Chapter 68 Come out, Divine Dragon, grant my wish!

As an angel, Bardos needs to maintain an absolutely neutral position.

Today, she rescued Xiangpa from Kahn, for the sake of hundreds of millions of years of working together.

Elephant Pa also dared to lose his stinky temper here, and if he really annoyed Kahn and insisted on killing him, Bardos could not stop it. So.

Isn’t this making things difficult for her? Who does Bardos not stare at?

It really annoyed Bardos, she could leave things alone here, and when the time came, whether Elephant Pa was dead or alive, it would have nothing to do with her.

“Bardos, today I will give you face and let him go, but I have a request.”

Kahn said.

Since Bardos has come forward, Kahn is not good not to give her face. After all, maybe there will be an intersection with Bardos in the future.

It’s just that Kahn is also a little unable to swallow today’s breath, and it’s okay to put a dog life like Pa for the time being, but he also has additional conditions!

“Mr. Kahn, please.”

Bardos waved his hand.

Kahn’s gaze fell on Xiangpa, and he said: “I will let him go today, on the premise that you cannot help him treat his injuries and let him recover on his own.” ”

With his current injury, he won’t lie in bed for a few months, don’t try to get better.

“No problem, I promise you.”

Bardos answered.

Through the observation just now, Bardos can also be regarded as seeing that Kahn is also a person with a heart, and it is obviously impossible for him to completely swallow today’s evil breath.

Kahn didn’t let her treat Xiangpa’s injuries, perhaps because he wanted to vent himself.


Kahn suddenly remembered something,

“Bardos, I have one more thing I want to ask you for a small favor after a while, I don’t know…”

Bardos smiled gently and said, “It’s no problem if you are a little favored, then Mr. Kahn, you just need to call my name, and my staff can receive it.” ”

“Then thank Miss Bardos in advance.”

Kahn seemed to be a commercial blow, but in fact pointed to Sang Huai: “Miss Bardos is an angel with a big heart, and she is not so narrow-minded and chicken-like like a dead fat cat.” ”


Bombarded by Bardos and Kahn, Xiangpa was so angry on the spot that he sprayed another mouthful of old blood. Fuck!

You two are targeting, right?

“Mr. Kahn is wrong, if there is nothing else, we will leave first.”

Immediately, Bardos tapped the angelic staff and left with the elephant pal turned into a colorful rainbow. Like Paxing.

The embarrassed elephant pa slumped in his chair, and the fist mark on his chest that was deeply sunk into his body caused Xiangpa’s teeth to grin in pain.

“Bardos, why don’t you heal my injuries for me, I can still fight that kid for three hundred rounds!”

Although Xiangpa admitted when he was at the scene just now, he was still very unconvinced.

If he does not find the field, he is afraid that he will be nailed to the pillar of shame of destroying the god in the future, and he will be laughed at for ten thousand years. Thinking that Beerus was very likely to mock him about this in the future, Xiangpa’s blood pressure suddenly rose.

“Lord Xiangpa, if you still want to go to Mr. Kahn to fight now, I will not stop you.”

“As for your injuries, then you need to figure it out yourself.”

Bardos said with a big smile.

But Xiangpa could feel a biting chill in Bardos’s tone.

Bardos didn’t know why Pa, who had lived for hundreds of millions of years, was still like a child. If Kahn doesn’t kill you today, you can steal the fun, and think about going to someone to fight.

After all these years of serving Xiangpa, she was really tired.

Not only did she have to worry about Xiangpa’s diet, but even his safety today, how could she be such a guide angel in the sixth universe.

Just like Pa’s nature, one day when he recovered from his injuries and went to find Kahn to fight and was killed, Bardos would not feel the slightest surprise. In contrast, Kahn was much better than Xiangpa, both in terms of belly and in terms of people.

There really is no harm without contrast.

What if the god of destruction she served was Kahn?…..

“Brother Kahn, how are you feeling? You okay! ”

Sophia carefully checked Kahn’s physical condition up and down, and said with a distressed face. She had never seen Kahn so embarrassed.

Kahn smiled and shook his head,

“It’s no big deal.”

If he hadn’t finally broken through the limit and successfully transformed into the second form of Chuanchao, his current physical condition would definitely not be optimistic. But now.

It is much better to have energy replenishment, at least compared to Xiangpa, who has lost half a life.

“Next time you don’t try so hard, I’m afraid!”

Sophia hugged Kahn tightly, even if she really lost Kahn one day. If there really is such a day, then there is no point in her living in the world.

Kahn smiled helplessly.

He doesn’t want to work hard, but sometimes he can’t do it without desperately.

Instead of becoming a fish on a sticky board to be slaughtered, it is better to give it a go.

And through the battle with Xiangpa, Kahn also deeply realized how terrifying the power of destroying God is.

However, today is not without gains, at least in the second form of Chuanchao, he has truly possessed the strength of the God of Destruction level, and he has also obtained two super dragon balls.

In this way, as long as you find the remaining Super Dragon Ball in the sixth universe, plus the nameless star at the boundary between the sixth and seventh universes, the seven Super Dragon Balls will be found.

“Okay, silly girl, don’t cry.”

“Let’s go find a planet to rest first.”

After calming Sophia’s emotions, Kahn did not stay here too much, and left the universe with Sophia and five super dragon balls.

After resting for ten days and a half for a planet, Kahn and Sophia restarted their journey to find Super Dragon Ball. So.

Kahn and Sophia searched for more than a month in the sixth universe, and finally found the last super dragon ball hidden in the sixth universe.

The sixth and seventh cosmic boundaries.


As Kahn’s aerial bomb topples the surface of the nameless star, the last Super Dragon Ball slowly emerges. So far.

After more than half a year, Kahn and Sophia successfully found seven Super Dragon Balls.


Looking at the seven golden super dragon balls in the space ahead, Sophia was excited and relieved: “It’s not easy, brother Kahn!” ”

If you are looking for Earth Dragon Ball, how can you use so much effort? Right now.

It depends on whether this super divine dragon is worth the efforts of the two of them for more than half a year. Kahn also smiled with relief.

If it weren’t for the Super Dragon Ball radar, they would have to find the Year of the Monkey to find the seven Super Dragon Balls?

“Brother Kahn, quickly summon the Super Divine Dragon!”

Sophia couldn’t wait.

“No rush, we still have to come with a wave of off-site support.”

Whether it’s summoning a super dragon or making a wish to a super dragon, you have to use the language of God. Kahn won’t, so he’ll have to call in a wave of off-site support.


Kahn cleared his throat, then shouted into the void, “Bardos, can you hear me!” ”

After calling back and forth like this several times, Bardos’s breathtaking ethereal royal sister’s voice finally came slowly from the void: “I heard it, Mr. Kahn, please speak.” ”

After getting Bardos’s response, Kahn also said his purpose concisely.

Bardos was slightly surprised: “Oh? Mr. Kahn, you actually found the remaining two Super Wishing Beads so quickly? Wait a minute, I’ll go over now. ”

About an hour later.

Bardos finally rushed over as quickly as he could.

“I actually found seven super wishing beads…”

The seven Super Dragon Balls were reflected in Bardos’s beautiful eyes, and he said a little incredulously: “Mr. Kahn, how did you do it?” It took less than two months to find the remaining two Super Wishing Beads. ”

Kahn smiled and said, “These are no longer important, let’s summon the super dragon first.” ”

“So what do I do?”

A big question mark popped up on Bardos’s pretty face.

Regarding Super Dragon Ball, she only knows that she can summon Super Divine Dragon and fulfill any wish by finding all seven, but as for how to summon Super Divine Dragon, then she really doesn’t know very well.

“You will know the Word of God.”

Kahn asked.

Bardos bowed her head, and if the Word of God, as an angel, she would definitely do.

“That’s good.”

Kahn smiled,

“It’s actually very simple, Miss Bardos, you shout to the seven super dragon balls in the language of God: Come out, Dragon of God, grant your wish, I will send this summoning spell.”

Bardos pondered a little and asked, “I can still understand it earlier, but what does this “I want to send” mean?” There doesn’t seem to be such a word in the Word of God. ”

“It’s okay, there is no such sentence in the Word of God, you can just say it normally.”

“Is that so? Then I’ll try it. ”

So, Bardos organized the language of the gods in his heart, and then shouted to the seven super dragon balls in the space in front of him: “Come out, dragon of the gods, fulfill your wishes…”

“I want to send it!”

PS: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!。

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