hadn’t added an energy controller to Broly, I’m afraid he would have died in Broly’s hands a long time ago.

Kahn would even transform into a humanoid giant ape form, which Paragas did not expect. And…

Looking at Kahn’s calm appearance, it seems that he has not lost control of his own power by entering the humanoid giant ape form, and thus enters a violent state that only knows killing and destruction.


Paragath couldn’t figure out why Kahn, who had entered the humanoid giant ape form, hadn’t entered a violent state. As a matter of fact.

It was Kahn’s original fusion of Saiyan royal bloodline that came into play.

The Saiyan royal bloodline will not lose their minds and enter a violent state because they transform into the form of a giant ape. Kahn naturally knew this, too.

Otherwise, he would not have rushed into the angry form of the humanoid giant ape.

“Really strong!”

After entering the angry form, Kahn’s current combat effectiveness may have to be calculated in Beijing, and the previous number will not be low.

“Okay, Broly, let’s start the second round.”

The words fell.

Kahn stomped sharply on his big foot.

With a shocking sonic boom, Kahn’s figure instantly disappeared in place. Bang!

Next breath.

A heavy muffled sound sounded, and before Broly could react, he was punched hard in the chest by Kahn.


A mournful scream came from Broly’s mouth, and his entire face became distorted. Even the pupils are a little bulged.

This punch crushed by absolute power, even Broly, who had thick skin, was beaten breathlessly. Bang bang!

Next. The lifting begins.

Under the absolute power of Kahn’s furious form, Broly completely lost the power to fight back.


Under Kahn’s violent beating, the growing Broly finally entered the angry form. Merely…

At this time, Kahn has gradually adapted to the rising terrifying power of the angry form, and Broly, who is still in the adaptation stage, is still not Kahn’s opponent.

But over time, Broly also gradually adapted to the power of the angry form. And at this time.

The fierce battle between the entire Wampa Star and Broly in Kahn and Broly has become shaky.


Seeing that the battle situation was still deadlocked, Paragas had already begun to worry.

He was afraid that if he continued like this, the entire Wampa Star would be destroyed by Kahn and Broly.

And Paragas knows very well how terrifying Broly, who has completely lost control, really is.

Now Kahn is still restraining Broly, and if Broly frees his hand, he will cause endless destruction! But.

Right now, there is a chance to leave Wampa, and Paragas doesn’t want to miss it just like that. So.

Paragath could only choose to continue observing, and once the situation was space-time-spatial, he would use the energy controller to calm Broly.


As Broly has completely mastered the power of the Fury Form, the battle with Kahn has officially entered a white-hot phase.

And through this period of growth, the combat effectiveness of Kahn and Broly has both broken through the shackles of Jing, just like stepping into the stage of the battle!


Kahn’s fight with Broly was also extremely brutal.

The two either take a fist-to-flesh violent confrontation, or energy and air bombardment. But overall, Kahn held some initiative.

After all, compared to Broly, who has lost his mind, Kahn, who obviously maintains his sanity and perfectly controls his anger form, has an advantage.

And in terms of combat skills and experience, Broly is also inferior to Kahn.

Under the premise that the difference in strength is not much, the advantages of combat experience and skills are reflected. At a certain moment.

After another furious confrontation, Kahn and Broly both stepped back some distance.

Although the angry Broly lost his mind, he could obviously feel that he wanted to defeat Kahn, and he was afraid that there would be a hundred million certain difficulties.

Kahn also knew in his heart that it would not be easy for him to win Broly without using killing moves.


Today’s battle against Broly should be the fiercest and most exciting battle he has ever had. The battle with strong enemies also made Kahn’s fighting spirit reach an unprecedented height.

“It should be almost.”

Feeling the blood that had already boiled in his body, the corners of Kahn’s mouth raised slightly. The angry form is indeed strong, but Kahn is obviously not satisfied with it.

The important thing is that he has also felt it. I felt an opportunity to push the limits.

“Let’s go for it!”

While the state is hot now, Kahn directly strikes the iron while it is hot.

Clenching his fists again, Kahn immediately mobilized the monstrous furious energy in his body to gather on his back.


When Kahn’s heavy voice resounded again, it directly shook the earth!

“This… This is…”

Paragas looked terrified and took a few steps back. Suddenly, he was unstable, and he slumped on the ground.

Even Broly was shocked, and when he looked at Kahn’s eyes again, a fear from the depths of his heart welled up in his heart.


When Kahn’s aura soared geometrically again, a dark green pillar of energy light rose from the depths of the earth, shrouding Kahn in it.

The sky is dark, the earth shakes, and magma erupts.

The whole world is rendered a desperately fiery red.

Coupled with that dark green pillar of energy that rose up from the depths of the earth and seemed to run through the sky. All this seems to outline a picture of the end times.

It was also at this time that Kahn’s qi completely surpassed Broly, and it continued to skyrocket as if there was no limit! In the dark green energy pillar of light.

Kahn’s pupils are gradually disappearing, and the black hair is also turning blonde at a speed visible to the naked eye. Ultimately.

When Kahn’s aura reached a new peak, his black hair turned completely blonde.

Kahn’s pupil, which had shrunk to the size of a pinhole and was about to disappear, finally recovered at the last moment.

Once the pupils disappear, it means that Kahn has also lost his mind because he cannot control the unspeakable terrifying power of the super-bloodline, and has become a monster who only knows endless killing.

But fortunately, with the blessing of the royal bloodline, coupled with Kahn’s tenacious willpower, he firmly controlled this soaring power.


Under the gaze of Paragas and Broly, the dark green pillar of energy that straddled between heaven and earth rapidly contracted with Kahn as the central point.

When the last ray of energy submerged into Kahn’s body, Kahn’s infinitely high qi finally stabilized.

“Kim… Blond? Could it be…”

“Legendary Golden Warrior, Super Saiyan?!”

Paragas’ pupils contracted, and a monstrous wave was already set off in his heart, and he was shocked beyond belief.

As an older generation of Saiyan, how could Paragas not know about Super Saiyan? The legendary Super Saiyan is exactly a blonde hair and golden aura.


What lingered around Kahn’s body at this moment 483 was not a golden aura, but a dark green energy aura that symbolized the transmission of the bloodline. Meanwhile.

Destroying the God Realm, Beerus Star.

Ves sat by the lake, and right in front of him there was a curtain of light cast by the angelic staff. In the light curtain, it was Kahn who transformed into the Super Bloodline Super Race form.

Just now, Kahn’s transformation into a super bloodline super race, even he who was far away in the destruction god realm felt it. So driven by curiosity, Weiss summoned the angelic staff to take a look.


Weis’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with interest: “If you read it right, this is a Saiyan, it is incredible that a nation ruled by Frieza can appear such a powerful warrior.” ”

Compared to the angels and the gods of destruction, Kahn’s power is still slightly weaker.

But among the human beings in the universe, Kahn’s current strength also belongs to the ranks of the ceiling. And it’s not just Kahn.

Although Broly’s strength was not as good as Kahn’s, Ves could see that the Saiyan bloodline of the two men was the same. Other words.

Broly also has the potential to grow to the same level as Kahn. Wampacin.

“Made, this force is indeed strong, but it is really a bit reluctant to control it perfectly.”

Feeling the terrifying force in his body that was almost out of control, Kahn couldn’t help but feel a little worried while excited. Speaking up.

After all, this was also the first time he transformed into the Super Race form of the Super Bloodline.

It’s already good to be able to barely control this soaring furious energy without losing your mind. Kahn wasn’t a crazy man like Broly, after all.

Broly can worry about whether he can control his power, but Kahn needs to think about it.

No matter how strong you are, once you lose your mind, it is no different from a beast. This state is extremely undesirable.

At least not what Kahn wanted.

“Not playing with you, Broly.”

Immediately, Kahn’s eyes were cold, today’s battle, let’s stop here. PS: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!。

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