Chapter 66 You dare to move her to try! Breakthrough, pass super two!


At the same time, above the dark green energy flame that lingered around Kahn’s body, another red energy flame like a flame erupted.


The space of the universe was also violently shaken under Kahn’s terrifying aura that had skyrocketed tenfold! It was as if the entire sixth universe was crumbling.

The end is terrifying!

“What is this move? Why did this kid’s strength suddenly skyrocket tenfold?? ”

Xiangpa muttered inwardly.

Although but.

In Elephant Pa’s view, it doesn’t matter anymore.

Anyway, no matter how Kahn struggles, human beings are human beings after all, and no matter how strong the strength of human beings is, it is impossible to compete with the God of Destruction.

“Mr. Kahn even has such hole cards.”

On the other side, Bardos’s beautiful eyes were slightly raised, and Kahn suddenly burst out a full ten times more powerful, which also made Bardos look sideways.

“That, Miss Bardos, I heard Brother Kahn just say, what kind of elephant Pa of yours has violated the law!”

“You can’t stop it!”

Although, Sophia no longer wants this battle to continue.

It’s not that she doesn’t believe in Kahn’s strength, but she’s never seen Kahn working so hard. For Sophia, Super Dragon Ball is nowhere near as important as her Kahn brother.

“I know that Lord Xiangpa has broken his word, but interrupting them now, I think neither Lord Xiangpai nor Mr. Kahn will be happy.”

Bardos said: “I will strike before the situation gets out of control. ”

She won’t get involved in a duel between Kahn and Elephant Pa, but she must not watch the sixth universe be destroyed because of the battle between Kahn and Elephant Pa.

Ensuring the safety of the universe is also one of the duties of the guide angels.

“Elephant Pa!”

“Since you can’t afford to lose, then I will accompany you to the end!”

Xiangpa can’t afford to lose? Then hit until you serve!

Kahn’s toes tapped the void, carrying a red and green tail flame sweeping out.

Kahn was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared ghostly in front of Xiangpa.

The fist wrapped in dark green and red energy flames pierced through the void and smashed down angrily with the momentum of Mount Tai! Unhurried, a paw poked out and aimed at Kahn’s chest.

Before Kahn’s attack came, two fluttering words spat out of his mouth: “Destruction.” ”

When he heard these two words from Xiangpa’s mouth, Kahn’s pupils shrank sharply!


A violent explosion caused by the destructive energy then erupted, and even Kahn, who had opened the tenfold realm king fist, was still blasted off on the spot!

When Kahn stabilized his figure, he saw that on his chest, there was a scorched mark left by the bombing. Not only that.

The “destruction” derived from the self-extreme skill of Xiangpa’s move just now also caused great injury to Kahn!

“This is… Destroying God’s power? ”

Kahn covered his chest, his face was hideous, and his eyes were gloomy.

“If I hadn’t opened the Tenfold Realm King Fist, I’m afraid I would have been lying down by now…”

Now thinking back to the move of Xiangpa’s “destruction” just now, Kahn still has palpitations.

If it weren’t for the fact that his strength had skyrocketed a lot compared to the beginning, he had also opened the King Fist of the Realm, coupled with the strong physical quality of the Transmission Bloodline.

I’m afraid that now he has been destroyed by Xiangpa.

Kahn can now finally understand the feeling of Vegeta being “destroyed” by Beerus in the original book. Right now.

Kahn finally learned for himself how powerful these gods who ruled the universe really were.

It’s just that the bottom of the twelve universe destroying gods is like Pashan, so what about Beerus, who can be called the strongest destroying god? What about angels whose strength is far above the God of Destruction?

Not to mention that at the top, there are the fathers of the angels, the Great Priest, and the Supreme God of the universe, the King! However, if you retreat when you encounter a little difficulty, that is not Kahn’s character. How strong are you like Pa? Lao Tzu is as fearless!

You can beat me, but I will never throw in the towel!

“You’re not bad, you can carry it.”

After a slight surprise, Xiangpa, who finally won back a round, said proudly: “As I said just now, no matter how strong the strength of human beings is, they are just as ants in front of the God of Destruction!” ”

Kahn shrugged his shoulders and said disapprovingly: “It is undeniable that the God of Destruction is indeed very strong, but this does not include you dead fat cat”

“Human ants, Uncle Ben is going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!”

Xiangpa’s eyes were cold, and then his claws poked out again, aiming at Kahn from a distance.



Another explosion of destructive energy that was no less powerful than just now, under this explosion of destructive energy, the space in which Ka Nin was located was blown out of a big hole!

“Hmph, this is the end of angering Uncle Ben!”

You don’t need to look at Kahn to know that Kahn is now at least a serious injury. However…

Before Xiangpa could be proud, a cold, somewhat playful voice sounded from behind him.

“What are you proud of? I wouldn’t hit the same move twice. ”

When Kahn’s words sounded, a coolness came in!

“You guy, when…”


Before Xiangpa’s words fell, a heavy blow from Kahn’s full strength landed the back of Xiangpa’s neck. After being hit by this blow, even the elephant Pa in the state of the God of Destruction was knocked away on the spot!

Kahn’s blow that gathered the strength of his whole body, even Xiangpa, could not adjust for a short time.

And when Xiangpa steadied his figure and just came back to his senses, Kahn’s figure followed like a tarsal trick. With a raised leg, he threw it towards Xiangpa’s face.

“You’re a little carried away, human ant!”

The elephant pa, who had already adjusted, blocked his arm, and then punched out head-on! But.

Xiangpa’s punch fell in front of Kahn, who had been prepared for a long time.

Kahn stepped back some distance and looked at the elephant pa, which was barely affected, his brows gradually furrowed.

“Unexpectedly… It’s okay?! ”

Kahn felt a wave of horror in his heart.

After some previous battles, Kahn has found out the weak point of the elephant pa, that is, the back of the neck!

So just now, he used unlimited teleportation to teleport behind Xiangpa, and used all his strength to give Xiangpa’s weak point a fatal blow.


Looking like Pa’s current appearance, it doesn’t look like a fatal blow to his weakness at all. Then there is only one explanation.

Even with the blessing of the Tenfold Realm King Fist, Kahn’s strength is very different from the strength of Xiangpa, who is in the state of the God of Destruction! The world of Dragon Ball, after all, is a world where power is king.

In the face of absolute strength crushing, all moves are bells and whistles!

This is the main reason why Xiangpa’s weakness has been fatally struck, but he is still like a nobody. Merely.

“I’m not entirely at a disadvantage right now, at least in terms of physical strength and speed!”


Kahn’s power may have been crushed by the elephant Pa in the state of the God of Destruction, but the elephant Pa’s physical strength and speed were hard injuries. Under the premise that the gap in strength is too large, we should take advantage of our strengths and avoid our weaknesses.

It should not be confronted head-on with the elephant pad.

As long as he drags until Xiangpa’s physical strength is exhausted, then he can take Xiangpa without much effort.

With a clear battle plan in mind, Kahn swept out again, pretending to attack Pa.

“I don’t know if I’m alive or dead!”

Seeing that Kahn also dared to take the initiative to attack, Xiangpa smiled disdainfully. A punch carrying destructive energy blasted out again!

Just when Xiangpa’s fist was about to fall on Kahn’s body, I saw Kahn’s figure move, and the trajectory of his action suddenly changed. This also led to the failure of the attack on Elephant Pa again.

“Hmph, where to run!”

Xiangpa, who had already killed his heart, directly rose up in pursuit.

After a round of fierce attacks, Xiangpa later realized that Kahn did not intend to confront him head-on, he was consuming his physical strength!

When he realized this, the little physical strength that Pana had left was completely consumed.

“It’s a little late to find out now.”

Looking at the panting, breathless elephant pa, Kahn couldn’t help but smile.

“Late? It’s not too late at all! ”

“Keep your eyes open and look at it, what is the power of destroying God!”

Although there is little physical strength left, in Xiangpa’s opinion, it is completely enough. The words fell.

Xiangpa’s right hand was raised high above his head, and the purple-black destructive energy continued to converge between his palms, and a bomb that exuded destructive fluctuations and contained extremely terrifying destructive energy quickly condensed into shape!

Seeing this, Kahn’s brows also frowned.

“Although I can’t use my full strength, it’s enough to defeat you.”

“Give me death, human ant!”

Click! Click!

When the destructive energy bomb swept out from the palm of Xiangpa, the space around Kahn began to collapse inch by inch, forming a spatial cage, completely blocking all of Kahn’s retreats!

“I’m not going to wait for death…”

Realizing that there was no way to retreat, Kahn also mobilized all the energy in his body, and then shook it with his right hand. The originally pitch-black space began to switch colors.

When the color of the space returned to normal, a dark green energy bomb that condensed all of Kahn’s power had been condensed.

Immediately, without the slightest delay, Kahn pushed forward sharply with his right hand.


When the dark green energy projectile swept out, it suddenly exploded in the wind. A second later.

The energy bombs under the full strength of both sides met under the gaze of four pairs of eyes like this! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the midst of the furious thunder dance, Kahn’s dark green energy bullet and Xiangpa’s destructive energy bomb began to erode each other.

After consuming half of the energy, Xiangpa’s destructive energy bomb finally completely devoured the energy bomb under Kahn’s full strength! Subsequently.

The remaining energy of the destruction energy bomb went unabated, and fell straight towards the space where Kahn was.


A second later, a shocking explosion affected the space within a radius of hundreds of millions of light years. All galaxies in hundreds of millions of light-years are disappearing in an instant!

This terrifying scene, Sophia on the other side couldn’t help but gasp.

“Brother Kahn!”

At this moment, Sophia could no longer control her inner emotions and shouted out in a lost voice.

Realizing that Kahn was most likely wiped out in this destructive energy explosion, a line of tears of grief burst out uncontrollably.

“Miss Bardos, please… Please, save my brother Kahn! ”

Sophia’s eyes were red, pear blossoms brought rain, and she asked Bardos for help with grief. Bardos gently patted Sophia’s shoulder and soothed, “Miss Sophia, please don’t worry, Mr. Kahn… He’s not dead yet. ”


Bardos could feel Kahn’s breath, he wasn’t dead.

Xiangpa’s physical strength was already about to be exhausted, and the destructive energy bomb he had condensed just now was not full strength. In addition, half of the energy was consumed by Kahn’s energy bomb.


The remaining destructive energy may be able to severely damage Kahn, but it is still a little reluctant to completely kill Kahn.

“Really… Are you sure?! ”

Hearing that Kahn was not dead, Sophia hurriedly looked at the light curtain again. I saw that in the light curtain, the storm of destructive energy gradually dispersed, leaving an extremely wide and shocking war relic in that cosmic space. Subsequently.

The tattered, scarred, and extremely embarrassed Kahn appeared in the light curtain. Although Kahn survived, Sophia still felt extremely distressed.

For the first time in more than thirty years, she had seen Kahn look so embarrassed.

“It’s so ruthless…”

Kahn, who had returned to normal, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the feeling of weakness from the depths of his body made him almost unable to open his eyelids. Falling into this field, Kahn did not blame anyone.

In the end, his real 1.4 force is not strong enough. In the world of Dragon Ball, weakness is original sin.

If his strength had far surpassed that of Xiangpa, it might have been time for a different situation today. At this time.

Although Xiangpa’s physical strength is exhausted, it is obviously much better than Kahn, who has lost the power to fight again under serious injuries. If nothing else, today’s battle, after all, he won.

“Hey, now you know how powerful the God of Destruction is!”

Elephant Pa swept in front of Kahn and said triumphantly.

Immediately, Xiangpa’s claws poked out again, and a purple-black gas bomb condensed again, and said murderously: “A lowly human being, dare to insult Uncle Ben again and again, not killing you, it is difficult to vent the hatred in my heart!” ”

“Don’t worry, when you die, Uncle Ben will send your little girlfriend on the road with you!”

“What did you say?”

Kahn slowly raised his originally low-hanging head, and his eyes full of fierce killing intent and burning with fury made Xiangpadu couldn’t help but shiver.


Elephant Pa quickly calmed down again, a dying man, nothing to fear.

“I said, send your little girlfriend on the road with you!”

How could a god of destruction be frightened by a badly wounded Kahn?

“You dare to move her to try!”


There seemed to be a beast-like roar, and a monstrous dark green energy aura burst out from Ka Shinobu’s body without warning!

Kahn’s originally withered aura to the extreme surpassed his previous peak state in an instant! Now.

The entire sixth universe was violently turbulent again!……..

PS: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!。

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